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What Your Mother Never Told You About Income Investing: Twenty Questions (1 thru 6)
Investors are a very dependent group of people, particularly now that most employed persons have been given the responsibility of directing their own savings and investment programs for retirement. Mother Wall Street has monopolized this huge market, and nursed its children first on Mutual Funds and now on derivative betting mechanisms they call index ETFs ---the unhealthy investment equivalent of a diet of fast food, limited protein, and high energy fusion products.
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Risk Minimization, The Essence of Market Cycle Investment Management
The MCIM methodology combines risk minimization, asset allocation, equity trading, investment grade value stock investing, and base income generation in a realistic environment whose time frame recognizes and embraces stock market, interest rate, and economic cycles. It does not exist in either Mutual Fund or ETF form.
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Investment Fruitcake
Portfolio design, in its simplest form, is a fruitcake of apples, oranges, and dough. The recipe (asset allocation) is about as straightforward as it can be, the ingredients (equity and income securities) can be well known and of unquestioned quality, and their reactions to time, and cyclical mood are well documented.
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Stock Market Issue Breadth Strong Since Trump Victory
IGVSI breadth statistics signal changes in direction within Investment Grade Value Stocks only --- all CEFs, ETFs, REITs, and preferreds (and individual issues that are NOT investment grade) are excluded. Issue Breadth Statistics should allow investors to look inside an index to obtain a better feel for what has been going on.
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Market Cycle Investment Management Rocks Wall Street
The Market Cycle Investment Management Methodology (MCIM) is the sum of all the strategies, procedures, controls, and guidelines explained and illustrated within the pages of The Brainwashing of the American Investor --- considered by some Amazon.com readers the best investment book they have ever read.
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How To Make Short Term Trading Your Long Term Investment Strategy
But most programs are designed to reward the genius and hard work of their creators, not the passive involvement of add to cart speculators looking for assistance making investment decisions. Face it people, much as I still love the over-regulated markets that we call Wall Street, the Master's of the Universe are clearly more interested in enhancing their own wealth then ours.
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Income Investing For Fun and Profit --- Income CEFs Beat S & P 500 Over Past Five Years!
Learn how to manage your income portfolio sanely, safely and with yields far in excess of what Wall Street wants you to believe are available. Free income investing webinar explains S & P thumping strategy.
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What's Going On In The Markets?!?!
If you were to buy almost any common stock or equity based security (mutual fund, ETF or Equity Closed End Fund), you would be paying a higher price than has ever been paid, by any person, at any time in the history of mankind.
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Trading The 401k Portfolio - Part II
Retirement plan investment portfolios are managed to produce the promised income; 401k plans make no promises and do not seem to make much of an effort to offer income focused investment products. The income produced by the highest yielding (highest risk) mutual funds is generally lower than that which can be obtained from lower income tier Closed End Funds (CEFs).
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Zero Overhead Real Estate Investing – Right Now (June 2008)
Real Estate investing is not nearly as legally complicated, financially burdensome, or time consuming as you might think. You buy these securities for the income, but always recognize that you have the bonus capability of selling your shares when they rise to an acceptable profit level... so when it comes to Real Estate, think: no attorneys, no debt, and no maintenance equal no problem.
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MarketWatch Column Bashes ETFs (and By Extension)... Mutual Funds
The ‘F’ in ETF stands for “funds,” and it’s only because ETMF is longer that they are not widely recognized as “exchange-traded mutual funds.” In some cases—with Vanguard’s ETFs, for example—ETFs are simply a different share class of the same underlying pool of assets and management style.
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iShares and ETFs: Speculation To The 3rd Power
So, in addition to the normal risks associated with investing in general, we add: speculating in narrowly focused sectors, guessing on the prospects of unproven small cap companies, experimenting with securities in single countries, rolling the dice on commodities, and hoping for the eventual success of new technologies.
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One Man's Bond Crash is Another's Income Opportunity
But we (the non Masters of the Universe) can simply reinvest our current income in any number of portfolios of bonds, preferred stocks, loans, notes, etc. which are selling at discounts, not only from their maturity value, but also from their combined Net Asset Values.
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The Flip Side of Rising Interest Rates... Much Higher Yields
Note that Wall Street (and the DOL) have (purposely?) kept the investing public uninformed about the totally reasonable yields currently (and historically, before, during, and since the financial crisis) available using Closed End Income Funds... CEF income investors have the ability to add to positions when prices fall (thus reducing cost basis and increasing yield),
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Baby Boomer Alert: Prepare for the Dreaded RMD
If you are within five years of retirement right now, at the top of a stock market cycle, what are you waiting for! Sell the Funds, sell the ETFs, and move into safer positions... if you can find them within the plan's product menu.
