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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag Taxes

There are 82 articles associated with the tag Taxes!

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1. Bookmarks: 0 Experienced (old?) Investors Love Higher Interest Rates... Say What! Rising Interest Rate Expectations, regardless of their impact on Closed End Fund pricing, have absolutely no impact whatsoever on the income generated by the securities you now own. In fact, higher interest rates will eventually lead to higher payout levels because managers will have access to higher yielding instruments.
2. Bookmarks: 6 Retirement Income Avenues to becoming Retirement Income Ready. After forty years of investing, a few things become crystal clear: you need to focus on quality, individual securities, diversify intelligently, and develop a lifetime supply of income. I call these principles The Big Three or the QDI. Just like the ice cream brick of my youth, it's just not right without all three flavors. The investment puzzle becomes easier to solve if you have a handle on all the pieces.
3. Bookmarks: 0 The Obama Tax Reform Plan For Long Term Economic Growth? (July 2008) Investors represent the biggest voting block in the country. We could elect the next president, change the tax code, fix Social Security, and strengthen the economy. If only we weren't the most apathetic group of people on the planet. As Investors, we want less government, lower taxes, and purposeful regulation. We want laws that aid economic freedoms, and lawmakers and judges who facilitate it.
4. Bookmarks: 0 The McCain Tax Reform Plan For Long Term Economic Growth? (July 2008) Investors represent the biggest voting block in the country. We could elect the next president, change the tax code, fix Social Security, and strengthen the economy. If only we weren't the most apathetic group of people on the planet. As Investors, we want less government, lower taxes, and purposeful regulation. We want laws that aid economic freedoms, and lawmakers and judges who facilitate it.
5. Bookmarks: 17 Barter Exchange Systems - Yes You Are Liable For Taxes! You may not know that you are liable for taxes on barter transactions. You may have heard about some new money exchange systems that have something to do with barter, but keep in mind barter is taxable.
6. Bookmarks: 0 Let's Make 401k Plans Behave More Like Retirement Plans Although it is true that you do not pay taxes on your contributions during the earning years, you will absolutely pay through both nostrils when you retire. If your karma is off, you may find yourself retiring at a time when the stock market is not in a party mood and your shrinking mutual funds don't seem quite as secure as they did a few months earlier. We can deal with the market cycle; a saner tax code is a much bigger problem
7. Bookmarks: 0 Income Investing: News, Information, Opportunity There are always reasonable explanations for price weakness --- there are always excellent reasons why investors should be viewing price weakness as a buying opportunity. Clearly, the financial press has not attended any of my income investing seminars. Lower prices and higher yields are always good news for income investors.
8. Bookmarks: 0 Tax Code Strikes Again --- Proven Cause of Early Onset Investor Dementia How could any investor not be thrilled with large amounts of capital gains on top of significant tax free income? Concerned that an income tax liability is created by such wanton disregard for the tax code, some investors actually prefer to have no short term profits at all! Talk about shooting oneself in the foot.
9. Bookmarks: 0 More Jobs, Fewer and Lower Taxes - The KISS Principle There are no purely economic problems with making the shift to a consumption tax --- just political ones. The legislation has been on the hill, and summarily ignored for decades. We need to apply cool economic sense to the elimination of the Internal Revenue Code and the Social Security Ponzi scheme.
10. Bookmarks: 0 Investment Politics 2012: What's (left) In Your Wallet? As Investors, we represent the single biggest voter block in the country. We must respond in one voice to the endless political drivel with a resounding Money Talks, BS Walks. We want decision makers who design laws that aid economic freedoms, not lawmakers who make decisions that restrict them. Here's the MT~BSW Financial Plan for the 2012 Election. Dot Connectors Wanted!
11. Bookmarks: 5 Only YOU Can Prevent Obama Care If President Obama owned the New World Order Health Insurance Company, he would not be willing to insure an applicant with brain cancer nor would he be willing to pay an unlimited lifetime benefit to all insureds --- not without a premium that reflects the risks to his personal bank account.
