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1. Bookmarks: 0 5 Reasons Your Back Pain Doesn’t Relieve Most people are likely to have back pain at least once in a lifetime. Back pain is typically a temporary inconvenience and a distraction as well. When your pain doesn’t go away by home remedies like taking OTC pain relievers or resting for a day or two, there may be other causes why it is not being relieved. If your back pain doesn’t relieve after 3 to 4 months, it is considered chronic. The Beverly Hills Spine Surgeons discuss 5 reasons why your back pain doesn’t relieve.
2. Bookmarks: 0 Is Chronic Pain Medication Effective? If you are suffering from chronic pain and you need an instant relief you and consume the medication Oxycodone 5mg.
3. Bookmarks: 0 Gotu Kola - The Fountain Off Life Herb Historically, gotu kola has also been used to treat syphilis, hepatitis, stomach ulcers, mental fatigue, epilepsy, diarrhea, fever, and asthma. Today, in the U.S. and Europe gotu kola is most often used to treat varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency, a condition where blood pools in the legs.
4. Bookmarks: 0 Why Do I Feel Spacey, Unfocused, and Have Such Trouble Making Decisions? Stress, poor diet (especially with simple sugars & refined carbs), toxicity, alcohol, heavy metal toxicity, extended use of antibiotics, and birth control pills can cause Candida (yeast) overgrowth. Many people are unaware that over 80% of our population has some degree of Candida imbalance. Symptoms are different for everyone. Mycotoxins from the yeast cause problems in various parts of the body. Did you know that sugar addiction can be one of the main causes of Candida overgrowth?
5. Bookmarks: 0 Dehydration: Do You Feel Sick, Spacey, Tired, Confused or In Pain? How to be inspired to drink more water and improve and preserve your health. Nikken PiMag water is pleasantly unique for filtered water. Solve your health problems with plenty of clean tasting water. Drink 2 and a half quarts a day with a 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt per quart to keep the doctor at bay.
6. Bookmarks: 10 How To Make Money With A College Lingerie Party? Being a student can be tough at times especially when you always seem to suffer from a chronic condition of cash shortage. If you’ve been looking around for good opportunities to earn some part time income while studying at college, and you want it to be both profitable and entertaining, then the lingerie party business might just be the perfect idea for you to earn some money and have tremendous fun in the process.Everyone loves to attend a good lingerie party! If you fi...
7. Bookmarks: 0 Top 5 Attractions In Delhi Located on the sprawling banks of the river Yamuna, Delhi, the capital of India, represents an intriguing blend of a myriad of ancient and the modern civilizations, reflected not only in its diverse cultural heritage and historical monuments but also in the present social structure and lifestyles. The city chronicles the history of the various civilizations and dynasties that flourished here for over 3000 years. Their legacy survives in the many ancient monuments left behind ...
8. Bookmarks: 0 Real Weight Loss Solutions Much of the weight loss industry likes to focus on overweight Americans. That's where the money is for them. But the truth is, much of the world is overweight, too.Studies showed that in 2000, 45% of adults all over the world were overweight. Overweight people are more likely to have chronic health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and knee arthritis. Overweight people also die at younger ages than persons of normal weight.Many overweight people want to ...
9. Bookmarks: 0 Cool Massage Tool for Singles...Or Anyone Learn about a great low cost massage and therapeutic tool that you can use by yourself for deep relaxation, relief from chronic or intermittent joint and muscle discomforts and headaches.
10. Bookmarks: 0 How To Stop Migraine Headaches NOW? Migraine is the cause of 20 per cent of all headaches. This type of headache occurs when blood vessels of the head and neck constrict, resulting in a decrease in blood flow to the vessels. Migraine is usually experienced as a throbbing pain on one side of the head with an associated feeling of sickness and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraines are known to affect more women than men and are often chronic. Below are some of the factors that have been identified as being associated with m...
11. Bookmarks: 0 Chronic Pain Syndrome And Chronic Pain Management And Treatment - Part I Chronic pain patients suffer from poor sleep quality and depressed mood rather than pain intensity, duration, or anxiety. Clinical Implications Chronic pain patients suffer from poorer quality of sleep than do healthy control subjects. Many people suffer chronic pain in the absence of any past injury or evidence of illness.
12. Bookmarks: 0 Things to Know about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome The author stresses that our ability to distract from routine problems relieves us from stress, prepares for responsible appointment, tunes us for certain feelings such as calmness, self- confidence, vitality, burst of energy and high spirits.