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Money Magazine 401k Investment Article Directory
Market Cycle Investment Management is a unique, long-term trading approach that focuses on Investment Grade Value Stocks, the very highest quality NYSE, dividend paying companies. A wide variety of Income Closed End Funds is used to populate the Income Bucket of all portfolios. MCIM, the IGVSI, and income purpose investing is now available in 401k plans.
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Dealing With Stock Market Corrections: Ten Do's and Don'ts
A correction is a beautiful thing, simply the flip side of a rally, big or small. Theoretically, even technically I'm told, corrections adjust equity prices to their actual value or support levels. So if you over think the environment or over cook the research, you'll miss the party. Unlike many things in life, Stock Market realities need to be dealt with quickly, decisively, and with zero hindsight.
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Successful Investing: Rules Of Engagement
Crash! The 2007 thru 2008 financial crisis halved 401(k), IRA, and Mutual Fund values in a matter of months. For many, retirement dates had to be pushed back; for others, new jobs had to be found. The tragic flaw? No income allocation in the investment program. Market value builds egos; income pays the bills.
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New 401k Approach Focuses on Income Production and Correction Preparation
401(k) Savings Plans are great opportunities to build wealth, but they are not guaranteed pension programs and there are pitfalls. What if you are forced to retire at the bottom of a market cycle, or at a time of historically low interest rates? Qualified or not as an investor, you have to make your own 401(k) investment decisions.
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Create a Pension Plan Within Your 401(k)
401(k) Savings Plans are great opportunities to build wealth, but they are not guaranteed pension programs and there are pitfalls. What if you are forced to retire at the bottom of a market cycle, or at a time of historically low interest rates? Qualified or not as an investor, you have to make your own 401(k) investment decisions. Eventually, you will have to create your own income portfolio.
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Trading The 401k Portfolio - Part I
Most 401k investment menus encourage speculation by providing varieties of capitalization, sector, commodity, and growth varietals with little emphasis on internal selection quality, diversification, or income generation.
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Collective Investment Funds (CIFs) for Your Retirement Plans: Plan Sponsors, Principals, Advisors, Fiduciaries
We all know that Mutual Funds, ETFs, and similar products don't prepare well for market downturns.... they are unable to take profits, build portfolio income, or hold equity smart cash that can be put back to work when the market falls. Collective Investment Trusts could be a solution to these problems... Active management and security transparency are the key differences.
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Solid Income Investments in Liquid Form: Managed Closed End Funds
Unlike conventional mutual funds, CEFs do not issue and redeem shares directly with investors at net asset value. CEFs are listed on national securities exchanges, where shares of the Investment Company are purchased and sold in transactions with other investors, just like individual company stocks, and most often not at net asset value.
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Life Cycle Portfolios Deliver Pension-Like Benefits: Free Webinar
Mutual Fund managers can't beat the averages because the managers must do what unit holders tell them to do. They can't buy low and sell high, and they must buy high and sell low --- not what you would call a winning (or index beating) combination. What do you think will happen to ETF prices when there is a correction? Are they any different, even without a manager?
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Investment Performance Expectations: MCIM Portfolio Fine Tuning
How can I get you to stop fixating on monthly market values and to focus on the purpose of the securities within the portfolio? Most of us are trained to deal with seasons, fashion trends, biological changes, waning sports dynasties, sunspots, etc. Instinctively, we expect, and prepare for change effectively--- except when it comes to investing, where planning and preparation is only talked about.
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High Dividend ETFs - An Equity-Income Investment Fantasy
Market Cycle Investment Portfolios are investment portfolios; ETFs in general are derivative gambling devices; High Dividend ETFs are quality-and-income equity derivative gambling devices that could be useful around the bottom of the next correction --- the next prolonged correction, that is. There is absolutely not one molecule of similarity between any MCIM portfolio and any Index ETF, period.
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Hang On A Minute - The Mighty Dow Is Still 10% Below 2007 Levels!
Do they think investors are stupid enough to get excited about this dismal performance? Particularly, when less than 20% of professionally managed equity funds did as well. And how about unmanaged ETFs? I haven't heard any claims of brilliance, have you?
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Rocketfrench Review
It is said that French is one of the sweetest languages of the world. Some feels in a way it is also the toughest to learn. But Rocket French may change the perception of those as it has introduced simple but genius mode of learning the language of love which can make anybody, absolutely anybody speak, listen, read and write French within only 90 hours!There are 45 lessons provided by the program each represents supreme quality and absolute class. You can either exercise ...
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Review On Rocket French
The world is getting smaller day by day and we are getting more involved with people from other countries, races and regions. Obviously we experience lack of communication while we face people having different norms, attitude, and lifestyle. Language can be mentioned as one of the biggest barriers to communicate with the people abroad. So, it has become an essential to know different languages to stay overseas. Generally, it is hard for someone to learn many languages, so it ...
