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The Promotional Product Edge!
Make your logo or message stick. Brand identity will keep you business and increase customer loyalty. There are events throughout the year that is easy to use promotional products. Many events are obvious and popular like Valentines Day, 4th of July, Christmas or Halloween, but the potential is unlimited to use your imagination. Making the impression that will last with customers old and new is the key. Here are 6 tips that will give you the promotional product edge.
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Christmas 2005: Bargains Galore!
Merry Christmas; now start shopping! Retailers have their work cut out for them this year as they persuade consumers to shop in the face of higher fuel costs, rising mortgage rates, and credit card changes. If you are looking for a bargain, just you wait and see!
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The Wrong Time To Write A Press Release
Is there ever a wrong time to try to get free publicity for your company, product, or service?Oh, yeah.The wrong time isn't just about bad days of the week, like Monday morning, or bad times of the year, like Christmas Eve.The wrong time I'm referring to is more internal.Let's say you're almost finished with your web site. It will be up next week, and you're almost ready to start taking orders. Is that the time to send out a press release? After all, everyth...
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Staying In School: Beating The Late Fall Doldrums
If you are like most University students, November can be a tough month. You might have just finished all of your midterms, or maybe youre still writing midterms. No matter the situation, it can seem like you have eons to go before Christmas break in December, and even longer before you will be finished with your degree. Here are some tips for staying motivated in school.Pros and ConsRemind yourself why you are in school. What kind of a job will you be able to get wh...
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RTR Remote Control Cars
What could be the best possible gift for your child this Christmas? What could be the best possible replacement of his old car with which he does vroom-vroom all the day? Well the answer is simple. Present him with an RTR Remote Control Car. An RTR Car implies a ready-to-run car. It is a remote control car which comes assembled from the company. All you have to do is put the batteries in the car and its ready to use. The functioning of the car is controlled by a remote...
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Normally We Do
But Not Today
For a Christmas present, our children pulled their resources and gave the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage and Yours Truly a marvelous little vacation in the eastern hills of Tennessee.
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Tis The Season To Build Up Your Debt
The holiday shopping season is almost over. Sales are down a bit this year, and with good reason. Most people have less money to spend, and less confidence on receiving a boost in their income anytime soon. Consumers however, are still heading to the mall to catch all the bargains that retailers have to offer. The reason of course is to find those perfect gifts, along with the satisfaction of finding a great deal.Retailers are hoping the last weekend of Christmas shopping...
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A New Years Resolution To Stop Smoking How To Keep To It Beyond Jan 2nd?
So, here you are again. Seeing out the old year, along with its broken promises and failed, good intentions.You arrive, fresh with newly found conviction, after the excesses of the Christmas period, at the New Years resolution, an annual triumph of hope over reality! Hope, that this time you will have the single mindedness to succeed, where last time you failed. Im not suggesting for a moment that you do not want to succeed, Im sure that your desire to stop smoking...
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Guidelines for Sending Business Christmas Cards
Here are some guidelines to ensure that your thoughtful gesture of sending business holiday cards will be interpreted in the best possible light.
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Gifts for the Gardener
Is there a gardener you need to buy a gift for? Christmas is as great a reason as you can get to buy gifts for that special gardener. You don't have to look far to find great gifts for gardeners. Every year there seem to be new gadgets coming out and several on-line websites have wonderful gardening gifts. A couple of them are www.gardenscape.on.ca/ and www.behnkes.com. Both sites have an abundance of unique gifts for the gardener. Local hardware or home improvement stores will also have a...
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Christmas Gift Basket Ideas Theme Your Holiday Gifts
Giving Christmas gift baskets are a fantastic way to avoid the hard work of finding a suitable Christmas gift for even the most demanding of your friends and relatives. You can buy or make Christmas gift baskets that have particular themes to fit the lifestyle and hobbies of the intended recipient. One of the really fun things about giving themed Christmas gift baskets is using your imagination as you start to collect the various items needed to fill your surprise basket....
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Caring For Christmas Trees
Christmas trees are a long time symbol of the Christmas season, but improperly cared for Christmas trees are unlikely to make it through the entire holiday season. Properly cared for fresh cut Christmas trees, on the other hand, can last several weeks. First and foremost, the key to long-lasting Christmas trees is to give them plenty of water. Many people have developed outlandish concoctions for Christmas trees, ranging from mixing things such as bleach, sugar, syrup, 7-...