13. Bookmarks: 0 10 tips to have a fresh breath Bad breath is experienced by most people at some time. It may simply be “morningbreath” but can be a persistent chronic condition which affects a person’s everyday life and confidence. It is almost always caused initially by poor oral hygiene leading to a build up of excess bacteria in the mouth and which gives off smelly gases. So, contrary to popular belief the following do not usually contribute towards the problem of halitosis: constipation, tonsils, gastro-intestinal pro...
14. Bookmarks: 2 The Daily Journey Of A Day Trader - What Prompted Me To Trade Shares For A Living Having first dabbled in shares in about 1994 as a way of bettering my C&G savings account, I knew I could do it and would find it interesting (made 24% in year one and 20.4% year two, using only teletext, Investors Chronicle and no computer).I had always fancied quitting paid employment by 50. That was looking like a pipedream, as i never made any surplus cash from any job I ever had (never volunteered to do overtime, never chased bonuses - preferred gardening).At 49 ...
15. Bookmarks: 0 Treating Muscle Spasms And Muscle Knots The treatments for muscle pains are as diverse as the causes. From over-the-counter and prescription medicines to mind/body techniques to acupuncture, one approach that works for you may not work for another person. But when it comes to treating chronic pain, no single muscle relaxer technique is guaranteed to produce complete pain relief, but may be found by using a combination of treatment options.
16. Bookmarks: 0 Steps to Managing Chronic Pain Although there are many types of chronic pain, it is often true with any kind of chronic pain, that a multidisciplinary approach is necessary. A combination of patient education, medications, rehabilitation, and psychosocial counseling is generally the best approach.
17. Bookmarks: 0 Mercury-Free Dentistry - Is There Poison In Your Mouth? 100 Million Americans have it in their bodies, right now, reeking havoc in every cell. 72 tons of it is placed directly in the mouths of North Americans each year. It can contribute to major chronic degenerative diseases including heart disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, kidney disease, and other neurological diseases, just to name a few.Is it in your mouth? It might have been put there innocently by a well-intenti...
18. Bookmarks: 0 Massage Therapy For Back Pain People who get chronic back pain will tell you that it is a life-altering ailment. It has serious implications on the ease of carrying out daily activities and function. Back pain sufferers can feel completely disabled by their condition and therefore, prone to depression.Back pain is one of the most common ailments in adults and sub adult today, it can be caused by something simple as a poor lifting habit or even poor sleeping habits. This can become a very large problem...
19. Bookmarks: 0 Joint Pain Relief Arthritis is often a chronic disease meaning it can affect the person afflicted over a long period of time. It cannot be cured, but it can be treated through a variety of methods and products. Learning how to manage your joint pain over the long term is an important factor in controlling the disease and maintaining a good quality of life.
20. Bookmarks: 0 Ice Massage For Back Pain You've hurt your back before and have sworn that you will be more careful. However, unknowingly, you've just hurt your back again. Maybe this points to a chronic problem; and maybe, not. However, you should not hesitate to do something about your back pain.Back injuries, and so pain, are often caused by muscle strains. Lifting an object that is too heavy or lifted wrong can cause strained muscles. They can also occur during athlete competitions, a fall or simply a sneeze ...
21. Bookmarks: 0 How To Lower Your Back Pain Chronic back pain afflicts millions of people worldwide. And for those who suffer consistently from sore, stiff, even traumatized back muscles and spinal joints, it can be debilitating. There are many causes to back pain including poor posture, week abdominal muscles, misaligned spinal column, lack of chair support when seated, unsupportive bed or pillow, and certainly stress and anxiety which gets localized in the body in the back. Regardless of what is causing your back to ...
22. Bookmarks: 0 How A Jacuzi Spa Can Change Your Life? There is nothing quite as relaxing as a leisurely evening soak in the Jacuzi Spa after a long, hard day's work. Sore muscles can finally relax as the water jets massage aches and pains away.Soaking in a Jacuzi Spa is proven to reduce stress levels, lessen chronic pain, and help cure sleeplessness.Buying your first Jacuzi Spa does not have to be a bewildering experience. Read up, make a checklist of your wants and needs, assess your budget - hot tubs can cost anywhere ...
