Investors Review Their Favorite Investment Book (Plus 10 Associated Articles) In the midst of financial crisis, market upheaval, and world-class uncertainty, at least one financial book provides an easily implemented strategy for safer investing. The Brainwashing of the American Investor is more than just the book that Wall Street does not want you to read. Sun, 20 Sep 2015 06:41:27 PST en-us Investors Review Their Favorite Investment Book Sun, 20 Sep 2015 06:41:27 PST Testimonials From Mentoring Program and Workshop Graduates In “Brainwashing” Steve Selengut exposes the fallacies of conventional Wall Street wisdom and lays out a rational system to select, buy and then sell stocks of quality companies at a profit while developing a separate, growing income stream. By far the best investment book I have ever read--- Thu, 18 Oct 2012 12:53:09 PST Risk Management: Income, 401k, and IRA Programs Sooner or later, every investment program (particularly your IRA and 401k) becomes a Retirement Income Program. If Retirement Income Readiness is one of the initial investment plan objectives, income purpose securities will have a place in the portfolio from the very beginning. Sun, 19 May 2019 07:08:08 PST Webinar Preparation & Procedures Webinars are different. They are live, less structured, and totally dependent upon your participation. The more questions, the more everyone will learn. So please do a little reading before you attend the meeting you are attending. I've written articles on most subjects and described or illustrated most of the terms and concepts I'll be discussing with you. Fri, 18 Sep 2015 05:17:39 PST Kiawah Golf Investment (MCIM) Web-Workshops The Road To Success Web Workshop Series covers all aspects of the Investment Plan and teaches you how to mange your personal program with reasonable (and attainable) expectations. Learn from an investment panel with over 100 years of professional experience. Workshops are live, Q & A tolerant, and they take place on your desktop--- wherever you are. Mon, 25 Mar 2013 02:11:27 PST Retirement Ready Income Investing Programs If your portfolio has less than 40% invested for income, it is far more speculative than you think. Tue, 31 May 2016 06:34:37 PST Financial Services Website Warning Label Financial Services Website Warning Label Sat, 14 Apr 2018 07:53:04 PST Seven Principles For Long Term Investment Success Establish a profit-taking target for every security you purchase. Avoid Unrealized Gains, Embrace Volatility, Increase Annual Income, and remember that all key investment moments are only visible in rear view mirrors. Keep in mind that you need Income to pay the bills, and examine Market Value numbers at intelligent intervals. Thu, 30 Mar 2017 12:53:37 PST The Art of Investing: Working Capital Model based Asset Allocation This method of looking at things will get you where you want to be without the hype that Wall Street uses to create unproductive transactions, foolish speculations, and incurable dissatisfaction. It provides a valid use for portfolio Market Value, but far from the judgmental nature Wall Street would like. It's use in this model, as both an expectation clarifier and an action indicator for the portfolio manager on a personal level, should illuminate your light bulb. Sun, 20 Sep 2015 07:19:27 PST Strategic Investment Mixology - Finding the Holy Grail Cocktail Antoine Tedesco, in his "The History of Cocktails" article, lists three things that mixologists consider important to remember and to understand when making a cocktail: 1) the base spirit, which gives the drink its main flavor; 2) the mixer or modifier, which blends well with the main spirit without overpowering it; 3) the flavoring, which brings it all together. Wed, 02 Dec 2009 01:57:00 PST The Investor's Creed --- What's That? The Stock Market is a dynamic place where investors can consistently make reasonable returns on their capital if they comply with the basic principles of the endeavor AND if they don't measure their progress too frequently with irrelevant measuring devices. Five simple concepts of Asset Allocation, Investment Strategy, and human Psychology are summed up quite nicely in The Investor's Creed. Mon, 18 Nov 2013 12:05:42 PST