12. Bookmarks: 0 Global Investors' Bill Of Rights May Prevent Economic Déjà Vu (February 2009) The purpose of IBOR is to protect financial markets and to create self-sufficient investors who produce economic growth instead of government deficits. IBOR standards create transparent financial markets, regulate speculation, and protect retirement portfolios. Here's a Summary:
13. Bookmarks: 0 How To Create A Fairer Tax Environment There are 44,000 pages in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) alone, 5.5 million words, incomprehensible at best. Obviously, there is a lot more to be said about each of the ideas that follow. Here are the top survey ideas; the first two were discussed in previous results articles as consumer spending enhancers and job creators, respectively.
14. Bookmarks: 2 How To Create More Jobs, America Today, employers are reluctant to create jobs because the mandated non-productive overhead associated with each worker adds significantly to the cost of running the business--- worker's compensation, unemployment insurance, OSHA compliance, liability insurance, social security contributions, minimum wage/union pay scales, etc.
15. Bookmarks: 0 Unfair US Taxes And America's Move To Socialism In this short article, I will cover many things, including health costs, poverty, taxes, communism, socialism, and fascism. I have never seen this information presented in this way, anywhere, so I felt compelled to give it to you straight - the real data in an easy-to-understand way that THEY don't want you to see!
16. Bookmarks: 0 How Rich People Get Away With Paying No Taxes! Are you rich? Well, you probably already know this, so don't worry about reading any further...
17. Bookmarks: 3 SIBORAP: The Securities Investors' Bill Of Rights - Part Four We the securities investors of the United States, in order to form more transparent financial markets, establish effective regulations, defend against destructive speculation and manipulation, promote financial well-being, preserve working capital, and protect retirement income...
18. Bookmarks: 3 The Securities Investors' Bill Of Rights (SIBORAP): Part Three We the securities investors of the United States, in order to form more transparent financial markets, establish effective regulations, defend against destructive speculation and manipulation, promote financial well-being, preserve working capital, and protect retirement income...
19. Bookmarks: 3 The Securities Investors' Bill Of Rights (SIBORAP): Part Two We the securities investors of the United States, in order to form more transparent financial markets, establish effective regulations, defend against destructive speculation and manipulation, promote financial well-being, preserve working capital, and protect retirement income...
20. Bookmarks: 3 SIBORAP: The Securities Investors' Bill Of Rights - Part One We the securities investors of the United States, in order to form more transparent financial markets, establish effective regulations, defend against destructive speculation and manipulation, promote financial well-being, preserve working capital, and protect retirement income...
21. Bookmarks: 0 Calculating Your Investment IQ Stocks, bonds, index funds; averages, recessions, market rallies and corrections; mutual funds, technical analysis, financial statements; commissions, taxes, and discount brokers.
22. Bookmarks: 0 The Social Security Problem--- and Two Viable Solutions Social Security is a cancer that’s killing the American economy --- it must be replaced by something more constructive. Here are two interesting monologue's that describe the multi trillion dollar problem, and offer one man's workable (if complex) solution. Combine his program and mine and you've got something.
23. Bookmarks: 0 What Is The Fair Tax And Why Should You Care? The U.S. Federal Income Tax Code is a tax on the income of American companies and citizens enacted by the government. The U.S. Constitution gives Congress the power to impose taxes, duties, imposts, and excises.The purpose of the Tax Code is to provide income for the operation of the government. The Tax Code is found in Title 26 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).Any U.S. citizen who has filled out a federal tax return knows how confusing the current U.S. T...
24. Bookmarks: 0 How to minimize your taxes on wealth Taxes on wealth or simply wealth tax is the tax levied on the value of wealth owned by a person. As the term ‘wealth’ carries with it a broader meaning, generally capital transfer taxes (which include inheritance tax and gift tax), property tax, and capital gains taxes are some times invariably referred to as wealth taxes.
25. Bookmarks: 0 Capital Assets – Gains and Losses for Taxes Capital is a unique term when it comes to taxes. If it gains value, you pay a tax. If it loses it, you can write at least some of the loss off.