23. Bookmarks: 1 Get A Massage In Longmont Massage in Longmont is something that is memorable and enjoyable and something you’ll want to repeat over and over. Whether your goal is to completely relax with a slow, soothing massage, relieve muscular pain and chronic tension, have a more comfortable pregnancy, or improve your sports performance Massage Therapists in Longmont can help you achieve your goals.
24. Bookmarks: 0 Getting Rid of Chronic Headaches Sometimes we often disregard the manner on how we treat ourselves that it often leads to far worse problems.
25. Bookmarks: 0 Enjoy Summer And Vacation Good Health Summer can be a real health challenge. Our ambitious travel plans leave us vulnerable to new influences from the new environments we so eagerly embrace. Here are some practical tips on how to stay balanced, energetic and well.DehydrationYou needn’t cross the desert to suffer from dehydration. Many of us suffer chronic dehydration simply because we don’t drink as much water as we should. Our bodies are 65-80% of water, depending on our age. To keep them in balance, it’...
26. Bookmarks: 0 Crohns Disease & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – Is There A Cure? For the individuals who suffer from the mysterious symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), or the debilitating symptoms of Crohns Disease the question “Is there a cure?” weighs heavily on their lives. The frustration that results from living with this non-specific illness serves to compound the never ending symptoms. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Crohn’s sufferers continue to battle the illness while researchers search for causes and cures.
27. Bookmarks: 0 Chronic Pain Relief: An Overview Everyone will experience pain at some point in their lives. Pain is a necessary form of protection against injuries, diseases, or conditions that would otherwise impair or even kill us. Pain alerts us that something is wrong. Pain can be either ‘acute’ or ‘chronic’ – the distinguishing characteristic between the two is their duration.
28. Bookmarks: 0 Chronic Fatigue — The Facts You Should Know There is significant concern about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, also known as CFS. In fact, there are criteria patients must meet in order to be diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Receiving the diagnosis may be difficult for some patients because the guidelines for diagnosing are very specific.
29. Bookmarks: 0 Chronic Fatigue -- The Facts You Should Know There is significant concern about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, also known as CFS. In fact, there are criteria patients must meet in order to be diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Receiving the diagnosis may be difficult for some patients because the guidelines for diagnosing are very specific. The fatigue must have been present at least six consecutive months and the corresponding symptoms must have developed after the fatigue. A clear definition of Chronic Fatigue Syndro...
30. Bookmarks: 0 A Look at Pain Relief for Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a chronic disease that affects the musculoskeletal system. Symptoms vary widely among sufferers, but generally include muscle and joint aches, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches and tenderness in several of eighteen specific areas, or “trigger points” on the body. Fibromyalgia is often overlooked by sufferers as the inevitable result of a busy schedule and everyday stress. When patients do seek treatment, doctors often misdiagnose ...
31. Bookmarks: 2 Aromatherapy and Back Pain Today many people suffer from lower back pain. This may be a result of poor posture, standing too long at work, or from a previous injury. For those who deal with back pain, they know that the pain can become unbearable. Back pain can cause great discomfort and can hinder the enjoyment from a person’s life. Living with chronic pain can take its toll on the emotions as well, and can lead to mood swings and a negative outlook of life. The best remedy is to avoid injuring the back to begi...
32. Bookmarks: 3 Let’s Correct That Ugly Slice The sliced golf shot is probably the most chronic problem that beginning and higher handicap golfers struggle with.It’s an easy thing to explain, but certainly a much tougher problem to correct. So, without getting into a very lengthy article on the subject of the sliced golf shot, I'll do my best to give you an understanding of what causes the slice and a couple of tips that will get you on your way to forever correcting this game robbing problem.First of all let me ...
33. Bookmarks: 0 Asthma Attack Treatment Thanks To Hypnosis Asthma is a chronic situation that affects the respiratory system. During the course of an asthma attack, airways, which carry oxygen to and out of the lungs, tend to tighten and hence decrease the flow of oxygen coming to the lungs. The airways also become swollen and lined up with mucus. Such symptoms can happen many times a day or week, or a lot less often. The gravity of the attacks also differs. Various triggers may cause asthma attacks and the breathlessness that ac...
34. Bookmarks: 0 Don't Blame The Reflection Getting healthier, getting happier, getting rid of chronic illness and how to be to have a better life and how to be more satisfied. We have this innate ability to manifest whatever it is that we need to have.Whether it’s anyone of the things above or whatever your own spin might be on it. It’s right there. It says something about the person themselves when you ask that type of question. It says that you are tired of the way things are and that you want somet...
