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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag crime

There are 28 articles associated with the tag crime!

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1. Bookmarks: 2 The CRIME of CREDIT REPORTING - Don't Be Fooled By The Advertising - You Are Being Misdirected! When dealing with credit issues, consider what is really going on - most of the issues people have is based on businesses like Equifax, Transunion and Experian providing false written information to others that damages them, which is by definition LIBEL. LIBEL is a CRIMINAL act, and unlike civil offenses, if this happens to you, it is the JOB of the District Attorney (DA) in your area to prosecute the crime, not yours!
2. Bookmarks: 0 Death By Government In California Wastes Money Aside from the obvious costs to society and its collective morality, there are major financial considerations associated with bringing the death penalty to those convicted of capital crimes. According to a recent Los Angeles Times study, based on eleven executions spread over 27 years in California, state and federal taxpayers pay $250 million per execution.Further cost breakdowns have taxpayers paying more than $114 million a year beyond the cost of simply imprisoning th...
3. Bookmarks: 0 Steroid Vacation – Try Steroids, Buy Steroids, And Enjoy Steroids! You can try steroids, buy steroids, and enjoy steroids on your steroid vacation. The idea sounds pretty good, certainly it does. Steroid vacation certainly is one of the best ways to buy steroids and enjoy steroids. It is one of the safest ways to get plenty of steroids. There are numerous places in the world where you can buy steroids and enjoy steroids freely without committing any crime.
4. Bookmarks: 0 Hello From Ottawa - First Impressions And An Overview My partner in crime Theresa and I went to Ottawa 3 or 4 years ago in the winter to catch Ottawa's famous winter festival Winterlude. Unfortunately that year the weather was too warm and the weekend was a total wash-out. Even the ice sculptures had melted.Well, it was time to give it a second shot. So this past Friday we got in the car and once we drove through a few snow squalls past Oshawa it was smooth sailing all the way to Canada's capital. We got into town right ar...
5. Bookmarks: 0 ID Theft Capital Of The World Los Angeles is the counterfeit document capital of America ID theft business is booming in the Californian metropolisOfficials warn that the fake ID business is booming in Los Angeles. Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in America says the Federal Trade Commission. It is a practice that victimizes innocent people by using their Social Security Numbers. It has become an epidemic, leaving everyone at risk. And, to make matters worse, most people do not know if thei...
6. Bookmarks: 0 Civilian Crime Fighters Australian Volunteers Against Crime (AVAC) Crime WatchMuch of our neighborhood and city-based crime is a direct result of drug abuse. Many of the home break-ins and car break-ins are a result of addicts looking for quick money or cashable items to pay for their next hit. Many citizens are victims of this behavior and would love to find a way to fight back to stop this predation on our citizens.In Canberra, capital city of Australia, some citizens simply had enough of ...
7. Bookmarks: 0 Pepper Spray As A Non-Lethal Self-Defense Tool We live at a time when crime rates are soaring despite better policing and governance. This seems to have some correlation with the increasing proportion of single women. More and more women today are single than in any other generation previous. It is sad and regrettable that as women are getting increasingly independent, they are also at a much higher risk of assault, theft, and battery. If you are a single woman and would feel comfortable with some added protection while i...
8. Bookmarks: 0 Preparation for Child Custody Court Ordered Mediation In Child Custody disputes Mediators help collect complete information about each parent and organize this information in a useful way. During mediation all history of both the parents is extremely useful. All aspects including childhood, past divorces, past history, parent’s history, parents’ martial status, siblings, relations with siblings, history of crime, domestic violence, etc. are also taken into consideration. You as a parent must be prepared to show yourself in the best p...
9. Bookmarks: 0 Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) Florence Nightingale was a pioneer of the nursing field. She was first publicly noticed as an administrator during the Crimean War. Her unwavering determination to provide the best, sanitary care possible cut the death rate considerably for her side. She continued to contribute to the field of nursing throughout her life and continued to open doors for nurses and women in general.In 1893, Mrs. Lystra E. Gretter and the Farrand Training School for Nurses wrote an adaptatio...
10. Bookmarks: 0 How to avoid heavy fines for such simple crimes as not knowing the rules relating to environmental law This article indicates how important it is for your company to keep up to date with the rapid changes in environmental law, to enable you to avoid heavy fines and protect your reputation.
11. Bookmarks: 0 Confessions Of A War Criminal I am a war criminal. Yes, you heard correctly—a war criminal! Let me explain why.In 1971, then Lt. (j.g.) John Kerry testified before the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee and portrayed American soldiers as murderers, rapists and torturers “who ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam . . . [and] razed villages in a fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan.” I don’t know about the rape and torture part, but I do know that every time I took off on a mission in Vietnam I m...
12. Bookmarks: 3 8 Steps For Coping With And Healing Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Attention deficit disorder is a serious disorder and it is not going away. It causes depression, inattentiveness, relationship and behavorial problems, deviant behavior (crime), can lead to drug abuse, alcoholism and even suicide. To better understand this disorder and correct it there are 8 steps we must follow:1. Education. ADD can manifest itself in several different ways all depending upon the areas of the brain affected. Basically, ADD is caused by abnormalities in t...
13. Bookmarks: 5 Meet My Bodyguard - Mr. Taser Not so very long ago, those concerned about crime or fearing for their safety had limited options. Many such people chose to purchase a handgun, unfortunately resulting in occasional accidental deaths when children got hold of it or someone was mistakenly identified as an intruder (resulting in yet another occupational liability for pizza delivery drivers!)After that came a plethora of non-lethal weapons including stun guns, pepper spray, and Tasers. Among the foregoing, ...
