How To Use Debt Settlement Companies For Credit Consolidation (Plus 10 Associated Articles) You work with a debt settlement company in order to in order to have a professional act on your behalf with your creditors to help reduce your debt balance. There are debt settlement companies who claim to be able to reduce your debt by as much as 75%. You will make your search for debt settlement companies easier once you understand what they are and what they do. If you know what to look for, your search will be easier, and you will find a good, reputable debt settlemen... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:46:45 PST en-us How To Use Debt Settlement Companies For Credit Consolidation Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:46:45 PST Can You Protect Your Portfolio from the Sales Teams? The more money you have for investing the more pressure that investment salespeople will use to part you from your money. Tue, 12 Jan 2010 09:33:28 PST Get Rich Slowly Use the power of compound interest to grow wealthy Tue, 12 Jan 2010 09:33:32 PST Investing vs. Trading: Who Cares Anyway? Don't put on "long-term blinders" to avoid doing the work to increase your investments. Tue, 12 Jan 2010 09:33:36 PST Investing Without Brakes Is Hazardous To Your Portfolio Many investors do not have a contingency plan on what to do when their investments fall sharply, and can lose it all on one bad trade. Tue, 12 Jan 2010 09:33:36 PST Monitoring Your Finances Reveals Priceless Lessons A most important element for building wealth is to measure it. The people I know that have continually increased their net worth track it in order to direct it and stay motivated to reach ever higher financial goals. Seeing the quantifiable results of your spending and investing decisions is the first step to take control of them. Contrarily, the people I know in the worst financial shape have no idea where there money is spent and are too afraid to know what their net worth ... Tue, 12 Jan 2010 09:33:40 PST Where Do I Invest $100,000 And Up For X-Amount Of Time? Having six figures to play with means you are doing something right, so pat yourself on the back.Picking your strategy for this size of investment will involve choosing an aggressive strategy over one of steady growth; and that decision depends on how badly you would feel if you lost all of that money over night.Any of the other strategies provided on my website will be sure to give you a good return as well, so here are a couple of general tips:First, make sure y... Tue, 12 Jan 2010 09:33:47 PST Different Gambling Arenas For People At Different Income Levels Everybody is trying to get more money, keep more of the money they have, and, at the very least, pile a little up for retirement. But lower income, middle income, and upper income groups have a different approach to multiply their money. Casino patrons visit in order to quickly turn a tiny amount of money into a large amount of money. People from every economic level visit casinos, for most people it is short-lived entertainment. When it comes to getting more serious about an... Tue, 12 Jan 2010 09:36:28 PST Free Debt Management Services Compared Debt plagues millions of people all over the world. Debt can be a positive thing. For instance, if we never had any debt we would never be able to buy a house or a car. Debt is necessary in many cases, but for some people it can get out of hand. There are many free debt management services available to the public. Each service offers various advantages and perks unique only to their company. Here, several free debt management service characteristics have been compared to give... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:07:57 PST 10 Steps To Successful Debt Consolidation Consolidating debt is often the best way to ease financial pressures but before you jump in there are a number of steps which can improve your position and guide you through the options available Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:46:03 PST 3 Things To Watch Out For With Debt Consolidation Services Online Most of us are swamped with bills like credit cards and auto loans, so we're turning to debt consolidation services to help us regain control of our finances. And it's a good idea, since some debt consolidation services can also help you lower your interest rates and monthly payments. But there are some unscrupulous folks out there, and that means you need to watch out for scammers when you're looking for a Debt Consolidation Service online. Here are three warning signs of a ... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:46:03 PST