35. Bookmarks: 0 Is Stress Ruining Your Life? Do you find it difficult to make decisions? Do you feel generally unsettled and sometimes downright irritable? When you stop and think about it are you aware of an underlying sense of anxiety or worry that permeates every aspect of your life?If you’re nodding your head to all or most of these questions chances are that you are suffering from chronic stress.Although the word stress is frequently heard it’s far reaching long term damage is little appreciated. Allowing i...
36. Bookmarks: 0 Stress - Some Ways Not To Deal With It There are any number stress management techniques and for coping with stress in general and dealing with both the physical and emotional causes for stress. There are techniques for both short-term symptoms of stress and even long-term or chronic symptoms of stress are possible.There are also a certain amount of self employed techniques that are actually or can be counter productive in the quest for a cure. The following are some of the more typical errors.In an attemp...
37. Bookmarks: 0 How Are You Maintaining Your Anxiety? Worries and anxieties are normal and familiar to all of us. They are necessary to our survival as they prepare us for coping with stress and danger. When we perceive danger, changes take place in our body, in how we think and also in how we behave. These changes are triggered by the release of the hormone adrenalin and are crucial as they prime us for action.Problems arise when the stress response becomes chronic, or excessive and symptoms of long-term anxiety include the...
38. Bookmarks: 0 Does Your Life Lack Meaning? Vera sought out counseling with me because her doctor advised her to discover the emotional causes of her chronic fatigue. Vera, a successful stockbroker, was in a loving 18-year marriage. On the surface, everything in her life was fine. She had enough money, friends, and a good relationship. Yet Vera awoke each morning battling fatigue and depression.
39. Bookmarks: 0 Synchronicity Will Lead You! Have you ever considered the power of synchronicity when it comes to the Law of Attraction? Most often synchronicity is described as being the opposite of coincidence - coincidences being random and meaningless, and synchronicity being divinely orchestrated.You may even be able to remember specific experiences that were spooky the way they unfolded? Like narrowly missing being involved in a car accident because you were delayed a few minutes when leaving work; or meeting ...
40. Bookmarks: 0 How Can 'Sceptics' Get the Proof They Need That The Law of Attraction is Working in Their Lives? One of the best tools for getting the proof you need is to begin recording personal evidence of every coincidence or every 'out of the blue' experience that happens to you. HINT: Every time you use the words or phrases: serendipity, coincidence, synchronicity, every thing is falling into place, and out of the blue---you are actually gathering your own proof that The Law of Attraction is working in YOUR life!
41. Bookmarks: 0 MS Message Boards Revealed! Currently suffering from MS? Want to know more about MS? Or, just want to meet and chat with people from around the world online who are also suffering from MS, or share the same MS story as yours? Well, there is one particular thing that you can do to answer such needs – look for and participate in some MS message boards.MS or Multiple Sclerosis is in the first place a life long chronic disease. Many people have been victims of this disorder. According to some studies, ...
42. Bookmarks: 0 Writing For Free Pays! I am pleased to announce that because of the existence of the American Chronicle, and the kind tolerance of its editorial staff, particularly Peter who has had to endure a lot regarding yours truly, I have been noticed by a travel guide publisher. Because I was permitted to send in article after article to this online publication, I am able to take on some bigger, paid gigs.The way this works is that you write, a lot, and send your stuff into the American Chronicle for no...
43. Bookmarks: 3 How Synchronicity And Jung Appear In The Creative Process I was editing a passage in my novel CONDUCT IN QUESTION, the first in THE OSGOODE TRILOGY. The villainous Florist was about to march down the stairs to kill the young man, Donnie, hiding in the cloakroom. The boy had soaked the stair carpet with gasoline and was about to set it on fire. Would that, I debated, cause the impressive explosion of flames I had described? Who could give me advice on pyrotechnics? Moments later, when the doorbell rang, I was stunned to find two fire...
44. Bookmarks: 5 Book Review Of Stuart Nachbar's Book About Education And Politics Stuart Nachbar has created a curious novel in The Sex Ed Chronicles. Using a backdrop of 1980 New Jersey, we are introduced to the murky world of school politics. He has selected the contentious subject of compulsory Sex Education, however the subject could equally have been Religion or Evolution. All are subjects that have strong backers and equally strong detractors.Schools and School Boards may not be the media favorites that the House or Senate may be. But make no mis...

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