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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag equity

There are 100 articles associated with the tag equity!

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1. Bookmarks: 0 The Pure Logic of Income Investing Income Investing is sane, necessary, logical, intellectually pure, purposeful, manageable, predictable, and incredibly easy to understand. Yet, more investment mistakes are made in this area than in stock market investing --- particularly in the area of performance evaluation. As a result, income investors seem much more susceptible to Wall Street manipulation than their equity focused brethren.
2. Bookmarks: 0 Trading Your Way To A Secure Retirement Income Attention traders! You can bring your well honed equity skills to the most conservative securities on the planet and absolutely grow a secure retirement income at the very same time. Managed Closed End Funds (CEFs) trade in the same way as common stocks, and on the same exchanges.
3. Bookmarks: 1 Risk Minimization, The Essence of Market Cycle Investment Management The MCIM methodology combines risk minimization, asset allocation, equity trading, investment grade value stock investing, and base income generation in a realistic environment whose time frame recognizes and embraces stock market, interest rate, and economic cycles. It does not exist in either Mutual Fund or ETF form.
4. Bookmarks: 0 The Real Scoop on Annuities - Part Two Unfortunately, the stock market never has been able to generate guaranteed levels of income, and sometimes fails to move higher just because we think it should. Serious problems occur when mutual funds are packaged with annuity contracts and the critical differences between them are either overlooked or undisclosed, perhaps innocently, perhaps not.
5. Bookmarks: 0 Investment Fruitcake Portfolio design, in its simplest form, is a fruitcake of apples, oranges, and dough. The recipe (asset allocation) is about as straightforward as it can be, the ingredients (equity and income securities) can be well known and of unquestioned quality, and their reactions to time, and cyclical mood are well documented.
6. Bookmarks: 1 Market Rally Resumes; Trump Election Excites the Stock Market The fewer IGVSI equities at bargain prices, the stronger the market and the more Smart Cash that should be accumulating in the equity bucket of your portfolio. As the list of bargain IGVSs grows (indicating market weakness), portfolio Smart Cash should be finding its way back into undervalued securities.
7. Bookmarks: 1 MCIM Methodology Retirement Income Portfolios -Check It Out The MCIM methodology combines risk minimization, asset allocation, equity trading, investment grade value stock (IGVSI) investing, and base income generation in a methodology that embraces the cyclical nature of markets, interest rates, and economies. MCIM produces Retirement Income Readiness.
8. Bookmarks: 0 The Investment Grade Value Stock Index - Continued The IGVSI was developed in December of 2007 to provide a benchmark for the Equity portion of MCIM portfolios managed using Working Capital Model (WCM) disciplines. For more than ten years, Investment Grade Value Stock investors had been frustrated by the inadequacies of the DJIA and the NYSE indices. During that period. NYSE Issue Breadth and New High vs. New Low Statistics moved in different directions than the averages, nearly all of the time.
9. Bookmarks: 0 Investment Performance Evaluation Re-Evaluated: Part One (April 2009) The Working Capital Model (WCM) looks at investment performance differently, less emotionally, and without a whole lot of concern for short-term market value movements. Market value performance evaluation techniques are only used to analyze peak-to-peak market cycle movements over significant time periods. In the WCM, market value is used as an expectation clarifier and an action indicator for the portfolio manager.
10. Bookmarks: 0 Investment Grade Value Stock Buy List Program Advanced Version The Investment Grade Value Stock Buy List Program Advanced Version is just what you need to manage the Equity Side of your investment portfolio!
11. Bookmarks: 0 IGVSI Numbers Confirm Equity Correction --- Income CEF Rally Continues The web page has been updated through May 2012 ---here are the headlines and links to the web pages
12. Bookmarks: 0 What's Going On In The Markets?!?! If you were to buy almost any common stock or equity based security (mutual fund, ETF or Equity Closed End Fund), you would be paying a higher price than has ever been paid, by any person, at any time in the history of mankind.
13. Bookmarks: 0 Market Lines and Numbers - - - Very Interesting The S & P average has no quality safeguards, no profit-taking discipline, no income requirements or reinvestment protocol, and no asset allocation plan. It is a totally unmanaged entity except for equity content manipulation by S & P Corporation. It is widely accepted as the benchmark against which most equity portfolio managers are measured, and it typically outperforms most of them. But it really only outperforms those professional portfolio managers who are responsible for public participatio
14. Bookmarks: 1 MCIM Strategies Produce Better Retirement Income The Market Cycle Investment Management (MCIM) methodology for managed asset allocation was developed in the 1970s. The process combines risk minimization, base income generation, and disciplined trading strategies while focusing on the highest quality individual securities in the equity marketplace... plus a minimum 30% income purpose security bucket.