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Reduce Waste this Christmas
Christmas is responsible for more waste and consumption than any other holiday. North Americans trash increases by 25% over Christmas - which equates to 25 million extra tons of garbage going to the landfill. By recognizing the incredible waste that is generated the urgency to do something becomes apparent. A truly useful or environment friendly gift is a better ecological choice. Here is a brief list of ideas to inspire you.
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Palm Trees Uses And Locations
Palm trees, scientifically known as Arecaceae or Palmae, are trees belonging to a family of monocot flowering plants. There are approximately 2,600 different species of palm trees, the majority of which are native to tropical or subtropical climates. Some well-known trees that belong to this group include coconut trees, rattan trees, and date palm trees. Uses of palm trees Palm trees have many uses. Palm tree sap is sometimes fermented in order to produce palm wine, o...
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Making Your Own Flower Arrangements
Flowers have long been used to symbolize lifes important events and emotions. Roses are symbols of love, lilies, the flowers of death and renewal, and carnations a sign of appreciation. We use flowers as wedding decorations, Valentines Day presents and Christmas ornaments. No matter what the occasion is, a beautiful flower arrangement is a wonderful way to celebrate life through vibrant colors and rich floral scents.Florists provide customers with a variety of arrangeme...
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Learn the Top 2 Tips to Make Your New Financial Year The Most Profitable Yet!
Well we are already 1/2 way through 2006 and boy has it gone fast, I swear I am already seeing hints of Christmas in the stores! Was one of your 2006 New Year resolutions to get busy with your business online and really make an impact? If you like many others have not quite gotten there yet, don't despair because I am about to give you the hottest and easiest to implement strategies that will really make a difference to your bottom line!!
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The Best Time For Marketing...
The best time for marketing is when they arent buying. Be realistic. If you arent selling the hottest new fashion or gizmo for holiday gift-giving, its hard to get anyone to think about buying your product or service from Thanksgiving through Christmas and New Years. Thats a six week lean selling stretch for lots of sales professionals. When you are trying to hit your quarterly and year-end numbers that lean stretch can be tough to swallow. No leader likes to see...
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Pursuing Your Post-Retirement Passions Online
Ten years ago, computer literacy was an issue with older Americans. My father was insistent that one of those machines would never be seen near his desk. So we bought him one for Christmas and let the instruction manual drag him in. Now he paints with it.It seems that resistance to computers is largely a thing of the past among most of us these days. They are a part of everyone's life, and grandparents are no exception. The ease and simplicity of email has spread computer...
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Tips for Selecting a Great Golf Gift
Everyone who plays golf always appreciates a new shirt or some quality balls, but if you want to find a gift that is more personal, try selecting the golf gift based on the golfer's skill level. Here are some tips.
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Golf Gadgets at www.find-me-a-gift.co.uk
If you are looking for a golf gift that is completely unique and different then www.find-me-a-gift is the right place. They offer a fantastic range of golf gifts whether you are an aspiring fanatic or a self-confessed pro.
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Do Golf Lessons Really Help?
For many years I would go to Phoenix Arizona between Christmas and New Years to visit some relatives and friends. Every year my friend Ray and I would play golf at least 3 times during my stay and every year it would be a contest to see who won the most games.
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Ditch Your New Years Resolutions
A New Year is upon us. The stresses of Christmas will soon be over and well be bursting with good intentions to lose weight, pay off debts, get fit, drink less alcohol and be nicer to the mother-in-law. Sound familiar? Then read on!The truth is that most of us set ourselves up for failure when it comes to New Years Resolutions because a) our lists are too long, and b) theyre simply not exciting enough!Thats why I recommend you ditch your New Years Resolutions alt...
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Christmas Spirit: Do You Possess The True Spirit Of Christmas?
While for so many people this holiday season is about rampant commercialism, keeping up with the Joneses and rushing to keep up with a hectic schedule, we should all jump off the speed train and take time to not only appreciate the true meaning of Christmas but also to embrace the true spirit of Christmas.Emotionally this is a difficult time of year for so many. Depression and anger drive up the rates of suicide and domestic violence. Stress builds upon stress to destroy ...
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Discover What You Really Want - Ask This Question
Kids Know What They WantWhen I was a child, it was easy. I'd sit down with a cup of hot cocoa, some cookies, and a sheet of paper to write my letter to Santa. I'd tell him everything I wanted for Christmas. I had no trouble identifying what I wanted. I didn't worry about whether I thought I could have it, how much it cost, or what other people would think. I knew what I wanted and I asked for it!Sometime between those childhood years and becoming an adult, I became mu...
