Customizing the FCKeditor Tool Bar in ColdFusion - CFTextArea (Plus 4 Associated Articles) ColdFusion's CFTextArea form element uses the FCKeditor Tool Bar and can be modified in two ways, which we will discuss here. Tue, 05 Mar 2013 07:47:42 PST en-us Customizing the FCKeditor Tool Bar in ColdFusion - CFTextArea Tue, 05 Mar 2013 07:47:42 PST Alexa Toolbar - The Ultimate Internet Tool There are numerous tools available on the Internet to assist online businesses. A valuable tool that you should use is the Alexa Toolbar. Even better, this tool is free. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:37 PST Resizing Images in ColdFusion It is important to be able to resize uploaded images to required specifications. This functionality is available in ColdFusion using the cfimage tag. Thu, 12 Nov 2009 03:37:22 PST The Red Herring that is Google Pagerank Google likes to offer all kinds of neat little tips and clues regarding how it views sites. Google PageRank is one such tool, but with questionable value. Sun, 24 May 2009 02:08:07 PST ColdFusion - CFTRANSACTION and Failed Inserts Due To Heavy Use I was getting primary key violations, even though I was using cftransaction around the select max(id) and the insert sql statements, due to heavy application use - it is a counter used for statistical data for the entire heavily used application. Tue, 14 Sep 2010 06:11:33 PST