Stress Relieving: The Rat Race… It’s Your Choice (Plus 10 Associated Articles) Stress is a major contributing factor to many illnesses such as high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. Increasing your blood pressure through stress can cause your heart to work harder, possibly leading to a potential heart attack or stroke. With today’s corporate culture it is no wonder that stress levels are at an all time high and that the stress management industry is growing day by day. As we stand right at the beginning of the information age, and having just ... Sat, 07 Aug 2010 05:41:09 PST en-us Stress Relieving: The Rat Race… It’s Your Choice Sat, 07 Aug 2010 05:41:09 PST A Little Patience Goes a Long Way We all know that relationships can be difficult. One of the best methods we have for making every relationship less stressful and more enjoyable is to show a little patience. Sat, 23 May 2009 04:07:59 PST Snap Out Of Your Anger and Create Joy In Your Relationships! We are driven to find joy, happiness and fulfillment within our relationships. Dr. Adrianne Ahern’s SNAP Out of It NOW! Method offers a step-by-step guide to transforming stress, anxiety, self-doubt, anger, and other negative feelings into something completely positive. Snap Out of It Now! Create joy and happiness in your relationships! Sat, 23 May 2009 04:08:15 PST Coping with stress and anxiety among teens Anxiety in everyday occurrences; separation anxiety; example of separatio anxiety and how to look for its symptoms; how to cope up with separation anxiety; Sun, 24 May 2009 08:04:08 PST Advice On How To Deliver A Successful Public Speech Public speaking is something most people try to avoid and even dread. At times in my life, I have found myself having to deliver a speech and therefore I needed to learn the best way of doing this. In this article, I write about what I learnt from reading many books about public speaking, advice which has helped me to successfully deliver these speeches. Sun, 24 May 2009 12:13:12 PST Article Marketing Tips I have been writing articles and submitting them to various article directories for around a year now. When I started I felt very fresh and had plenty to write about. After a few months however, I started to get what is known as writers block. I could not think of anything else to write about. In this article I give advice about how to react when this happens, advice which I hope will help you to continue to write quality and original articles. Sun, 24 May 2009 01:46:31 PST Stop, Relax and Prosper – The Forgotten Formula for Business Success Time to stop and prosper. By allowing yourself the time to stop, breathe deeply and relax effectively, you can soon reap the rewards. You become more focused, more inspired, more effective and more motivated. A few moments is all it takes - once you know how! Sun, 24 May 2009 02:08:06 PST Introduction to Autoresponders If you've reached the point of exhaustion trying to keep up with answering the mountain of emails that threatens to bury you alive every single day, you're ready to learn about autoresponders. Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:53:35 PST How Can The Law Of Attraction Help With Stress? Countless people are leading a life where perpetual stress is a daily experience. There is much information available to help combat this problem. And rightly so, with all of the hours of having to work a full-time job, raising children, supporting a family, and keeping up with health, there is a lot to be stressed out about. On top of that, statistics show that more and more people are falling in to debt. Sadly, it seems that many people are living off credit cards to make t... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 12:12:08 PST How The Law Of Attraction Really Works When I heard about the Law of Attraction I could not believe it. How easy and inexpensive this method to change my life would be. I was truly skeptical but I went ahead and tried it. And it really worked for me!Many people have been watching the Secret and have come to hear about the Law of Attraction for the first time. How does the Law of Attraction work? Esther Hicks who is channeling Abraham is telling us that we are vibrational beings. Everything in this universe eve... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 12:12:09 PST Anger And Rejections Rejections are normal and we all are told no on many occasions. Some persons have difficulty handling rejections and may react hastily to the other person involved. If you walk in a bank and apply for a loan and are rejected you might stomp out the door shouting obscene talk to the lenders. This is not an appropriate way to handle the situation.This in fact can get you in trouble and it is obvious that rejections are triggers to your emotions that enforce your anger. Now ... Fri, 06 Aug 2010 12:33:23 PST