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Be Happy And Give Us A Smile

I often wonder why people seem reluctant to smile these days. It costs nothing to smile so come on people lets start looking a bit happier. This article is all about this and about having a more positive outlook on life which will bring positive results.

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LinkedIn Recommendation: Lois Livingston - php Developer at Paratsee - I'm working with Teo on learning new Internet Marketing tips and tricks for my business. He's got a great grasp of just what I need to know, is really fun to work with and although I don't really like to talk on the phone, Teo makes phone conferences really worth the time. I get stuff out of those that aren't anywhere else on his site, or the IBC site. If you are looking for a real GURU, Teo is that guy! - March 17, 2012, Lois was Teo's client


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