How To Create A Fairer Tax Environment (Plus 10 Associated Articles)
There are 44,000 pages in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) alone, 5.5 million words, incomprehensible at best. Obviously, there is a lot more to be said about each of the ideas that follow. Here are the top survey ideas; the first two were discussed in previous results articles as consumer spending enhancers and job creators, respectively.Thu, 07 Jun 2012 09:42:46 PSTen-usHow To Create A Fairer Tax Environment, 07 Jun 2012 09:42:46 PSTHealth Care Belongs At Home - Not In The Halls of Congress! It's amazing to me how so many Americans have allowed themselves to be duped by politicians who claim they can provide health care for them. Do Americans not understand that their health is their individual responsibility? Do Americans understand so little about good health that they think it can be provided by a politician, or a health insurance company, or a doctor, or worse from taking a pill?, 19 Aug 2010 05:18:30 PSTSocial Graces and International Business Etiquette Decorum Because people are reluctant to admit they're offended by your words or behavior. Our fast-changing times have left behind the etiquette that tells us how to act in social situations, says international business consultant and etiquette expert Grace Lee, whose fun, enlightening talks give you the savvy and social grace to handle any interaction with ease., 30 Nov 2012 03:11:59 PSTIs it Cheating? Internet Flirtations, Affairs and Love Connections Cheating used to be very black and white. However these days a lot of men would like to think the internet has created a million shades of grey. It’s fairly easy to define a behavior that creates feelings of emotional or sexual betrayal., 23 May 2009 04:08:07 PSTRecovering from Infidelity The first step any couple must take in recovering from infidelity is to determine if the relationship should be or can be salvaged. The following are seven critical questions you need to ask yourself and your partner to know if your relationship can survive., 23 May 2009 04:08:11 PSTBody Language Secrets You Should Know Your face and body are constantly sending out messages to other people about your mood and what kind of person you are. Your body language could be scaring other people away. Learn why, and find out what you can do about it., 24 May 2009 06:19:48 PSTLong Distance Relationships – Do they work? You’ve finally met someone who floats your boat, however, all is not perfect… he/she lives at the opposite end of the country. Obviously, you’re not going to know if it’s worth pursuing until you’ve given the relationship a go but here’s a few things to bear in mind when embarking on a long distance relationship and a few ideas how to keep your relationship hot whilst counting down the days before your next rendezvous., 24 May 2009 08:40:32 PSTA Publisher’s Rant – Why I Hate Your First Paragraph I’m a publisher for numerous sites. I HATE many of your articles. Here’s why I hate your first paragraph and what you can do about it., 24 May 2009 09:54:46 PSTCasino En Ligne Non Stop: Quels Jeux Jouer Avec l'apparation d'Internet, les jeux de casino en ligne n'ont cessé de se multiplier à une vitesse phénoménale.. Mais quelle différence pour les novices?, 24 May 2009 11:20:14 PSTHow the Online Gambling Ban helps Al Qaeda One of the justifications used to ban online gambling in the USA was that online gambling was supporting terrorism and groups like Al Qaeda, But does a ban on online gambling help or hurt them., 24 May 2009 11:20:15 PSTHow to Protest the Online Gambling Ban Protesting is relatively easy, all you have to do is let people know you do not agree with something and you are protesting it. But to hold a successful protest takes much more time and effort., 24 May 2009 11:20:16 PST