Cancer - Raw Foods - Detoxify (Plus 10 Associated Articles) A short article covering the cause of cancer and using a raw food diet to help. Sun, 25 Jul 2010 12:41:22 PST en-us Cancer - Raw Foods - Detoxify Sun, 25 Jul 2010 12:41:22 PST Alkalizing Foods - Good For You Alkalizing foods help support the normalization of blood sugar levels, cleanse and detoxify the body and they promote energy, endurance and stamina. It is also purported to cure cancer, diabetes, arthritis, allergies, irritable bowel, or anorexia nervosa. Tue, 21 Oct 2008 07:57:44 PST America's Next Great Writer Every once in a while a writer comes along that demands we take notice; one that avails just the right meter, tempo, and rhythm; one that can engulf us in a story and keep us glued throughout 200 pages; one that offers a style sure to be emulated by his aspiring peers, both of his generation and generations to come.Nelson Pahl is just that writer.With simultaneous debut releases, entitled Bee Balms & Burgundy and Two for Tuesday, Pahl flexes a literary muscle short in... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:03 PST Power Conversions for Sustainable Engergy Systems Design Creating a sustainable energy source for your home or business starts with a good understanding of power conversions and ends with a plan to build your power system. Tue, 08 Dec 2009 05:52:37 PST Aquaponics - The Answer To Many Of The World’s Problems The New Aquaponics is a wonderful new approach to developing a self-sufficient environment that creates tasty, healthy, natural foods with no pesticides or toxic fertilizers. We put the brightest farming minds together with eager students and are dedicated to creating communities that help feed a hungry planet. Mon, 27 May 2013 06:21:24 PST Bioneers Push Organic and Local Food Production The push for organic and local food production is gaining momentum. As Ghandi said, first they will ignore you, then they will ridicule you, then they will fight you, then you win. We are at the fighting stage and the next big push in the US will be for the 2012 farming bill. Mon, 27 May 2013 06:21:57 PST Aquaponics - Lighting Considerations - Part 1 The following covers some of the basics of lighting and considerations for an aquaponics system. Wed, 17 Mar 2010 01:17:26 PST Aquaponics - Lighting Considerations - Part 2 The following covers some of the basics of lighting and considerations for an aquaponics system. Wed, 17 Mar 2010 01:18:01 PST Starting an Aquaponics System Travis W. Hughey shares some information on how to start an Aquaponics system. Mon, 27 May 2013 06:22:21 PST Graceful Expectations Newsletter #6 - January 12, 2010 This publication is designed to help small business owners get the most out of their in-person networking and online experiences. In this edition, Jean-Noel Bassior there is important information on Mastering Western and International Business Etiquette, plus there are great articles on Hosting Your Blog, Aquaponics as The Answer To Many Of The World’s Problems, Market Cycle Investing, and Developing a Branding Strategy. Cheers! Mon, 18 Jan 2010 09:51:28 PST Developing a Sustainable Energy System - Kilowatt Hours and Calculating Your Needs Learn about Kilowatt Hours and Calculating Your Electric Needs, Plus Current Costs and Usage in the US. Sun, 11 Mar 2012 03:54:38 PST