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Bio - Author of the Book Little Caterpillar
Grace teaches Western business etiquette with an Asian influence, treating social graces the same as learning any fine art. Her unique approach to Western etiquette, through a comparison to Asian and other cultures, helps students understand their own perspective and adds another dimension to their development and success.
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Travel to Romantic Asian Locations
Asia is one the more visually stunning areas in the world. If you are looking for romance, here are some top-notch destinations.
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Thailand is Their Land
The true magic you'll find when you travel to Thailand is its alluring authenticity. Thailand is the only Southeast Asian nation never to have been colonized by European powers; consequently, the still-standing and functioning monuments of the past attract visitors who admire thousands of years of history integrated into present day society.
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Peace Brings Treasured Travel to Vietnam
Vietnam is a paradise for both the outdoor adventurer and city explorer alike. Winding down 3,444 kilometers of coastline from the northern Red River Delta near the Chinese border to the Mekong Delta at the southernmost tip of the Southeast Asian peninsula, Vietnam is a splendid blend of picturesque coastline and lush inland terrain.
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Begin In Beijing - Beijing Travel Information
The best way to kick off your Asian travels is in Chinas progressive and even tragically hip capital city of Beijing. Traditional relics like the Tiananmen gate stand juxtaposed against the imposing modernist architecture of recent history, most notable in the Dashanzi Art District. The Peoples Republic of China has its financial industries mainly in Shanghai and Hong Kong, but Beijing remains the nations true cultural and political center.Orange County Meets Ming Dyna...
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The Sights of Bangkok in Thailand
Description of some main attractions in Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand.
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Malaysia: The Asian Beauty
The splendid country of Malaysia stores a rich stock of diversified heritage, traditions, and culture. The vivid mesh of different religious and racial backgrounds that feature the heritage of Asia in Malays, Chinese, and Indians and the cultural marks left by the Thai, Portuguese, Dutch, and English make Malaysia one of the most beautiful countries that celebrate plurality and diversity.Despite the differences, the people of Malaysia are the most gentle and most tolerant...
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A Heavy Global Industry
The global demand for heavy construction equipment has increased dramatically over the preceding years. This demand of heavy construction equipment is highly accredited in part to the recovery from a recession in assorted Asian countries, as well as in Latin America, Russia, and Africa. Regardless of the fact that the heavy construction equipment industry is not as heavily concentrated as it had been in previous years, acquisitions are still going strong and substantial partn...
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Nepal Casinos
Nepal has always been a popular tourist destination when people from around the world visit Asia; it is not only the fact that Nepal is a land of many mysteries, contrasts, and tranquility, but also because it possesses some of the most beautiful casinos in South Asia. In fact, South Asians themselves travel to Nepal especially to indulge in the casino excitement and entertainment.Asia has been enjoying gambling since ancient times; one can even observe this in famous pai...
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Kazakhstan Casinos
Landlocked Kazakhstan has remained a mystery to the western traveler for centuries, unknown save from the pages of Marco Polo or Kipling. Few outsiders have experienced the charms of this central Asian country, other than the merchants who plied the Silk Road. Yet since Kazakhstan gained its independence in 1991 and especially under the farsighted and benevolent presidency of Nursultan Nazarbayev, the country has flourished. As the nation flourishes, so do Kazakhstan casinos....
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Beijing or peking what is the difference
Beijing literally means northern capital, a role it has played many times in Chinas long history and in line with the common east Asian tradition whereby capital cities are explicitly named as such.
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Hottest Business & Social Networking Site for South Asians
This article shows how South Asians who are popularly called 'Desis', which are migrated all over the world and are very successful in whatever profession they are, are using the latest Social Networking Site on internet, www.DesiMySpace.com.
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Why You Should Choose Grace Lee International
International business consultant Grace Lee can get your business up and running in Asia, the U.S., or both in record time. Whether you’re a U.S. firm looking at Asia or an Asian firm exploring possibilities in the U.S., Grace cuts through red tape fast and speeds you to success on either – or both – continents.
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The Orchid-More Than Just An Exotic Flower
Next to the rose, orchids are the flowers most in demand in both the private and commercial marketplace. No plant family has as many different flowers as the orchid family. Orchids are known to grow in most every part of the world with the exception of Antarctica and the deserts.Most African orchids are white, while Asian orchids are generally multicolored. Some orchids grow only one flower on each stem, while others can have more than a hundred blooms on a single spike....
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Health Resort Spas of Asia A Mixture of Spirituality and Health
Health resort spas of Asia are very famous. They are attracting people from all over the world who come for beauty and health solutions. Asian health resort spas adopt the healing wisdom of spiritual gurus and spa experts, a haven or organic and natural way of living.
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Asian Massage Therapy
There are several forms of ancient Asian massage still being practiced in the world today. Asian massage techniques are ancient healing rituals developed over the centuries in India and the Far East. Thai massage, shiatsu and asian massage are becoming more and more popular in the west as more people become interested in pilates, yoga and other more holistic forms of exercise and relaxation.Thai massage actually started in India. It is a form of massage using guided stret...
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How To Choose Golf Clubs That Has Grip Suit You The Most
The most important factor that can affect to the quality of your play and affect to the distance of your shot and the accuracy is the size of grip. If you are a golfer who are looking for the set of golf club that has grip that most suit to your play, this article may be useful to you.Nowadays, golf clubs that being sold in many of golf equipment shops, particularly in Asian country, usually has smaller grip than ones that being sold in western or Europe . This is just be...
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Asian Playboy : Conveying Personality
Pick-Up Artist Asian Playboy explains how to convey your personality to get women.
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Grace Lee's Background - More Information
Lee has worked with American and Asian firms to set up profitable businesses on both sides of the ocean while always honoring the host country’s culture and traditions. Her successful international import-export company moved goods from Japan, India, Taiwan, and Singapore to markets throughout the U.S. Her efforts have generated over 100 million dollars in trade in pharmaceuticals, auto parts, sports equipment, clothing, food and gift items.
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Interview With Marguerite Arotin, A Romance Writer In Ohio
Py: How did you get your pen name as Maruerite Arotin?Marguerite: My real name is Dana but when I decided to write romance, I always knew Dana would be too unisex for the romance market. So I thought about my nickname. My grandma used to call me Daisy and my hubby eventually picked it up too. Marguerite is french for Daisy and I'm part French so I loved that ;-). Arotin was my late mother-in-law's maiden name so I took the name in honor of her and plus it flowed nicely wi...
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Interview With Howard Shapiro, A Children Book Author
I nterviewed Howard Shapiro on October 24 2006Q: What are you working on now?At the moment I am marketing my Hanukkah book for the 2nd yearand trying to get my anti-bullying book into schools, foundations etc.After the first of the year, I am planning to start work on my thirdbook "Hockey Day's" which I hope to have out in October, 2007.Q: Tell us about your two books?My first book was published in October, 2005. It is called "HanukkahCounts Too!" and the ...
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Asian Matchmaking moves to the Digital Age
How online dating has changed the Asian approach to marriage, using an online matchmaker.
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Mixed Love Relationships Have a Certain Special Spark
Mixed love is a fantastic example of how true love conquers all as it breaks the bonds and rises above discrimination, alienation, and disapproval.