Releasing Relationship Pain (Plus 10 Associated Articles) If you are still hurting from a previous relationship then this article will help you to release that pain and move on. Fri, 06 Aug 2010 04:39:12 PST en-us Releasing Relationship Pain Fri, 06 Aug 2010 04:39:12 PST Are You Living the Life You Imagined? Most business opportunity websites focus on money and success stories. What YOU need to focus on is deciding what you want to do, so that you will recognize it when you find it. Sun, 24 May 2009 01:19:19 PST Building Financial Security Steps 4 to 6. Discusses the wealth building principles of goal setting, budgeting and self education. Tue, 12 Jan 2010 09:33:28 PST Keep Your Attention On What You Want The ***trick*** is to become clear about what DO you want and to keep your attention on THAT! Fri, 06 Aug 2010 12:12:11 PST The Gravitational Pull of Ants, Worms & Fears What is an ANT? An ANT is an acronym for Automatic Negative Thoughts. What is a WORM? A WORM is a metaphor for deep-seated, unconscious beliefs that lye dormant in our consciousness analogous to a computer virus that only activates when a certain button is pushed on our keyboard. Fri, 06 Aug 2010 12:12:18 PST Seven Steps To Achieving Your Goals This is the time of year when many goal setting gurus being to talk about reflecting on your goals for the past year and looking ahead to the new goals you will create for the coming year. I recognize the huge importance of having goals but I also think it is useless to talk about goal setting without an even stronger focus on goal attainment.Anyone whose ever celebrate the New Year has set a goal but what takes goal setting to the next level? I’d like to share with you m... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 12:16:02 PST 60 Minutes To Clear Goals I think that most people would agree that the people who have goals are more successful than those who do not have any.I often talk about leadership and management. Leadership is about doing the right things while management is about doing things right. Often when we study time management, we study efficiency (doing things right) and make the assumption that we have the effectiveness (leadership) solved.The first step in any time management system should be to work on... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 12:33:23 PST Double Or Triple Your Time! Why do some say that time is much more important than wealth? Nearly all biographies and self-help books, by top leaders and speakers from the past decades, all focus on time as being the most important resource available. When we manage our use of time, through self-mastery, success is a natural product of that effort. Success becomes the harvest we reap. Proven Technique Number 1 - Delegate and assign simple routine tasks to other people. If you have a home business... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 12:33:30 PST How To Set Your Relationship Goals With Goal Setting Tactics In order for a relationship to work and stand the trials and tribulations that come with love, it is important for a few expectations and goals to be set. When goals are created in a relationship, the chances of surviving a long-lasting relationship are pretty high.Building trust and understanding that lasts a lifetime is great way to achieve the level of satisfaction one would expect in a relationship. This is where goals become an important part of the process. And it’s... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 12:33:34 PST It’s Time To Work Toward Your Goals No matter what you do in life, it’s important to have a goal to work toward. It gives you something to focus on and something to be proud of when you reach it.This is especially true when you stay home with your kids, whether or not you work at home. It’s so easy to lose sight of everything but raising your family, forgetting your own interests and dreams. But with a little bit of work you can do better not only for yourself but those you care about.What are your goal... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 12:33:34 PST Jim Estill's 8 Rules Of Time I study the use of time and how to maximize productivity and enjoyment from it. From these studies, I have come up with the following list of time rules: 1 – It is more important to have clear goals than to be efficient. It is more important to work on the right things than to work efficiently. I liken this to the person who wants to get to Sudbury so gets in their car and drives 150 Km/hour. Does he get there before the person who checks the map (direction) and drives le... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 12:33:35 PST