Students Need To Be Aware Of Debt Management (Plus 10 Associated Articles) If you haven’t heard, student loan interest is now a tax deductible item on your personal tax return. On August 1, 2005 the cap on the old maximum student loan rate was lifted, and the new one was pushed into effect. So exactly what is going to be the affect on your existing student loan going to be you may be wondering. How will this now change the end result of the parent or students tax return?A lot of the associations that offer student loans told students that their ... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 10:12:07 PST en-us Students Need To Be Aware Of Debt Management Fri, 06 Aug 2010 10:12:07 PST Get Rich Slowly Use the power of compound interest to grow wealthy Tue, 12 Jan 2010 09:33:32 PST Free Debt Management Services Compared Debt plagues millions of people all over the world. Debt can be a positive thing. For instance, if we never had any debt we would never be able to buy a house or a car. Debt is necessary in many cases, but for some people it can get out of hand. There are many free debt management services available to the public. Each service offers various advantages and perks unique only to their company. Here, several free debt management service characteristics have been compared to give... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:07:57 PST Money Management Tips For Students With Credit Cards Keeping control of your money is one of the hardest lessons we have to learn as new college and university students. For many of us it is our first time away from home, and the first time we have to be truly responsible for all the financial affairs in our lives. Some get a handle on money matters faster than others. That's just the way she goes. But if you're not really all that sure where your money is going each month, here are a few things you may want to consider.I. ... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:07:58 PST Advantages of Student Debt Consolidation Student Debt Consolidation is one of the most helpful tools that can help a student deal with their student loan debt related financial troubles. Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:46:03 PST Adverse credit debt consolidation – facilitates financial rebirth by clearing bad credit. Adverse credit debt consolidation loan is the result of the consideration shown by loan providers for the miserable situation that bad credit borrowers are in. While adverse credit debt consolidation loans can help eliminate the debts for once, not using them will keep adding to the debt burden. The following article deals with adverse credit debt consolidation loans and the manner in which they are to be used for a proper debt settlement. Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:46:04 PST Bad Credit Debt Consolidation Loans: Expunge all Debt Dilemmas Debt consolidate loans are also available for bad credit borrowers. With these loans, you can combine your all loans into a single loan and by paying only on that single loan you can easily expunge your bad credit history. Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:46:08 PST Bad credit debt consolidation when debt joins hands with bad credit Bad credit debt consolidation can not only reduce your debt considerably but also improve your bad credit condition. Bad credit debt consolidation fuses your various debts into single loan with lower interest rates and lower monthly payments. Debt consolidation may or may not be the right step for bad credit borrower. A bad credit borrower must look carefully before they settle on debt consolidation. They can fall prey to predatory lending along with…………………. Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:46:08 PST Bill Consolidation Company - Comparing Debt Management Programs A bill consolidation company takes the hassle out of managing your debt. They handle your monthly payments, negotiations with your creditors, and repayment strategy for a small fee. Through reduced rates on your bills, debt management companies can save you years on debt payments. But before you sign up with a bill consolidation company, make sure they are skilled and have reasonable rates.Signs Of A Good Bill Consolidation CompanyBill consolidation companies work to ... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:46:09 PST Cash Back With Student Loan Debt Consolidation Student loan debt continues to rise each passing year, and college costs, including graduate school costs, have outpaced inflation while federal student loan interest rates are close to record lows. According to studies conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics, it is believed that approximately half of recent college graduates have student loans that, on an average, are in the range of $10,000. Along with such loans, the average cost of college is becoming tw... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:46:11 PST Consolidate Debt Now For Your Family Managing credit card debt is a problem that many people face nowadays. Many people never really understood the best way to handle their credit cards and are now facing a mountain of debt. Some people think that credit cards are free money to be used and never think of the consequences of overspending. Now people around the country are faced with debt management to get out of debt and enjoy life again. Learn how to consolidate debit is important and learning how to stay ou... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:46:14 PST