26. Bookmarks: 0 Use The Same Techniques The Rich And Famous To Avoid Taxes! Everyone has heard about the actor or businessman who lives a jet-set lifestyle and 'pays no tax'? This article explains how everyone can benefit from the same 'secrets'.
27. Bookmarks: 0 Which 1099 Tax Forms concern you? It’s tax time again and you must be sure to receive all the necessary forms. What is a 1099 tax form and who gets one? A Tax Form 1099 is used to report income other than wages, salaries and tips. Here of late, this term is used more and more frequently as many employers are opting to use contract labor versus hiring employees, who can turn out to be quite expensive when you factor in the insurance, payroll taxes, and other possible liability.
28. Bookmarks: 0 Tips For Preparing Your Taxes from the Internet When it comes to preparing our taxes, many of us could use some help. The following websites offer guidance and information that may assist you in learning about how to get the most out of filing your returns.
29. Bookmarks: 0 Foreclosure business with its incredible outcome Foreclosure is a legal proceeding by which the county enforces payment of real property taxes. Beside all this there is lot more things associated with the foreclosure field; one of the most momentous is the foreclosure business. Because of its enchanting output profit it got a huge attraction; only got to know the property values in an area where you are going to invest.
30. Bookmarks: 0 Can You Deduct Your Mortgge Payment From Taxes? As a landlord, you will want to make sure you take advantage of all of the tax benefits you can receive by owning a property. There are many other deductions than just the obvious ones. Expenses incurred to cancel a lease, reimbursements to renters for expenses that they have incurred and many others exist. Make sure you are taking advantage of all of the expenses you have.Interest. Mortgage interest payments on the loan to purchase the rental property are a deductible co...
31. Bookmarks: 0 Must known facts about tax liens. In most jurisdictions, when a property owner is late on paying real property taxes, the county or municipality will issue a tax lien on that person's property, and after certain stages it property bring up for the auction as a tax lien certificate.
32. Bookmarks: 0 Investment Property - Leveraging Rental Property Equity Owning investment property is a tremendous wealth building strategy. Thousands upon thousands of individuals have amassed great wealth by investing in rental properties.
33. Bookmarks: 0 Captial Gains Tax Explained Capital Gains tax is a federal tax penalty that is imposed on capital accumulation, investment and productivity. Some of the income that is subject to capital gains tax includes the sale of an investment, a home, a family business, a farm or ranch or even a work of art.
34. Bookmarks: 0 Real Estate Owners Should Plan Now Before Tax Breaks Expire Owners of real estate need to plan ahead to take advantage of recently enacted tax breaks that are scheduled to sunset at some point between now and December 31, 2010.
35. Bookmarks: 0 Depreciate property improvements correctly with cost segregation A cost segregation study allows property owners to both defer and reduce federal income taxes. When properly performed by an appraiser with expertise in cost segregation, this is a conservative tax planning tool which reduces federal income taxes by properly allocating the cost basis between land, 5-year, 7-year, 15-year, 27.5-year and 39-year property.
36. Bookmarks: 0 1031 Exchanges - The Legal Way To Defer Investment Property Capital Gains Tax With the booming property prices of recent years, more and more people are finding themselves facing a large tax bill when they come to sell their investment properties. However, did you realize that there is a perfectly legal way of deferring payment of such taxes by utilizing the advantageous 1031 tax code that was introduced by the IRS in the early 1990s?
37. Bookmarks: 0 Strategies For Limiting Taxes If You Are Your Own Boss Self-employed individuals always cringe at the amount of taxes the pay to the IRS and state. Here are tax strategies for self-employed individuals that reduce those tax amounts.
38. Bookmarks: 0 Self-Employed Tax Strategies Self-employed individuals always cringe at the amount of taxes the pay to the IRS and state. Here are tax strategies for self-employed individuals that reduce those tax amounts.
