Investment Performance and The Working Capital Model (March, 2008) (Plus 10 Associated Articles) The Working Capital Model (WCM) approach to portfolio performance evaluation eliminates the tears and fears because it is based on more than the current market value illusion of wealth--- a number that won't sit still long enough to ever be meaningful. Market value, within the WCM, is used only to determine what to buy and/or when to take profits. Tue, 08 Dec 2009 10:46:19 PST en-us Investment Performance and The Working Capital Model (March, 2008) Tue, 08 Dec 2009 10:46:19 PST Building Your Business in a Down Economy! The economy is in a down turn, and it's hard to know where the bottom is. Here is what I do know - some business will do well, and some will fold. Sun, 26 May 2013 07:28:53 PST Will You Survive a Relationship Breakdown? Relationships connect us in this world with each other. We have many kinds of relationships-parental, sibling, friends, professional and love. Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:20 PST What Is a Boundary? My clients often explain to me how they set a boundary. They tell me something like, “I set a boundary. I told him he has to stop putting me down in public,” or “I set a boundary. I told her she has to be on time from now on,” or “I set a boundary. I told him he has to stop being critical of me.” Sun, 24 May 2009 08:40:33 PST Online Competitions Opportunity for Drawing, Fiction Writing Writing is a creative activity. Whether you are writing about your own life story or creating stories based upon the plots and characters that exist within your imaginations, creativity matters.Fiction is the purest form of storytelling that is told with written words. In Fiction writing there is a great deal of flexibility. Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:10 PST Sylvia Browne: Short Bio And Audio Books Sylvian Browne's BioSylvia Browne is a self-proclaimed medium and psychic from Kansas City, Missouri. She was born in 1936, started her career as a psychic in 1973, and founded the Nirvana Foundation for Psychic Research. Browne has now authored several books on spirituality (published in paperback and audio), and has been regularly featured on The Montel Williams Show.She has also made her appearances on TV shows such as Larry King Live, Montel, Unsolved Mysteries, a... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:12 PST Addressing Emotions: Live Chat And Customers When people buy things, the decision to actually purchase is a combination of logic and desire. That latter half of the buying process is clinched and what the web seems to lacking – some heart.If you leave a visitor on his own to buy from your site, what would encourage him to make the actual purchase? How do you nudge the ones who have doubts?Searches are not enough.If there is someone to answer questions, rather than referring to a list of FAQs, a prospect is m... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:37 PST How To Download Legally There’s nothing innocent about the word “downloading” nowadays. Several years back when Pentium Pro?, Windows 95? and 28.8 kbps modems were the buzzword in the computer world, downloading was just a method for people to get free or trial software (applications, games, documents etc.) off some websit Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:46 PST Is Freeware Safe? How To Be A Smart Downloader More and more people are learning about the awesome resource on the Internet known as freeware. Freeware is the shorthand term used to describe free software. Yes, freeware is an amazing resource and I have been an enthusiastic user and promoter since I learned about it years ago.What I found interesting, though, were the number of people I spoke to about freeware who said that they would never use it because they heard that free software contains viruses. My first though... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:49 PST MySpace Countdown A MySpace countdown is a countdown clock that can be uploaded to a MySpace page as either a reminder tool or upcoming events for the person with the page, or to display to friends. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:56:51 PST 5 Common Mistakes Made By New Affiliate Marketers Five common mistakes made by new affiliates are detailed along with tips on how to overcome them. Sun, 24 May 2009 01:19:17 PST