Achieve Your Goals By Doing Something About Them (Plus 10 Associated Articles) The title of this article sounds simplistic but it is amazing how often people (including me) sit staring at a problem like mounting paperwork and become so depressed by the thought of all the work to be done that they do nothing and continue in a paralytic state for days and even months!The article aims to cheer such people up by the fact that they are not the only ones to be paralyzed by their mounting tasks. It also offers one or two solutions to the problem. Fri, 06 Aug 2010 04:38:57 PST en-us Achieve Your Goals By Doing Something About Them Fri, 06 Aug 2010 04:38:57 PST NTI Committee - Action Strategies Monthly NTI Meeting about forming our action plans. Affected programs include our Leadership, RESELLER and Branding Programs. Tue, 25 Mar 2008 11:30:11 PST How to Stop Attracting Negative People to Your Life The Law of Attraction can be used to ensure that you are always in vibrational harmony with the people you are attracting into your life. If you plot your vibration on a scale that measures from 1-100, with 100 being the highest calibration, you are currently attracting other people into your life that match your score on this scale. In other words, if your vibration measures 75 on this scale and a person in your life measures closely to that, you are a close vibrational match. Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:05 PST If Something Shows Up 3 Times, Is That a Sign That It's Right for Me? Remember--you are accountable for everything that shows up in your life. Let's take a look at the word accountable more closely. There's two words buried within it; one is ABLE and one is ACCOUNT Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:06 PST Actions Of Love Myrna, 38 and a successful physician, sought my help because she often felt inadequate. While she really valued herself as a doctor, she did not value herself in her important relationships with friends and family. In addition, she said she wanted to be in a loving relationship but she took no actions to meet available men.In the course of our work together, it became apparent that Myrna rarely took loving action in her own behalf with her friends and family. For example,... Sun, 24 May 2009 05:34:26 PST Attract Your Ideal Relationship Using the Law of Attraction Want to know how to attract your ideal mate? Build a list of all the things you didn't like about your current or last mate/partner. This list, we'll call "contrast," will help you understand. Sun, 24 May 2009 06:08:37 PST Attract Your Right Relationship with Your Natural Attractive Force Re-ignite your attractive power and increase your natural sex appeal.Automatically attract the right person to you by being your True Self. As long as you resist being your natural, balanced self, you will not attract harmonious, long lasting, or healthy relationships. Reveal your innate power and beauty within to attract the type of relationships you desire. Re-ignite your attractive power and increase your natural sex appeal. Sun, 24 May 2009 06:10:42 PST Depression And Relationships Depression can be a very lonely illness and your relationships are a key part of how you cope with your depression. You need friends for support. Not just good weather friends but friends who can support you when you’re down. If one of these friends is also depressed it is not necessarily a bad thing. You can understand each other and perhaps be there on each other’s bad days (but not if you’re having a bad time at the same time). However, you need to be conscious when choosi... Sun, 24 May 2009 08:38:51 PST How Compatible Are You And Your Partner? What are the things you argue about? Where are the disagreements? The small resentments? Where do you have to give in to get along? Do you argue over money? Are you fighting over sex? Do you have different ideas about how much time you should spend together and apart? Do you squabble over extended family and friends? Is one of you daring and reckless, while the other wants to play things safe? Does one of you want to be right all the time? Does one of you want to always b... Sun, 24 May 2009 08:40:31 PST I’m So In Love, So Why Am I Depressed? “I’ve waited so long for love to come into my life, yet now that it’s here, I’m depressed. I can’t figure this out,” complained Elayne in one of our phone counseling sessions. “Todd is really terrific. He’s all I’ve been wanting in a man – open, caring, and emotionally available. I really think there is something wrong with me.” “When did you start to feel depressed?” I asked. “Well, I think it started last week right aft... Sun, 24 May 2009 08:40:32 PST Love : a Killing Game or a Source of Pleasure? Why is it so difficult to keep the juices flowing in a relationship? Why does the momentum of the relationship fade away? Is it inevitable that after some years the initial freshness turns into devastating boredom? Or worse, that two people who were first lovers end up hating and destroying each other? Real love is supportive. Love yourself, love your dream, love your mission, love your life, and surely enough, a wonderful person will show up and love you even more. Sun, 24 May 2009 08:40:32 PST