39. Bookmarks: 3 Home Based Business: Your Ultimate Tax Shelter Starting and operating your own home based business is the ultimate tax shelter.Although this article has been written from a Canadian income tax perspective, the principles should be practical in other tax jurisdictions.1. Non-Deductible Personal Living ExpensesAll of us have expenses that we incur in everyday living.Either you rent an apartment or house or you own your residence. Utilities, insurance, rent, mortgage interest, property taxes, and maintena...
40. Bookmarks: 0 Home Appreciation and Capital Gains The last seven years has seen tremendous appreciation in home prices. This brings up the issue of home capital gains tax issues for people when they sell.
41. Bookmarks: 0 Do You Know How Income Taxes Are Calculated? This is the first of a series of 2007 Tax reference sheets that I'll be sharing with you over the next month or so. This one focuses on some of the major federal income tax key numbers. I'll do future ones for estate planning, retirement planning and business planning in the not too distant future so stay tuned.Since federal income taxes are such a large part of most peoples life or expenditures, I thought that you might like a summary or reference sheet for some of the i...
42. Bookmarks: 0 Wave “Goodbye” To Uncle Sam’s Taxes There exists an incredibly powerful wealth-building strategy that has been around since 1921, and is still used by the country's most savvy real estate investors. Remarkably, the IRS made this tax deferral possible.Put simply, you can defer (possibly forever, if you meet a certain condition which I’ll share in a moment) capital gains taxes on the profits from the sale of a foreign property if you use the proceeds of the sale to buy another foreign property.I’ve helped...
43. Bookmarks: 0 Top 7 Ways to Minimize Your Income Taxes Are you paying too much in income taxes? Are you getting all the credits and deductions you are entitled to? Here are 7 tips to help you minimize taxes and keep more in your pocket:
44. Bookmarks: 0 Escape The Burden Of Taxes With Colorado Interest Mortgage Rate Refinance Let’s face it. Even if they are for a good cause, taxes are a pain. It doesn’t help when you know it’s not being used the way it should be because of the shameless pilfering of corrupt politicians. Unfortunately, there are only two things certain in life and these are death and taxes, so there’s really no way to get away from them.Less Is MoreInstead of moving to the jungle where the Internal Revenue Service or IRS can’t find you and force you to pay taxes, why not th...
45. Bookmarks: 0 Alternatives To High Risk Mortgage Refinancing Most investors find themselves in a cash crunch at one time or another. Vacancies, renovations, changes in mortgage terms and interest rates, municipal fees and taxes, it can all add up.This leaves investors scrambling to balance their portfolios. Most refinance with an eye on mortgage products with lower monthly payments. The current product of choice is the interest only mortgage.This mortgage lets property owners pay the interest part of a loan monthly, while makin...
46. Bookmarks: 2 Home Based Business Australia Having a home based business can bring you a lot of benefits, like never having to drive to work, being your own boss, and setting your own work hours. However, you are still running a business, so you need to follow the laws for having a home based business Australia. One aspect of your home based business Australia at which you need to look closely is your taxes.
47. Bookmarks: 0 Cost Segregation give apartment owners tax relief Apartment owners can face staggering expenses to maintain apartment communities. The upkeep of even a modest community could involve groundskeeping, unit renovation, and replacements, such as parking lot asphalt and fencing. Another steep expense is federal income tax - and in some areas an additional state tax on income - but through an innovative study known as cost segregation, the depreciation of property components can be used to help lower federal taxes.
48. Bookmarks: 0 Life Insurance; How Much Is Enough? What subject do people really hate to talk about? Accounting? Taxes? No, that would be life insurance. The topic of buying something that you hope will not use soon, can really stress some people.Recent polls suggest most people are under insured or over insured. If that is the case, how do you make sure you have what is right for you? How do you make sure that you have the life insurance coverage you need? How Much Life Insurance Is Enough?There are online calcul...
49. Bookmarks: 0 Life Insurance: Do You Have Too Much? When you discuss your life insurance needs with a broker, are you sure you are asking the right questions or do you feel that you are still confused? Let's take a look at the function of life insurance and see if yours is working for you.The Four Reasons To Have Life InsuranceIt provides security in case the main breadwinner in the family dies.It provides money for charitable causesIt could pay future estate taxesIt could also provide a pensionIf you...
