The Mystery Element In Sales (Plus 10 Associated Articles) The element of mystery can be effectively employed to involve your audience. We are all naturally curious about the unknown. When we feel we've been left hanging, it drives us crazy! We want to know the end of the story. We want our tasks to be completed so we can check them off our list. This is also known as the Zeigarnik Effect, named after Bluma Zeigarnik, a Russian psychologist. This effect is the tendency we have to remember uncompleted thoughts, ideas, or tasks more ... Fri, 24 Sep 2010 03:22:55 PST en-us The Mystery Element In Sales Fri, 24 Sep 2010 03:22:55 PST Personality Types and Video Production Length You can have long detailed versions and shorter versions of subject matter, but I still think a single subject per video is appropriate. I was reminded today that I am a pragmatist, and we like things to-the-point, but there are also the amiables and analysts that really like longer versions (for different reasons - amiables like to get to know you and analysts like the exacting details). Thu, 12 Aug 2010 09:09:39 PST Does Your Copywriting Trigger What Makes Your Visitors Buy? Want to know what makes your visitors want to buy? Find out the two basic - yet contradictory - needs that drive people and the ways to satisfy those needs in different ways for the four basic personality types. Thu, 12 Aug 2010 04:48:23 PST Why And How To Write Articles When it comes to SEO and a stream of long term traffic to your site there really is only one way to go.Articles are the best way to ensure that you have constant links to your site circling the web with a one time only input from yourself. And the best thing about article writing is that it doesn’t cost you a penny – in any currency.Here’s how it works:-make a list of the things that you know enough about to be able to write a helpful and informative article on.... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:15 PST Back To Back: Two Good Reads On Entry Level Leadership And Culture This month, I read two books back to back: Soldier's Heart by Elizabeth Samet and Punching In by Alex Frankel. Both of these works are an excellent introduction into entry-level corporate culture and leadership development.Soldier's Heart is a civilian English professor's take on the leadership culture of West Point, based on her 10 years experience as a faculty member. Professor Samet is in a rare, but well qualified position to pen Soldier's Heart. Only a fifth of the a... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:00:32 PST Motivational Speakers - Creating a Vehicle for Dreams Motivation is the fuel that feeds our dreams and drives us to succeed, and the right motivational speaker can change your next training event from an arbitrary collection of dos and don'ts to a pit stop that will breathe new life into your business. Thu, 12 Aug 2010 09:06:54 PST The Barriers That Stop Most People Presenting In Public & How To Overcome Them Gerald R. Ford said “If I went back to college again, I’d concentrate on two areas: learning to write and learning to speak before an audience. Nothing in life is more important than the ability to communicate effectively.”It’s the number one skill that’s guaranteed to position you head and shoulders above the competition, yet it’s frequently overlooked, according to female speaker, Patricia Fripp.My own take on having the ability to speak well in public is tha... Sun, 24 May 2009 12:13:13 PST Sales Funnel The sales funnel process is a way to capture prospects and nurture them into customers. Further, it is a way to retain your customers and prompt additional purchases from them for other products and services that you offer. Sun, 26 May 2013 05:15:06 PST Investing Psychology - Know Thyself America will continue to be the land of opportunity and regardless of what course our economy takes over the next few years, it's likely that investment opportunities will be numerous and attractive. Companies driven by the ever increasing advancements in technology will emerge, while older companies, out of necessity, will come forth with new products. One industry or another will enjoy a boom period relative to the rest. Thu, 12 Aug 2010 09:07:29 PST Discovering Your Personality Type with the DISC System When you understand someone's personality type, you can adjust your conversations appropriately to create more effective communication. There are certain traits associated with each personality type that allow you to build stronger relationships. Thu, 24 Jul 2014 09:17:43 PST Blueprint for Leadership - How to Be a Better Leader Here is a description of what people want in a leader. How do you compare? Fri, 06 Aug 2010 12:33:25 PST