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Your Good Time Starts Now
I am so glad you attended the call on Thursday and took time to write back to me. I want to tell you that i love you from the bottom of my heart and i thank you for being the person who you are.In the next two months we are going to work together and take your life to the next level. When i speak of next level i do not mean just money,health or relationships . Sure these things are of prime importance but in addition to helping you get all these i will also help you disco...
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The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 49 )
It was the day after Christmas. The morning was bitter cold,but the golden rays of the sun bathed the trees in a frosty, sparkling beauty.Somehow,deep within me, I felt this was to be the day for my visit to System 22. Yet nothing had happened to confirm my feelings.Christmas day had been spent at home with the family. It was exciting to help my children set up their toys. I reflected on the days of my childhood and how, with great excitement, I would wait for Christmas d...
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The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 45 )
A week had passed since my last meeting with Gideon and Marla. Christmas was only a few days away and we, like many other families,were preparing for the occasion. Barely able to afford a tree, we settled for a sorry-looking specimen and spent most of the remaining weekend hanging ornaments,lights and decorations. Tired but pleased that we were able to make the most of what we had, I fell into bed exhausted.I must scarcely have fallen asleep when, all of a sudden,I was wi...
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Your Self-worth Is Not Your Net-worth
Lisa, a friend of mine who has known me for the last 16 years, came to visit over the recent Christmas Holiday and asked me a powerful question I really had to stop and think about. As we were up late one night talking, she asked me, What is biggest lesson you have learned in this whole process of bringing forth your vision? I sat there and thought about it for a moment because there have been so many powerful lessons and insights I have gained, but the one that stands out ...
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I Will Stand By You Even If
This is what John told me yesterday.Rule No 1: There are no rules.Rule No 2: If there are rules break them.Rule No 3: Before you break the rules make sure you know all the rules.I asked John How many years does it take to know all the rules. And he said As long as it should take
Think about it,It has been 24 hours since we launched Spiritual Simplicity. We have had members from China, Singapore, Ghana, Sweden, Ireland, Germany, Malaysia, South ...
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Dare to Achieve and Discover a Daring New You
Forget Christmas, the New Year is fast approaching and with it comes another 12 months of doing what youve always done. Now Im not sure about you but I know that next year will be different for me.
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5 Stress Reduction Tips To Help You Avoid Holiday Burnout
The festive season is fast approaching and for many people, stress depression and anxiety can make this season anything but merry. Heres 5 stress reduction tips to help you avoid burnout during the holidays: Lower your expectations. The holidays are so exciting! Being with loved ones, Christmas decorations, lights, presents and much feasting! As the holiday approaches, expectations increase as to how the holiday will be only for them to be dashed when the holidays arriv...
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Wipe Away That Holiday Debt
Its that time of year again, and homeowners from coast to coast are feeling the pinch in their pockets from the financial stress of the holiday season. Retailers across the country are reporting record breaking consumer spending, and in the era of big ticket items like the Ipod and HDTV, its easy to see why consumer credit card debt has reached an all time high. All of this spending is occurring at a time when the average Christmas bonus doesnt cover quite as much as it di...
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Fed Hikes Interest Rates Again
Once again, interest rates continue to spiral upward. Will already squeezed Americans shake it all off and shop this Christmas season or will merchants be forced to slash prices to the bone? It gets interesting!
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Unsecured Debt Consolidation Loan: Have All The Benefits Without Risking Your Assets
No matter what your credit history, if you are floundering in financial quicksand, an unsecured debt consolidation loan can save you without the need to risk your assets. Credit card balances can go quickly through the roof when we have reverses in circumstances, expensive medical costs, Christmas spending or even just normal bills. It is normal to be optimistic and to think we can manage and things will get better. Unfortunately, life doesnt always turn out the way we would...
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Salvation Army, Not Just A Religion, A Charity Worth Giving To
The Salvation Army may be a religious organization but their main function seems to be to help those in need. As such they are a charity worth donating to. A charity that deserves your donations, not just at Christmas time but year round. Help them help others. You don't have to be a Christian to give to them, you don't even have to believe in God. All you have to believe in is helping other people.
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Last Minute Festive Packages From Superbreak
Why not let someone else worry about Christmas and New Year this year and book a last minute stay in a hotel over the festive period. Forget about buying the food, cooking the dinner, washing it up or organising the New Year party - just relax and concentrate on spending time with your loved ones. Its not too late to down tools short break specialist Superbreak still has availability for those wanting a real rest this year. From a candlelit dinner for two to a trip to the ...
