The Pros And Cons Of Debt Consolidation Loans (Plus 10 Associated Articles) Financial issues are the greatest concern in any average household. More than 40% American families spend more than what they earn. An average American household has a credit card debt of approximately 10,000 dollars.What is Debt consolidation?Proper money management with debt consolidation is the most practical solution to your debt problems. A debt consolidation loan can help you maintain sound financial health. It is the most preferred alternative to declaring bank... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:46:59 PST en-us The Pros And Cons Of Debt Consolidation Loans Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:46:59 PST Movie Review - The Odyssey (1997) In the late 1990's, a number of mythical figures and stories were recreated. Many had been recreated in the 1980's, but frankly, almost all of them sucked. It is wonderful to see these high quality recreations and The Odyssey from 1997 is one of the best! Thu, 12 Nov 2009 03:40:10 PST Home Site and Dream Weaver Extended Search with Regular Expressions Home Site and Dream Weaver Extended Search with Regular Expressions is a good way to manage your code. This is a quick reference on how to find relative html references to images, form actions and links and replace them with absolute references. Thu, 12 Nov 2009 03:36:03 PST Health Care Belongs At Home - Not In The Halls of Congress! It's amazing to me how so many Americans have allowed themselves to be duped by politicians who claim they can provide health care for them. Do Americans not understand that their health is their individual responsibility? Do Americans understand so little about good health that they think it can be provided by a politician, or a health insurance company, or a doctor, or worse from taking a pill? Thu, 19 Aug 2010 05:18:30 PST Don't Forget Anniversary Cards Anniversaries are some of the most important events that we celebrate. While we mostly celebrate the anniversary of weddings, there are many other kinds of anniversaries that can be celebrated. Get creative and allow your family and friends to celebrate with each other many significant happenings. For example, why not have an anniversary of the first test your child got an "A" on in school? Or make an anniversary out of the day you bought your new car. Whatever kinds of anniv... Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:01 PST Friendship and Sharing We are all social animals. Not many of us think about prisons. Why is prison life a punishment? Because you cannot move around and meet people. With friendship, we break the barrier that stops us sharing our life with others. During early childhood, only mother is enough. But observe the pain on the face of a child who has no friends to play with, and you will realize why friends are so important? Why does even a small child need friends? Read on... Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:03 PST Friendship Day- Do You Need Friends? Friendship day is coming nearer. That makes many of us wonder about our friends and our relation with them. Do you nee friends? If yes, why? Why do you need friends? Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:03 PST Happy Friendship How to have happy friends? This is a very important question. Who likes friends who don't smile and laugh? Who enjoys meeting friends who look serious? Not any one of us. Read on... Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:03 PST Miss You eCards- Use Them To Refresh The Relationship Yesterday, I was reading a post by a boy who said that though he broke-up eight years ago, he has not forgotten his girl. Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:09 PST Send Online Greeting Cards Today! Looking for a way to connect with a family member of friend who is far away? Is there a co-worker that needs a little encouragement today? Are you looking for a way to connect with people on your lunch break without having to leave your office? Consider sending the perfect online greeting cards to everyone on your list today.There are many great things about sending online greeting cards. A first reason is that they are really convenient. You do not have to leave your off... Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:15 PST Social Networking On Myspace And Friendster If by now you have not heard of Mspace or Friendster then maybe the world is moving too slowly for you. Young adults (teens and college age adults) are using the world of the internet to communicate in ways we had no inkling of a few years ago.Social networking is booming as young adults find one another online to chat, post comments, post photos, and share info about the latest happenings in their world to their Myspace pages and Friendster networking sites. It is not al... Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:16 PST