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Crisis Investing: Are YOU Ready?
Why are investors afraid (shocked, confused, overwhelmed, angry) about stock market corrections? Here are links to five assessments of the correction phase of the market cycle that may just clear their heads about these periodic gifts from the Investment Gods. How so YOU spell correction?
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Asset Allocation for Foundation and Endowment Investment Portfolios - Part 2 (February 2008)
One can only speculate about how much Bubble Paper finds its way into the these portfolios, but nearly all of them are managed by the major brokerage firms, and all such firms bonus their brokers on the basis of product sales. It is not uncommon for Wall Street to re-write the syllabus for Investments 101, redefining Quality, Diversification, and Income to suit its own dark purposes.
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Stock Selection: Tools, Rules & Objectives
The objective of the exercise is to have cash available for buying during every downturn --- can't happen unless you have the courage to take profits when prices are rising. Yes, you are expected to feel stupid in both exercises. When you feel like you sold too soon, the bubble buster is just around the corner.
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Income CEF Price Volatility ROCKS!
MCIM portfolios include 30% Income Purpose securities (based on Working Capital), and never own non Investment Grade Value Stock equities. This translates into portfolios of high quality securities, each contributing to higher realized base income than that contained in market averages or blended Mutual Funds.
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The Greatest Financial Story Never Told
How would you have fared if you were cash rich in September 1987 and fully invested by the end of October? What if, in the time leading up to the dot-com bubble, your credo was: no NASDAQ, no Mutual Funds, no IPOs/ Investment Grade Value Stocks only?
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Old Fashioned Equity Investing - Building A Better Mousetrap
Since the level it achieved just prior to the bursting dot-com bubble in 2000, the S & P 500 Average (on October 15th 2010) had lost 17% of its market value. In the same time frame, portfolios managed start-to-finish using the Market Cycle Investment Management methodology have gained roughly 113%, in spite of the impact of the recent financial crisis.
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Beating the Dow Jones and The S & P 500 Bunkie?!?
Unlike most investment strategies, the Market Cycle Investment Management methodology includes a selling-for-profit discipline that (incredulously) seems to be a unique investment model. Over the past 40+ years, MCIM users have taken profits during every market upswing and repurchased Investment Grade Value Stocks during every down bubble. Any feel for what the results must have been?
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Real Estate Bubble
If the real estate market declines how can you make money in it? The make a profit on any market (real estate, products, stocks and bonds) simply must be in motion. It must increase or decrease. A stable market is one you do not turn a profit. The key is handle the procurement and sale of shares in both markets
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US Banks Are In Trouble! Don't let their mistakes affect your financial situation!
US commercial banks face enormous risks at this time due to their high concentration of real estate related risk. The lessons we can learn from them are applicable to our financial future as well.
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Indian real estate: Boom or Bubble?
When Farallon Capital Management, a U.S. hedge fund, and its joint-venture partner, Indiabulls, snapped up an 11-acre property in central Mumbai in March 2005 for $54.5 million an acre, the purchase was called an act of idiocy by local developers. A few months later, when the same joint venture offered $95.5 million an acre for a nearby property, its was the second-lowest bid.
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Home Business Scams - Tips On Avoiding Them
Maybe the reason you're interested in setting up a home business is because you've seen an ad that perked your interest or you were approached by a friend or colleague about a great home business money-making opportunity and those entrepreneurial juices started to flow. Your imagination starts to flow and dreams of quitting your job fill your every thought. Hello, hey, ok... time to stop dreaming. I hate to burst your bubble or stop your fantasy ride but before you give y...
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Tampa Bay Real Estate Bubble Burst? Unlikely
With property prices seemingly on the rise and rising quickly in Tampa, there is a lot of talk about a real estate bubble in the US and dire predictions that the so-called bubble could burst, leading to a lack of confidence on the part of investors and people seeking a second home. But while this talk of a bubble may be true in some parts of America, it isn't justified in Florida, particularly in the Tampa Bay and Clearwater areas.
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No Bubble Burst in 2006
No bubble-bursting is in sight for real estate sales in this new year of 2006. This is now expected to be the second best year in history for residential property sales, according to analysts at the National Association of Realtors. Home sales are coming down from the mountain peak, but they will l
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A Positive Outlook for Real Estate
There is one word to describe the current housing market: optimistic. Despite months of hearing about a housing bubble and rising mortgage rates, the outlook for real estate is good.
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Ice Tower Failed - Panama Real Estate Bubble Bursting Now?
Today (06/23/07) one of our major Panama newspapers carried the story of Ice Towers failing to move ahead to completion.
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Enticing New Employees With Corporate Stability
Employment is on the rise and with it, the return to attractive compensation packages and salary levels. After several down years in the employment market that was the result of the normalization of an inflated stock market and the beginning of the War on Terror, employers are constructing compensation packages with an eye to drawing dedicated employees. During the economic bubble of the late nineties, employers were in head-to-head competition with each other to offer be...
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Create Your Own Home Spa With A Personal Massage Bathtub
Most of you lead a hectic lifestyle, one which is jam-packed with chores, errands, and last-minute shopping. With such a fast-paced life, it becomes difficult to even find time to rest or pamper yourself by visiting a day spa. This need for relaxation at home has given birth to the concept of home spa. One of the most essential requirements for a home spa is a personal massage bathtub where you can just bubble-up, steam, and soak yourself to relax in the privacy of your own home and at your...
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Asset Allocation for Foundation and Endowment Investment Portfolios - Part 1 (February 2008)
One can only speculate about how much "Bubble Paper" finds its way into the these portfolios, but nearly all of them are managed by the major brokerage firms, and all such firms bonus their brokers on the basis of product sales. It is not uncommon for Wall Street to re-write the syllabus for Investments 101, redefining Quality, Diversification, and Income to suit its own dark purposes.
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Craigslist Helps Real Estate Agents Reach Buyers
They say the bubble is bursting, but you would not know it by the over 32,669 active housing listings from the past 7 days alone in the San Francisco section on Craigslist.com. Real estate sales are alive and well on Craigslist with the real estate sales section as the #3 most popular category, more agents are realizing the power and value in using Craigslist to reach new buyers.
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From The Battlefield To The Bookstore
For many reenactors, military and civilian, one of the pleasures of a weekend spent in the field is that elusive moment when everything works. Ive heard the sensation called the bubble, or simply the magic. Theres no way to predict exactly when it will happen. The feeling may last only seconds. But once youve experienced a moment that suddenly looks, smells, sounds, and feels so real that you completely forget your modern existence, youll be h...
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Article Writing Tips From Spongebob Squarepants
Wisdom can be found in the most unexpected places. Today, wisdom bubbled up from a pineapple under the sea. I suddenly realized that everything youd want to know about writing articles for your website can be taught by SpongeBob SquarePants and his friends.