The Writer and The Web (Plus 4 Associated Articles) If your dream is to get published, the chance is before you.The web has opened the portals of opportunity to all aspiring writers and freelance writers . Sun, 24 May 2009 09:54:52 PST en-us The Writer and The Web Sun, 24 May 2009 09:54:52 PST Writing Articles For The Web That Get Read Is Easy When You Know This Writing articles for the web is a learned skill. And you can learn it. In fact, you can master it. Once a professional writer in the print publishing world, I had feature articles published by some well-known names (Woman's Day, The Washington Post, Family Circle, Christian Science Monitor and more). Fortunately, as a self-publisher online, I'm able to transfer some of my professional print writing skills to this form of online publishing. I don't struggle with writing articl... Sun, 24 May 2009 09:54:53 PST Earn Huge Money Thru Copywriting - How To Become A Great Copywriter When one talks about marketing strategies, copywriting for the web is one of the most commendable tools from the marketers' point of view. This is because, copywriting as a marketing tool is an effective way to... Sun, 24 May 2009 10:52:35 PST Writing Helpful Help – A Minimalism Checklist User documentation is all too often written by programmers for programmers. It tends to focus on the product’s features, rather than the user’s tasks. Generally, programmers aren’t in the ideal position to be writing user documentation. They’re too close to the bits and bytes, and they’re too far from the user. To them, what the product can do tends to be far more important than what the user can do with the product. Sun, 24 May 2009 10:52:36 PST Make Money Writing Online - Writers Needed: No Experience? No Problem! The Internet and the information revolution continues to grow by leaps and bounds. There are many ways that you can participate. Recent developments now make it easy to make money writing online. There is a shortage of content writers; more are needed, no experience required.If you are a native English-speaker or are first-language fluent in English, and can write simple, clear, understandable test at a 6th-9th grade (school) level, then you can make money writing online.... Sun, 24 May 2009 11:57:10 PST