
Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag column
There are 19 articles associated with the tag column!
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MarketWatch Column Bashes ETFs (and By Extension)... Mutual Funds
The ‘F’ in ETF stands for “funds,” and it’s only because ETMF is longer that they are not widely recognized as “exchange-traded mutual funds.” In some cases—with Vanguard’s ETFs, for example—ETFs are simply a different share class of the same underlying pool of assets and management style.
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Interesting Reading - - - Two Articles by Others
Charlie Reese's Final Column: 555 People & A Constitutional Amendment to Reform Congress
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Companies Stifle Intrapreneurs At Their Own Risk
I've noticed an interesting trend lately. Usually the e-mail I receive in response to this column comes from rookie entrepreneurs or established business owners seeking my input on startup matters, financing, employee relations, general management and leadership issues, policy matters, etc. Lately, however, many of the messages are coming from employees of medium-size and large companies who are growing frustrated at working in an environment that they deem (to quote one ...
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Women Entrepreneurs Prove Its Not Just A Mans World
I had the honor of speaking this week at a women's business association luncheon on the topic of entrepreneurship. When I mentioned to my wife the day before that I was speaking to group of women entrepreneurs she asked, Why on earth would they ask you to speak?In her defense, my dear wife has no idea what I do for a living. She's never read a single one of the several hundred columns I've written. She's never attended a function where I'm speaking or sat in the audienc...
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Planning Your Patio Garden
A patio can be a wonderful place to relax during the warm days of spring, summer and autumn; or all year if you live in warmer climes. At times when the lawn may be too wet or even muddy, the solid floor of a patio means you can sit outside even after heavy rain and make the most of the fresh air, and visual pleasure of your garden. You can even turn your patio into a patio garden to make it more interesting.You can turn the plainest of patios into a patio garden with the...
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33 Reasons To Do A News Release
News releases are not the best way to get major media coverage, but they can be used to increase the frequency with which your company name appears in the press.Press releases will get you coverage in set features like business notes, and new personnel columns. They also provide a good way to let allies, employees and customers know what you are doing. For these purposes, post releases on the company website, send out by e-mail, or distribute by one of the services like PR Newswire or PR Web.
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How To Lower Your Back Pain
Chronic back pain afflicts millions of people worldwide. And for those who suffer consistently from sore, stiff, even traumatized back muscles and spinal joints, it can be debilitating. There are many causes to back pain including poor posture, week abdominal muscles, misaligned spinal column, lack of chair support when seated, unsupportive bed or pillow, and certainly stress and anxiety which gets localized in the body in the back. Regardless of what is causing your back to ...
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Seven Steps To Self Discovery - Familyvision Column
Paula is the most popular girl in high school. Only people who meet the criteria can join her social circle. The school seems to revolve around her. Her rival is Eva who is another snob. Eva hates Paula (and the feeling is mutual). One day Eva follows Paula home, hoping to find some dirt. Finally, Paula arrives at a homeless shelter. Eva becomes unhappy because she feels Paula is performing community service (just another medal on Paulas chest). However, Eva is startled. Pau...
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How To Effectively Make Better Decisions In Life - Familyvision Column
Ben danced to his own beat. He never listened to anyone, not his parents or his instructors. Bens motto was I do it my own way. As a consequence, Bens life was a series of bad decisions. He was unsuccessful in life. Nevertheless, Bens decision making never got any better. As the county guard shut the door to Bens cell, he ordered, Lights out! Ben screamed, Im the man! You cant make me do anything. The prison light goes ...
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Columnist Nan Russell shares career insights learned over 20 years in the corporate world, including as a Vice President at QVC
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Ask Don't Tell Leadership: Why Do I Need A Business Plan?
Why you need a business plan!!!Q: In last weeks column, you gave advice about starting a business, and you kept preaching about writing a business plan. I own a business, I dont have a plan, and Im doing just fine. Whats the big deal?A: How do you know your business is doing fine if you do not have a business plan? This is like a runner stating that he is fast when asked his running pace. Quality and success cannot be measured without having b...
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Excellent Cure for Extravagance, and Especially for Mistaken Economy.
When you find that you have no surplus at the end of the year, and yet have a good income, I advise you to take a few sheets of paper and form them into a book and mark down every item of expenditure. Post it every day or week in two columns, one headed necessaries or even comforts, and the other headed luxuries, and you will find that the latter column will be double, treble, and frequently ten times greater than the former.
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Safe Trading On Ebay: Avoiding Fraud For Buyers & Sellers
Turn on CNN or Fox News, read a column on the Internet or play your favorite all news radio station an youll become acutely aware of the so-called fraud online specifically related to eBay.Definition of Fraud: In a broad strokes definition, fraud is a deliberate misrepresentation which causes another person to suffer damages, usually monetary losses.Like many, I have had negative experiences one eBay. However, Ive also had negative experiences with...
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Taxing Ebay Part Deux
When my column on paying income tax on eBay profits ran it brought a wave of emails on whether you were required to report income earned from eBay sales to the IRS sparked a number of additional questions and comments from eBay sellers who were hoping that I could somehow validate that their eBay activities were mere hobbies instead of actual businesses and therefore not susceptible to IRS taxation.Several folks argued that just because their little eBay hobby generated a...
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Online Payments Make It Easy For Your Customers To Buy
In the last column we discussed the process of credit card enabling your brick-and-mortar business. I pointed out that research has shown that accepting credit cards can help increase revenue and speed up cash flow. This week we will look at setting up an online payment system for your business website. If you think hooking up a brick-and-mortar location with a credit card system stymies most bankers, try asking them how to do it on your website.The fact is most banks can...
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How To Create Your Own Info Product
In the last article we talked about why informational products are the best type of products to sell online. An informational product can be a digital book (known as an e-book), a digital report or a white paper, a piece of software, audio or video files, a web site, an ezine (electronic magazine), or a newsletter. Any product that's informational, instructional, or educational in nature can be considered an info product. If you missed last week's column you might wan...
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Write Queen Writes From Her Little Piece Of Heaven
Freda Brooks Phillips Douglas had an autobiographical-history book Cherish the Past published in 2002, has her second book of fiction Winds of Change ready for the printer and has her third book on the front burner. She also wrote a weekly personal essay column for 17 years.. Freda lives alone with her cat Jewely and loves to hear from her readers.Well, I am in my fourth month as a resident of Alabama, settled here like I was born here. Maybe that is because the terra...
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Write Queen Writes
You just wouldn't believe the trouble I had getting this column 'on the air'. The proess wouldn't have been so tedious if I weren't so technically illiterate, but I am, make no mistake.Finally I found a webmaster who was willing to build a website for me without me taking out a bank loan.I moved to Alabama the 4th of February after 23 years living in Florida to share living space with my adoptive family and their 6 dogs and my cat Jewely. I didn't have any difficulty adju...
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All About Freelance Writing
Do you love to write? Do you have a knack for making words come alive on a page? You may want to consider freelance writing as a way to make a good living from home. Freelance writers write anything from newspaper columns to web content and even ebooks. Getting StartedBefore you go looking for freelance jobs, you should build up a portfolio of articles. You can write for your own website or blog, offer to write free articles for friends, or contact your local pape...

LinkedIn Recommendation:
Courtney Stone - Market Developer at Optanium - I launched a new business part time and was looking for some ideas on how to make it easy to manage from home. I found Teo at eWorkshopCourses.com and began learning about web marketing and realized there really is so much to learn, but it was all right there! I like his GET UNSTUCK message for the site. I was stuck, and Teo got me unstuck fairly quickly! - March 15, 2012, Courtney was Teo's client |
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