Student Loans And Bankruptcy (Plus 10 Associated Articles) Student Loans Often Remain Following BankruptcyOne question many former students have when considering filing for bankruptcy is how their student loans will be handled. In a majority of cases, student loans for college are not dischargeable under bankruptcy rules established in 1998.Too many students had taken out an exorbitant amount of loans for school and between graduation and starting to work would file for bankruptcy, eliminating the need to repay the loans. Whi... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 10:12:08 PST en-us Student Loans And Bankruptcy Fri, 06 Aug 2010 10:12:08 PST Vonage - Loyal Customers Dropping Like Flies! Why? As a long time loyal Vonage customer, there are certain things about the service I really like. They have a very good online search for checking phone calls made and received, and it saves all your calls from the beginning of your service. In my case, that is over 5 years of service. Fri, 30 Jul 2010 11:47:44 PST Money Management Tips For Students With Credit Cards Keeping control of your money is one of the hardest lessons we have to learn as new college and university students. For many of us it is our first time away from home, and the first time we have to be truly responsible for all the financial affairs in our lives. Some get a handle on money matters faster than others. That's just the way she goes. But if you're not really all that sure where your money is going each month, here are a few things you may want to consider.I. ... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:07:58 PST Regaining Financial Health Do unpaid bills cause you to lose sleep? Are you being hounded and harassed by creditors? If the answer is yes to these questions, don’t fret too much because you are not alone. Many people nowadays are having trouble paying their debts.A person who is unable to pay his debts as they fall due for a number of reasons may be declared bankrupt by himself or by his creditors. You are in financial trouble if:1. You are living beyond your means or spending more than what yo... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:07:59 PST Advantages of Student Debt Consolidation Student Debt Consolidation is one of the most helpful tools that can help a student deal with their student loan debt related financial troubles. Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:46:03 PST Cash Back With Student Loan Debt Consolidation Student loan debt continues to rise each passing year, and college costs, including graduate school costs, have outpaced inflation while federal student loan interest rates are close to record lows. According to studies conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics, it is believed that approximately half of recent college graduates have student loans that, on an average, are in the range of $10,000. Along with such loans, the average cost of college is becoming tw... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:46:11 PST Consolidating Debt Through Bankruptcy Court There comes a time when many people have no choice but to seek bankruptcy protection from their creditors. If going through a debt consolidation specialist does not result in payments low enough to maintain a reasonable standard of living. When debts are overwhelming, bankruptcy through Chapter 7 may be their only alternative.Many people may prefer to seek protection under Chapter 13 bankruptcy but before a court will approve the plan, it will have to be shown the individ... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:46:16 PST Debt Consolidation And Types Of Bankruptcy Choosing Between Bankruptcy And Debt ConsolidationWhen contemplating filing for bankruptcy, do not overlook the option of seeking a debt consolidation plan to pay off outstanding balances on the bills. Understand, there is a difference between debt consolidation and a consolidation loan, where debt consolidation can often remove late payment fees and penalties while providing a way of paying off the principal loans at a lower monthly payment.Going through a loan conso... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:46:26 PST Financial Planning Guide - Credit Card Debt Consolidation So many people are lumbered with credit and other cards and some of them struggle to make those monthly repayments. If this describes you then you would be well advised to consider looking into debt consolidation and some help with financial planning to avoid risking bankruptcy. Loans are also available, but you should take time to analyze all the possible options.The simplest way to do debt consolidation with credit and other cards is to transfer the combined balances ... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:46:39 PST Obtaining A Debt Consolidation Loan To Deal With Your Student Loans In this day and age, many young men and women are beginning their careers carrying a tremendous debt load. Students have been forced to obtain significant amounts of financing in the form of student loans in recent years. If you are such a person, you may be interested in finding a method through which you can bring your student loans under control. You might want to consider a debt consolidation loan to deal with your student loans and other outstanding debts. There are m... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:46:51 PST Reduce Debt - How To Prevent Bankruptcy By Reducing And Consolidating Your Debt You can prevent bankruptcy by consolidating your debt with the help of a loan or debt consolidation agency to reduce your monthly payments and quickly pay off your liability. But before signing final paperwork, you should develop a financial plan and research your options.Goal Of ConsolidationThe goal of consolidation is to lower your monthly payments so you can pay off your debt and avoid bankruptcy. However, consolidation only works if you make it part of a larger f... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 09:46:54 PST