Are Gamma Ray Bursts a Reflection of New Galaxies Being Created? (Plus 10 Associated Articles) What are gamma ray bursts? The biggest explosion we can measure, no doubt. Mon, 12 Dec 2011 12:35:43 PST en-us Are Gamma Ray Bursts a Reflection of New Galaxies Being Created? Mon, 12 Dec 2011 12:35:43 PST Web 3.0 and the Evolution of Language Definitions for terms like Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 are constantly changing and not set, and the idea of coming up with new terms for existing ideas is how language evolves. Other popular terms like Ajax, which in my view is just a newer term for dynamic front end, have existed for many years and are really just new, simplified or popular terms for existing ideas. Sun, 26 May 2013 07:09:29 PST Teo's Favorite Quotes from Plato and Others I loved Plato's writings in my youth and have collected a few of my favorite quotes from these here, along with some ideas on how to apply them. I have also included a few other favorite quotes from Einstein, Mark Twain, and just one from George Bernard Shaw. Thu, 11 Feb 2010 11:15:29 PST Playing Volleyball In A Public Park Parents can find many interesting ways to occupy their energetic youngsters. Playing volleyball in a public park is an option that most youngsters enjoy. Some might not know all the rules of the game, but will enjoy learning how to serve the ball and enjoy the feeling that they get when they finally are able to serve the volleyball properly over the net.Playing volleyball in a public park allows parents to enjoy some of the benefits that their tax dollars create and pay f... Sun, 08 Aug 2010 07:49:44 PST 2012 and the Mayan Calendar The Myan calendar predicts a 25,625 year cycle called the precession of the equinoxes - it is actually 5,125 years and represents a subcycle of this 26k+ year greater cycle. I found some good information at these links. Mon, 13 Jun 2011 05:02:04 PST Enrich Your Baby’s Mind During Bath Every moment is a possible opportunity for learning. When it’s play time, there are endless possibilities for you to help your baby enrich his mind with toys and games that will hone a variety of skills. But even though it’s just down time or you’re engaged in another activity, let’s say, like taking a bath, it still holds vast opportunities for his mind to be stimulated. So how do you enrich your mind during bath time?First off, before undressing your child for the b... Thu, 25 Nov 2010 12:36:46 PST Now White on the Samsung Galaxy Note Should we call Samsung Galaxy Note an oversized phone or an improved tablet? Whatever you like to call, but now it is out with white hue. Apart from milky white marvelous casing, all is same with device. However, colors do matter when you want to show your styles. Thu, 09 Feb 2012 11:05:35 PST Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 Successor of Galaxy Tab A new tablet PC by Samsung is in limelight which will definitely attract a large number of users. It is The Galaxy Tab 2 10.1, which replaces the original Galaxy Tab because of the reason that both have screens with identical sizes. Sat, 03 Mar 2012 04:01:48 PST Best Smartphone of the years sold 2 millions of Samsung Galaxy Notes by 2012 With a great success of the last year sale of 10 million Galaxy phones in 5 months can give way to sell 10 million Galaxy Notes by the end of this year. 2 million of sale has been already recorded. Mon, 05 Mar 2012 02:44:58 PST The Reasonable Samsung Galaxy Beam Smartphone Samsung new gadget called Galaxy Beam would go to bombard the market due to its extra amazing feature such as Projector. Wed, 07 Mar 2012 04:51:33 PST Samsung Galaxy Note Attractive And Best Technology The Samsung Galaxy Note is an exclusive handset launched by the Samsung. Its extra big size and size have cashed lots of fame. Wed, 21 Mar 2012 03:59:27 PST