50. Bookmarks: 0 Running French Gites The long term trends look poor. There are 500,000 English owned properties in France – that’s half a million families that will no longer be renting holiday cottages in France.We have to say that it doesn’t quite feel like that for us. Every year we seem to manage sufficient “fullness” to be happy with the outcome. Even this year when summer was rained off and we had to pay French taxes for the first time.As inveterate holiday cottage renters in earlier times we decid...
51. Bookmarks: 10 Saving Money Is The Slow Path To Financial Freedom Getting a job and not spending all the money each month is the slowest, hardest, and least efficient way to build up a big pile of money. Saving money is a worthwhile net worth building activity, but it doesn’t offer much more than that unless your goal is only to have a little cash at the ever-increasing age of retirement. This is because wages are the most heavily taxed source of income. Income taxes (federal, state, and social security) choke off about 35% of this earn...
52. Bookmarks: 6 Four Dumbest S Corporation Setup Mistakes S corporations can save you thousands of dollars a year in corporate and payroll taxes. But for heaven's sake, don't make these common mistakes says CPA and tax professor Stephen L. Nelson.
53. Bookmarks: 3 Taxes, Income And Other Ones The story of American income taxes begins 1812.The 1st attempt to inflict an income tax on Americana occurred as a result of the War of 1812. At the end of two years of war, the federal government owed an unbelievable $100 million of debt (in inflationary terms, it probably had the same impact on the treasury as $100 billion debt would today). To pay for this, the government doubled the rates of its major source of revenue, customs duties on imports. This measure obstruct...
54. Bookmarks: 3 Should You Pay Taxes Or Not? The first attempt to impose an income tax on America occurred during the War of 1812. After more than two years of war, the federal government owed an unbelievable $100 million of debt. To pay for this, the government doubled the rates of its major source of revenue, customs duties on imports, which obstructed trade and ended up yielding less revenue than the previous lower rates.And to think that the Revolution was started because of Tea Taxes in Boston?
55. Bookmarks: 5 The Ultimate Tax Planning Strategy Every dollar that you can rescue from taxes can be put to use to grow your wealth; here is a concept to create the most beneficial deductions.
56. Bookmarks: 1 Higher Returns With Entrepreneurial Investing Long-term investing in the stock market can offer a passive return around 5-8% if you remain invested for 30 years; but, unfortunately, that return is before taxes and inflation. This is so low because the company founders, backers, early investors, investment bankers, etc., have removed all foreseeable profit from the company before it is ever offered to the public market. There is a spectrum of investments available to you that is dependent on how much effort you are willin...
57. Bookmarks: 4 How to Save Thousands with an S Corporation Ever wondered why more than three million business owners and entrepreneurs operate their firms as S corporations? Because they save thousands annually in taxes. Want to know how to get your fair share of these tax savings? Read tax professor and CPA Stephen L. Nelson's down-to-earth explanation of how an S corporation saves business owners money.
58. Bookmarks: 6 Forming Your LLC in Nevada: Does it really work? Considering a Nevada LLC formation to save taxes? Check out these tax tips from bestselling author and llc formation expert Stephen L. Nelson.
59. Bookmarks: 0 Accounting Careers Accountants play a critical role in a company’s many financial facets. In general, they balance books, record costs and profits, execute payroll, pay taxes and bills, and issue financial statements to outside organizations. Although these may appear to be straightforward tasks, accountants are required to be well-versed in protocol and regulations to avoid scandal, which results in costly fines and marred reputations. However, the accounting industry is drawing a breath of fr...
60. Bookmarks: 0 Tax Issues for Self-Employed Individuals The United States is a nation of entrepreneurs. There are literally tens of millions of self-employed individuals that enjoy pursuing their dream business. Of course, few of you enjoy the paperwork and confusing tax issues that arise from owning your own business.