14. Bookmarks: 1 Using Hypnosis To Resolve Jealousy Jealousy is a natural human feeling brought on by simply wanting something someone else has. Though it may be perfectly natural to feel this emotion, what many people choose to do fueled by jealousy is where its harm lies. Crimes of passion are almost always jealousy driven, as well as those of theft and vandalism. There is a reason jealousy is one of the seven deadly sins that leads to the more criminal offenses than any other. If you have issues with jealousy, part of y...
15. Bookmarks: 0 Anger: To Control or To Learn The feeling anger can come from two different places within us. Anger that comes from an adult, rational place can be called outrage. Outrage is the feeling we have when confronted with injustice. Outrage mobilizes us to take appropriate action when harm is being done to ourselves, others, and the planet. Outrage is a positive emotion in that it moves us to action – to stop crime and violence, clean up the environment, and so on.
16. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 13 ) Justice is not postponed. A perfect equity adjusts its balance in all parts of life. The dice of God are always loaded. The world looks like a multiplication table, or a mathematical equation, which, turn it how you will, balances itself. Take what figure you will, its exact value, nor more nor less, still returns to you. Every secret is told, every crime is punished, every virtue rewarded, every wrong redressed, in silence and certainty. What we call retribution is the unive...
17. Bookmarks: 0 Taking A Stand Against Identity Theft The first and most important thing you can do to become better prepared and protected against identity theft is to lose the attitude that “it could never happen to you”. Identity theft is much more common than most people believe, and the belief that it won’t happen to you leaves you much more vulnerable than someone who actively takes steps to protect themselves against the crime. Identity thieves are able to obtain information they need to assume someone else’s identit...
18. Bookmarks: 0 The Below The Radar Hedge Fund Crisis (April 2009) And the real crime is this: investors as naive as the wet-diapered E-Trade spokesbaby can push a button and buy operational hedge funds more bizarre and sophisticated than any ever imagined buy the rich and famous. If an ETF harbors a hedge fund, but doesn't call it a hedge fund, is it really not a hedge fund?
19. Bookmarks: 0 The Warning signs of Online Fraud and How to avoid it The number may seem grim for Web-based commerce. In 2004 in the Unites States alone, computer users logged in more than 207,000 Internet fraud reports to the U.S. Internet Crime Complaint Center. If you look hard at this number, you may be astounded, and a good bit frightened, by the implication. You may ask, “Is it really safe to buy and sell at an online site?”
20. Bookmarks: 0 Don't be a victim of Cybercrime Internet users who access bank accounts, e-currency accounts or any source of personal information online, should be aware of the following methods used by criminals to convince you to reveal your confidential information.
21. Bookmarks: 0 Marketing a Website via Ezine Article Marketing a Website via Ezine ArticleThere are true Crime Victim’s Accounts now, and there will likely be more. Guest authors are invited to submit material to be considered for inclusion.
22. Bookmarks: 0 Identity Fraud Precautions Consequences of Identity FraudIn most parts of the world, identity fraud is the fastest growing offence. Yet, in the USA, a longitudinal 2005 study by Javelin Strategy & Research showed that the crime had decreased since a 2003 study from the Federal Trade Commission was released in 2003. The most current US Javelin data also showed that 9.3 million persons, being 4.25% of all adults, are victims of identity fraud on a yearly basis. In the United Kingdom in 2005 the consu...
23. Bookmarks: 0 How Community Can Make A Difference In Fighting Click Fraud Click fraud is a multi-faceted problem, it costs ALL advertisers, it costs Google, and ultimately, it costs legitimate publishers in lost ad revenues. Anyone who has worked in law enforcement and loss prevention in the brick and mortar world can tell you that community involvement in policing efforts is one of the single most effective crime deterrents in existence. As a community of concerned web publishers and advertisers, we can take our cue from the most effective crime p...
24. Bookmarks: 1 Public Speaking, Why All The Fuss? When asked, the majority of people in the US would claim that there greatest fear is getting up in front of a crowd and giving a speech. People 100 years ago would not say that public speaking was their worst fear, but they had more threatening things to worry about right? I’m talking about things like war, and wild animals, and rampant crime without great law enforcement. The fact that our society is more tame is perhaps part of this strange fear of a relatively benign circu...
25. Bookmarks: 8 Why Do So Many Lawyers Write Novels? Ever wonder why so many lawyers write novels? And very successful ones at that? Just think of John Grisham and Scott Turow, both of whom have written exciting, entertaining stories that grab hold of us until the very last page. Both men have had active legal careers in the criminal courts. Every day, they have dealt [literally] with life and death issues. Every day, they have witnessed the brutal effects of crime upon victims, families and upon the lives of the perpetrato...
26. Bookmarks: 12 Book Review: Stolen Boy By Michael Mehas Stolen Boy is billed as a work of fiction, however it actually explores a real event, and that event is still unfolding in the Southern California court system. Jessie James Hollywood faces the potential of the trip to lethal injection for his actions. So real is Michael Mehas' book that he actually was subpoenaed twice as a witness in the trial, and forced to hand over his notes and tapes of interviews he had conducted.With a background of Los Angeles, Stolen boy is abou...
27. Bookmarks: 0 What Can The Mystery Writers Of America Learn About Discrimination From The Sneetches? The Mystery Writers of America (MWA), an organization that defines itself as " the premier organization for mystery writers, professionals allied to the crime writing field, aspiring crime writers, and those who are devoted to the genre," has developed a list of "approved publishers," and a set of criteria authors must meet to join as active members or enter the prestigious Edgar Award contest. The MWA criteria blatantly discriminate against authors whose books are published ...
28. Bookmarks: 10 Relationship Mistakes - Smothering your Boyfriend Have you noticed that some girls just can’t help self destructing their relationships? Even when they have a great guy who treats them well, they start committing relationship sins that are sure to lead them to a cold and lonely destination. One major relationship crime is smothering.

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