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Eight Rules For ETF Success
Managing a global portfolio of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) is a great way to build a diversified portfolio with exposure to equities around the globe. Fortunately, you need not be a rocket scientist to do this, but many investors fail to observe some basic guidelines, and it can get them into real trouble. Follow these eight steps and sleep easier.1. Liquidity Comes First: Before you even think of building an investment portfolio, you should set aside about six months of...
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Investing Advice: 5 Benefits Of Etfs
When people ask for investing advice, ETFs usually come up pretty quickly, because they are so heavily marketed and trumped by the industry. Exchange-traded funds, or ETFs, are an easy way to diversify a small investment, but to get the most out of your investment, it is important to understand how they operate.ETFs are like mutual funds, in that they are a collection of investments, but they are traded on an exchange, such as the NYSE, instead of purchased directly from ...
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ETFs Unplugged
Is your financial advisor missing a critical piece to the ETF?Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are great investment tools but most have a flaw that investors and advisors usually miss. Lets take a look under the hood and introduce some new and innovative ETF products. Essentially, ETFs are nothing more than an index fund that trades like a stock. Because of their simplicity, flexibility, low cost and tax efficiency they are growing fast. Last year the Barclays iShares fa...
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Meditation For Memory
Meditation helps the body relax. Through concentration and breathing, stress can be released and this allows a person to be more receptive and open. Meditation can be beneficial to memory too. If a person is relaxed their memory will improve.If there have been times when you forgot something like a birthday, you will recall the guilt that followed. Most likely you were already in stress. This guilt in turn feed the cycle of forgetfulness by turning into anxiety which made...
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Hi-Yo, Silver Fund!
What is it about silver that has someone trying to amass huge amounts of it every decade or so? This tactic nearly broke the famous Hunt brothers in the 80s, but doubled the price of silver when Warren Buffet did it in the 90s. Now, large quantities of silver are moving to Hong Kong. What's up this time?
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China Portfolio Insurance
Are you excited about the upside potential of China but cant pull the trigger because of the significant downside risk? Here is a way to invest in China growth and still sleep at night. China has been the largest economy in the world for eighteen of the past twenty centuries and it is clearly determined to regain its role as the hegemonic power in Asia and then challenge U.S. global leadership. Will it be able to sustain its 10% economic growth rate, quell rural disconte...
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Your 401(k) Investments and the IGVSI (May, 2008)
Typically, 401(k) participants buy the higher priced, last-year-best-performing, and hot sector offerings while they sell or avoid the various products they feel have "under performed" the market. Nowhere else in their lives do they adopt such a perverse strategy. And nowhere else in their thinking would they blindly accept the premise that any one number represents what is, or should be, going on in their personal investment portfolios.
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Retirement Income Investing and Your Portfolio (October 2008)
Brokerage firm monthly statements are designed to promote either fear or greed, depending on the current market environment. Nowhere on your statement can you find numbers that report your net investment, your total working capital, or your true asset allocation. Current and projected income numbers are given little attention.
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Wall Street Garage Sale Produces Closed End Fund Bargains (October 2008)
Buffet, Bogle, Gross, Schwab, and Deep Pockets offer sound advice--- don't run and hide, it's time to hit the Wall Street Mall and go shopping! They've seen the indicators; they've been there before. So have many of you. Clearly, it's time for action.
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IGVSI Performance Expectations – WCM Portfolios (February 2009)
All investors need to become intimate with both the content of their portfolios and the workings of the various cycles that impact on security market values. They need to expect, even anticipate cyclical changes in the market values of their securities by taking reasonable profits in either classification willingly, gleefully, and without hindsight.
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The Below The Radar Hedge Fund Crisis (April 2009)
And the real crime is this: investors as naive as the wet-diapered E-Trade spokesbaby can push a button and buy operational hedge funds more bizarre and sophisticated than any ever imagined buy the rich and famous. If an ETF harbors a hedge fund, but doesn't call it a hedge fund, is it really not a hedge fund?
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Your 401(k) Investments and the IGVSI
Smack, right up alongside the head. Your 401(k) investment program deteriorated rapidly as the stock market and the economy weakened. Who would have thought that there was so much risk of loss in those mutual funds, and ETFs? Fortunately, the pain is most often temporary, but the timing of the recovery could alter some participant retirement schedules and benefits--- not to mention the hefty confiscation level retirees can count on from Uncle Sam.
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Affiliate Program Marketing: Become An Online Marketing Success
Advertising and marketing has become one of the largest and most profitable careers around. Successful advertising gurus can command huge wages by working in the creative industry. Few people would choose to argue with earning money by the bucketful doing something as simple and enjoyable as creating advertising campaigns. The invention of the Internet has blown apart the traditions and boundaries of many of the industries and business sectors, which have become establish...