61. Bookmarks: 2 Get Your Accounting And Bookkeeping Done For 90% Off With This Secret Economic loophole If you would like to get all your accounting and bookkeeping services done for 20, 15, even as low as ten cents on the dollar, then this article will show you how.Check this out:Although most people don't know it, there is a billion dollar worldwide industry called the barter or trade industry.And in this industry there are a bunch of barter e that act sort of as buying clubs -- where thousands of different businesses join and do business with each other using n...
62. Bookmarks: 0 Tax Preparation - Here Is A Great Solution When it comes to getting your taxes done, you have a few options to choose from. You can choose to do your taxes yourself or go to a tax specialist to get it done. Most individuals try to file their taxes on their own.When it comes to tax preparation, you want to know that your taxes are filed accurately and on time. This is why some individuals choose to see an accountant or tax specialist for tax preparation. They want confidence in knowing the information on their tax ...
63. Bookmarks: 0 More Return On Equity For Your Investment Property Dollar 1031 Exchange benefits for investors. Gain more return on your investment property dollar. Achieve an attractive combination of stability, reliable cash flow, preservation of principal and capital appreciation. The marriage of 1031 Exchange and TIC/CORE allows investors not only to defer their capital gains taxes but also to upgrade their investment real estate.
64. Bookmarks: 0 Accounting Methods – Cash and Accrual When starting a business, you have to determine the method you are going to use for accounting and paying taxes. The two choices are the cash method and the accrual method.
65. Bookmarks: 0 Accounting When starting a business, you have to determine the method you are going to use for accounting and paying taxes. The two choices are the cash method and the accrual method.
66. Bookmarks: 0 Oscars and Taxes Ratings for the Oscars were down a whopping 10 percent compared to 2005. Well, at least the Internal Revenue Service was watching.
67. Bookmarks: 0 IRS Gives Victims of Hurricane Katrina More Relief The IRS has announced further tax relief for victims of Hurricane Katrina due to slow clean up efforts and obviously devastated areas.
68. Bookmarks: 0 Embrace Tax EMBRACE TAXI know you hate tax. Everyone hates tax. You work every week, do a few extra hours and see a chunk of it taken away in taxes. It doesn’t seem worth it. Why should you work those extra hours just to be taxed at a higher rate and never see any benefit?Minimising tax is a national sport. Everyone is trying to get tax deductions, salary sacrificing, retirement plans, you name it. If there’s a deduction to be had chances are you are trying to find it to red...
69. Bookmarks: 2 Teaching Debt To Your Kids It is somewhat surprising that in this day and age parents often overlook the importance of teaching their children about debt and how to use it safely and effectively. For most consumers, the old adage that nothing is certain in life except death and taxes can be amended to read: nothing in life is certain except death, taxes, and debt.Think about your own circumstances. How often have you had to use credit? Homes, automobiles, furniture, the list goes on and on, and the...
70. Bookmarks: 0 Student consolidation loan programs to the rescue Not everyone has the financial means to go to college. This is mainly the purpose of a student loan. It allows people to get a loan in order to pay their tuition taxes. A student loan can come in multiple forms; it can be a federal loan, plus loan or other types. The idea of a student loan is more than welcomed because the lack of money is the only thing that keeps you and your dreams apart. A student loan or more can fill the gap that keeps the student from getting a proper education.
71. Bookmarks: 0 Reduce your tax payments Reduce your tax payments by claiming an interest payment deduction.
72. Bookmarks: 0 Debt Consolidation Company Information - Compare Debt Consolidation Companies Online Not all debt consolidation companies are the same. Some are in the business of offering you a service to pay off your bills and clean up your credit history. Others take advantage of your situation and scam you out of your money. To protect yourself from such companies, compare programs based on their services and promises.Non-profit Versus For-profitThe only difference between non-profit and for-profit debt consolidation programs is how they file their taxes. Some of...
73. Bookmarks: 0 Tithing - Giving Money Away To Gain Tax Benefits No good deed goes unrewarded. This is even true as far as the tax man is concerned.As human beings we are compelled to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves. It makes us feel good inside when we are able to help a family in trouble, donate money to the church, or donate our old clothes to the Good Will. But did you know that these acts of kindness can actual lower the amount of taxes that you pay?Tax credits are given by our government to encourage and rewa...
