The Ten-Workshop Road to Better Investment Performance --- Yeah, They're FREE! (Plus 10 Associated Articles) Most investors jump into their investment programs without a clear understanding of the process, the securities, or the risks involved in the effort. Few hold valid expectations, and most choose to ignore the cyclical nature of the investment marketplace. This poor preparation is an endemic problem of our society, made profitable by Wall Street, for Wall Street. Thu, 18 Oct 2012 12:53:33 PST en-us The Ten-Workshop Road to Better Investment Performance --- Yeah, They're FREE! Thu, 18 Oct 2012 12:53:33 PST Milking Your Book Ideas For All They’re Worth As I was working on the mss for my new book about nine months ago it occurred to me that there might be another book lurking right there in the text… Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:10 PST Help for Baby Boomers Much talk has been made of the looming retirement of "Baby Boomers." Most recent there has been several articles written in various media concerning their use of home equity to retire on. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:45 PST How a Unique Little Workbook Helps Seniors Earn Money Online in Retirement How would you like to wake up in the morning to messages in your email inbox with a subject line that reads, ‘You have new funds in your PayPal account’ or ‘invoice’.. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:45 PST How to Earn Money in Retirement and Beat the Pension Crisis The call to earn money in retirement is fast becoming a necessity and this is so because when you retire from the workplace you continue forevermore to face the prospect of escalating living expenses Sun, 24 May 2009 02:08:01 PST Building a golden nest egg for your retirement years Building a golden nest egg for your retirement yearsIt is now necessary for people in the UK to work longer before they retire, but there are more ways to build a nest egg than relying on unpredictable investments. Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:50:28 PST Risk Management: Income, 401k, and IRA Programs Sooner or later, every investment program (particularly your IRA and 401k) becomes a Retirement Income Program. If Retirement Income Readiness is one of the initial investment plan objectives, income purpose securities will have a place in the portfolio from the very beginning. Sun, 19 May 2019 07:08:08 PST Kiawah Golf Investment (MCIM) Web-Workshops The Road To Success Web Workshop Series covers all aspects of the Investment Plan and teaches you how to mange your personal program with reasonable (and attainable) expectations. Learn from an investment panel with over 100 years of professional experience. Workshops are live, Q & A tolerant, and they take place on your desktop--- wherever you are. Mon, 25 Mar 2013 02:11:27 PST Investment IQ Test The Investment IQ Test is designed to gauge your understanding of the concepts and strategies needed to productively manage your portfolio in today's much too complex market environment. Naturally, it is based on Market Cycle Investment Management Methodology and the Working Capital Model operating system. Fri, 12 Apr 2013 07:06:09 PST Income Investing: Do YOU Have The Right Stuff? When is 3 percent better than 6 percent? Yeah, we all know the answer, but only until the prices of the securities we already own begin to fall. Then, logic and mathematical acumen disappear and we become susceptible to all kinds of special cures for the periodic onset of higher interest rates. We’ll be told to sit in cash until rates stop rising, or to sell the securities we own now, before they lose even more of their precious market value. Thu, 02 Jun 2016 11:33:45 PST Income Investing --- Selecting ONLY The Good Stuff The larger the portfolio, the more likely it is that you will be able to buy round lots of a diversified group of bonds, preferred stocks, etc. But regardless of size, individual securities of all kinds have liquidity problems, higher risk levels than are necessary, and lower yields spaced out over inconvenient time periods. Thu, 02 Jun 2016 11:49:04 PST