
Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag bestseller
There are 11 articles associated with the tag bestseller!
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How To Transition Your Home Based Business From Good To Great!
This week as I traveled from our offices in Wilmington, Delaware to my home and field office in Aurora, CO, I had a chance to pick up the #1 Bestseller, a great business book that has sold over 2 million copies, Good to Great by Jim Collins.The book is about how to turn a good company or business into one that produces sustained great results.Your home based business might be doing pretty good, but are you just satisfied with just being good, or do you have the desi...
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Write The Bestseller-kind-of-novel
TAKE THE MYTH OUT OF BESTSELLER, AND WRITE YOU ONE!When we see the word "Bestseller," it usually means selling a great number of books, starting around 30-50 thousand copies. Certain bookstores report the sales to certain lists and the book is listed as a bestseller. Well, many, many bookstores that sell lots of an authors books do not report to those lists. Then there are ordinary writers like you and me who sell thousands of books on their own and they dont report t...
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Write Novel's First Line To Guarantee Sales
Start your writing with conflict if you want to guarantee sales, grab an agent or publisher, get paid a big advance. Your protagonist wants something and your antagonist wants to block it. If you want to be the publishers star-of-the-month, just hand out a strong dose of conflict right up front. Bold like. Then, theyre wrapped up in your story and its too late for them to escape. Trust me, readers, agents and publishers are going to consider writing with a strong dose of c...
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What Grabs Your Reader?
It is the dramatic question that grabs your reader and holds him or her. It creates a narrow path that forces the reader into suspense that wont let go. It moves the story forward. All bestseller-kind-of novels have it.Have you noticed that untrained eyes want you to explain everything in that first line, first paragraph. But it is the Dramatic Question that creates the hook.In my novel, the Mayors Wife Wore Sapphires, a mystery/thriller sprinkled with social comm...
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What Gets A Book To The Top Of The Bestseller List?
The business of books is big business with 172,000 new titles released in 2005 and sales in the United States of about $40 billion. But what makes a book successful? Are there any common characteristics that can spur on sales? As part of the research for "The Making of a Bestseller" Dee Power and Brian Hill, the authors, surveyed over 100 editors and agents to answer those questions.*Previous Success is the Key Indicator of Future Success *Editors and agents are in ag...
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What Do Bestselling Authors Have In Common?
Nine Characteristics That May Surprise You.In writing "The Making of a Bestseller: Success Stories From Authors and the Editors, Agents and Behind Them," (Dearborn Trade, 2005), we wanted to find out what separates the publishing industry elite, the bestselling authors, from all the thousands and thousands of writers who aspire to someday make the bestseller lists. We interviewed 24 of today's most popular authors, some of whom have endured on the bestseller lists for dec...
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What Does Your Main Character Have To Lose?
You are welcome to publish this article in its entirety, electronically, or in print free of charge, as long as you include my full signature file for ezines and my website address in hyperlink for other sites. Please send a courtesy link of email where you publish.:bestsellercircle@zinester.com,writelink3@yahoo.com.Thank you.WHAT DOES YOUR CHARACTER HAVE TO LOSE?If your story has nothing big to lose, its not worth reading. I did say Big. Im not talking ab...
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Pahl Overcomes Heartbreaking Winter To Capture Bronte Prize
After a three-month span that included the sudden and early deaths of both the canine companion he called daughter and his beloved father, indie lit penmaster Nelson Pahl deserved a break.He finally got oneeven if it pales in comparison to his heartbreaking winter.Pahls Bee Balms & Burgundy, published on independent imprint Café Reverie Press, won romantic fictions biggest award, the Bronte Prize. The accolade recognizes the best love story published in th...
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Create The Bigger-than-life Character For Your Novel
Who is the Bigger-Than-Life Character in Your Bestseller-Kind-Of-Novel?The main characters in the bestseller-kind-of novel are bigger-than-life. No wimps here. You cant just tell us what they do; you have to show us what they do. Prove that theyve bigger-than-life. These are people who find ways to solve the problems around them. They outsmart the bad guys. The bigger-than-life character overwhelms the enemy, somehow. They blow up blockade, so to speakliterally or emot...
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How To Sell Your Books On Radio
I am shortly to repeat the broadcast exercise for my newly published tome "How to Earn Money in Retirement" (How To Books ISBN 1845281128) but before doing so I am already off to a head start
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A Strategy For Coming Up With A Great Book Title
Book publishing companies hire high-priced people to come up with a title or headline, because book publishing is a big business; therefore a lot of contemplation goes into making their titles as commercially-viable as possible.

LinkedIn Recommendation:
Kay Nikookary - Marketing and Brand Specialist - Information Architect! What a perfect title for the man that knows so much about technology, execution, business strategy and how to put it all together to make huge strides for your organization. I have seen Teo at work and would recommend him to anyone seeking a dynamic speaker on the diverse and complex topic of technology, I would recommend Teo to anyone starting or restructuring their company to take advantage of technology and tap into the global marketplace. He is the ideal consultant, speaker, project leader! Teo is one of those rare gems that knows IT and can truly be the architect of your system; and yet explain it you, and others like me, that don't always understand or want to know the technology side of the picture. He is a very personable gentleman who knows his stuff and if you are considering a technology question, then you need to at least have a conversation with him - because he WILL add value for you! - August 17, 2008, Kay was Teo's client |
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