
Zigime - connecting people to the world.
Zigime.com is a newcomer to the social networking arena. Picking up where most of the present social networking sites have left off, Zigime.com has many unique features and one that's especially cool - the Friend Manager feature will be a welcome relief for the many members who love to collect hundreds of thousands of friends and then be able to search and sort by age, gender and location.

LinkedIn Recommendation:
Willia Mickulskis - Internet Marketing Specialist at Taggart Transcontinental - I met Teo at a networking event last year and remember thinking "I need to work with this guy" but I didn't contact him until a couple months ago. Boy, I am glad I did. We found some new strategies that have brought new customers to my business within a month. Sales are up! I look forward to more of the same! - March 15, 2012, Willia was Teo's client |
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