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Tis the Season...
Christmas and (insert your favorite holiday here) come but once a year; earnings season on the other hand, comes four times a year. And while earnings season may be devoid of streamers, balloons and cake...the outcome can be just as festive for penny stock investors.
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Exceptional Business Character Awards--- Pay It Forward
So let's all take a minute to show our appreciation to those businesses and professionals out there who don't torture us with telephone menus and rude employees. Let's give a firm pat-on-the-back, a verbal standing ovation, even, to those we have done business with lately who remember what fair, and personalized service is all about.
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Forum Essentials: Dress Up Your Site For The Holidays
The holiday season is fast approaching, don't lose your forum particpants; liven up your site and keep them coming back all throughout the year.
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Ebay Fraud And Risks
I was on the hunt to buy a particular make of mobile phone and thought I had found a real bargain. I saw an advert for a buy it now phone at a price which I thought was quite low. The advert stated that the mobile phone was an unwanted christmas present.
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Adsense - Maximising Your Income In The Holidays
You may have noticed that during the Bank Holidays in the USA your Adsense income takes a nosedive.How do you turn this into your advantage - and actually increase your Google Adsense income at festive occasions such as Christmas & Thanksgiving?Don't know how to increase your search engine traffic?Here's some tips for boosting both your Adsense income & your traffic ...
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A Letter to Santa From An Internet Marketer
Yo, Santa! Hows it going in the great white north? Seeing as it tis the season, here is my letter about what I want for Christmas.
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An Internet Marketing Lesson I Learned From My 7 Year Old Grandson
A few weeks ago I was watching my 7 year old Grandson Joel as he was drawing a picture of a strawberry patch.As he drew, it began to look more and more like a Christmas wreath than a strawberry patch. I told him that it looked pretty good, but suggested to him that "maybe you could put a few strawberries here, and here and here" as I pointed to the big white area in the middle of his drawing.He looked at me in all seriousness and said..."Grandpa, it doesn't matter...
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Online Internet Shopping
Online Internet Shopping is a great way to cash in on the special offers made by companies and stores offering a whole range of products and services. Discounts range from gift certificates, bargain sales, clearances to free shipping offers to even free product offers.
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Dont Worry About Scrooge This Christmas, By Shopping Online Youll Save Plenty Of Time And Money
According to a study by BizRate Research, 60% of women were already planning their online buying in September, compared to only 42% of men. Women are also reported to carry the burden of Christmas shopping with 55% taking on the responsibility, compared to only 45% of men. However, as more and more retailers go online, women can exploit the internet by saving themselves time, money and effort.There are many advantages to shopping online:* You have more choice* Price...
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Internet Shopping Up Again!
Shopping on the internet has been increasing every year over the last five years, a new survey predicts another busy year for internet shopping in the UK. According to the results of an online survey of 3,012 shoppers by PriceGrabber.com, this Christmas shopping season promises to be the busiest yet for internet shopping.
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Beauty Gift Certificates! Give The Gift That Will Make Your Recipient Blush With Excitement
Any woman out there loves to receive beauty gifts for their birthday or as a Christmas gift. Of course, there are those uncertain times where you end up getting the wrong shade of eye shadow, or a perfume thats too sweet for you, so giving a beauty gift certificate can be a great option.
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Buying Wholesale For Consumers And Retailers Alike
Thousands of individuals earn an income by selling online through various websites such as eBay or Amazon.com. Buying products wholesale and reselling for profits is enabling an increasing number of people around the world to become self-employed. Alternatively, consumers may buy direct from wholesale sources in order to save money on their general purchases. With the upcoming holiday season, shoppers will be searching for the best deals and biggest discounts. The best discou...
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Romantic Gifts to Show you Care
We all buy gifts for our spouses. These are often gifts given on holidays or special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, or Christmas. Sometimes we even give gifts to say that we are sorry after an argument. But why not give a gift just because?
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Flower Delivery
Over recent years there has been a marked increase in the number of flower shops that are offering flowers and flower arrangements at discount rates over the internet.Many offer free shipping and most offer some form of discount. It has quickly become one of the most popular forms of flower sales for florists.Most of these flower shops offer same day delivery within a specified distance from the flower retailer. Discounts are often offered for specials occasions such ...