74. Bookmarks: 0 Tax FAQ: Answers To Basic Questions About Taxes * What is a W-2 form?The W-2 is a form that an employee receives from his or her employer once a year. It is also sent to the IRS at the end of every year. The total annual wages paid and the taxes that the employer withheld from each paycheck are shown on the W-2 form. Federal law states that the W-2 form must be mailed by January 31st of each year.It consists of six copies:Copy A – Submitted to the Social Security Administration from the employer.Copy B – Se...
75. Bookmarks: 0 The Magic Bullet Theory of Investing Some of the best ways to reach the goal of dying broke.
76. Bookmarks: 0 Investing In Tax Liens/Tax Deeds For Higher Returns With large numbers of Americans now looking for safer investments for their long term wealth building programs. Most want higher returns than they can get from putting their hard earned money into Bank CD's, many are seeking information about Tax Liens. Investing in Tax Lien/Deed certificates will enable you to realize safe, annualized returns all guaranteed by the United States Government.The collection of Real Estate property taxes is a major priority in every taxing di...
77. Bookmarks: 0 1031 Exchange and Tenancy-in-Common: Seeking the Right Advisor to Achieve TIC Investment Objectives With its features and benefits, TIC/CORE is an increasingly popular 1031 exchange option for many real estate investors. However, 1031 exchanges and TIC/CORE transactions are very complicated, with both tax and legal issues topping the list of potential pitfalls. Section 1031 allows real estate investors to sell property that has been held for investment purposes and defer capital gains and depreciation recapture taxes if they acquire 'like-kind' exchange property of equal or greater value ...
78. Bookmarks: 0 Year End Investment Ideas and K.I.S.S. Tax Strategies First thing Monday morning I'm going to march into my boss's office and demand a pay cut so that I'll be in a lower tax bracket. The key issue in considering a capital loss is the economic viability of the investment… not your tax situation! Surely, speaketh the Conventional Wisdom prophets, these profits will hang around until next year, thus deferring those terrible taxes! (Worked real well at year-end '99, you'll recall.)
79. Bookmarks: 4 Internet Marketing: Get Your Tax Money Back Tax deductions for business expenses aren’t just for large corporations. As an Internet marketer or online entrepreneur it is important to know what you can and cannot deduct to save money on your taxes.People new to business taxes tend to fall into one of two groups. The first group are those people who simply don’t believe they can be eligible for tax deductions. The second group are those who believe anything they touch while conducting business can be written off as a...
80. Bookmarks: 0 Does the American government see its citizens as its children? The founding fathers had an idea for a country and a way to govern the people, by the people and for the people, but does this mean that the government has the right to tell us we can not do something because it is bad for us.
81. Bookmarks: 68 Building Your Dream- Locating Resources For Nonprofits Online A nonprofit corporation has the public’s best interest at heart. It may have an environmental, educational, religious, scientific, or literary focus (among others). In return for their services, the public can make donations to these companies and then deduct the amount from their federal taxes. In this way, it sure is a win-win situation.Although it sounds pretty straight forward, a nonprofit can be a complicated entity. Therefore, it is wise to know where you can find a...
82. Bookmarks: 3 Does the American government see its citizens as its children? The founding fathers had an idea for a country and a way to govern the people, by the people and for the people, but does this mean that the government has the right to tell us we can not do something because it is bad for us.

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LinkedIn Recommendation: Sean Nelson - We improve your conversions by at least 20% or you pay nothing for our work. - Teo is on the cutting edge of the social media scene. I've had the opportunity to share the stage with him at a forum on Social Media and to also follow his progress with the Net Teams site. Not many people get the whole picture when it comes to social media. He does and he's helping rewrite how social media interacts with chambers of commerce. - May 15, 2008, Sean was with another company when working with Teo at Net-Teams, Inc.


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