15. Bookmarks: 0 Managed Asset Allocation - Keeping Investment Management Simple As portfolio Working Capital grows, so does the income that it generates. As a result, there will always be some uninvested cash looking for a home. This is a good thing and should not be tinkered with by applying artificial or automatic reinvestment mechanisms. Every dollar deserves to be allocated separately to the appropriate bucket, and there are times when investment opportunities in the Equity market are few and far between.
16. Bookmarks: 0 Ten Investment Strategy Articles Risk is compounded by ignorance, multiplied by gimmickry, and exacerbated by emotion. It is halved with education, ameliorated with cost-based asset allocation, and managed with disciplined: selection quality, diversification, and income rules--- The QDI. Learn to distinguish between asset allocation and diversification. Asset allocation divides the portfolio between equity and income securities. Diversification limits the size of individual and sector holdings. Both hedge against the risk of
17. Bookmarks: 0 A Stock Market Correction Is A Beautiful Thing A correction is a beautiful thing, simply the flip side of a rally, big or small. Theoretically, even technically I'm told, corrections adjust equity prices to their actual value or support levels. In reality, it's much easier than that. Here's a list of ten things to think about doing, or to avoid doing, during corrections of any magnitude. There has never been a correction/rally that has not succumbed to the next rally/correction ---
18. Bookmarks: 0 Dealing With Stock Market Corrections: Ten Do's and Don'ts A correction is a beautiful thing, simply the flip side of a rally, big or small. Theoretically, even technically I'm told, corrections adjust equity prices to their actual value or support levels. So if you over think the environment or over cook the research, you'll miss the party. Unlike many things in life, Stock Market realities need to be dealt with quickly, decisively, and with zero hindsight.
19. Bookmarks: 0 Collective Investment Funds (CIFs) for Your Retirement Plans: Plan Sponsors, Principals, Advisors, Fiduciaries We all know that Mutual Funds, ETFs, and similar products don't prepare well for market downturns.... they are unable to take profits, build portfolio income, or hold equity smart cash that can be put back to work when the market falls. Collective Investment Trusts could be a solution to these problems... Active management and security transparency are the key differences.
20. Bookmarks: 0 Barron's Touts Managed Closed End Funds Closed-end funds are in the bargain bin. From municipal bonds to taxable debt and stocks, more than 90% of all closed-end funds trade at discounts to their net asset values. The $231 billion closed-end market recently hit its most inexpensive level relative to NAVs since the end of 2008, according to data compiled by Morningstar. Andrew Bary
21. Bookmarks: 0 Year End Portfolio Window Dressing... Always Better To Look Smart, etc. Perhaps ninety percent of the price movement in the equity markets is the result of institutional trading, and institutional money managers seem to be more concerned with politics and marketing than they are with investing. They are trying to impress their major clients with their brilliance by reporting ownership of all the hot tickets and none of the major losers.
22. Bookmarks: 1 Harnessing Stock Market Volatility On the bright side, enhanced market volatility enhances the power of the equity and income security trading disciplines and strategies within the Market Cycle Investment Management (MCIM) methodology --- an approach to market reality that embraces market turbulence, and harnesses market volatility for results that leave most professionals either speechless or in denial.
23. Bookmarks: 0 Forming Valid Income Investing Expectations - Part Two The critical relationship between the two classes of securities in your portfolio, is this: the market value of your equity investments and that of your income purpose investments are totally, and completely unrelated. Each Market dances to it's own beat. Stocks are like heavy metal or Rap...impossible to predict. Bonds are more like the classics and old time rock-and-roll...much more predictable.
24. Bookmarks: 0 Your Income Portfolio There are several reasonable explanations for recent Municipal Bond price weakness: Higher interest rates expected; equity portfolio window dressing; weakness of state government treasuries; profit taking in municipal CEFs; speculation about proposed tax code changes; illiquidity of individual bonds; irrational investor fear. There are at least as many excellent reasons why investors should be viewing this weakness as a buying opportunity ---
25. Bookmarks: 0 Investment Portfolio Update: What's In Your Wallet? Market Cycle Investment Management (MCIM) portfolios are not equity only portfolios, so it makes little sense to compare their performance to stock market indices. MCIM portfolios are designed to grow income producing Working Capital in a higher quality, lower risk environment over the course of the investors life cycle. There are two distinctly different cycles at play here, all the time.
26. Bookmarks: 0 High Dividend ETFs - An Equity-Income Investment Fantasy Market Cycle Investment Portfolios are investment portfolios; ETFs in general are derivative gambling devices; High Dividend ETFs are quality-and-income equity derivative gambling devices that could be useful around the bottom of the next correction --- the next prolonged correction, that is. There is absolutely not one molecule of similarity between any MCIM portfolio and any Index ETF, period.
27. Bookmarks: 0 Hang On A Minute - The Mighty Dow Is Still 10% Below 2007 Levels! Do they think investors are stupid enough to get excited about this dismal performance? Particularly, when less than 20% of professionally managed equity funds did as well. And how about unmanaged ETFs? I haven't heard any claims of brilliance, have you?
28. Bookmarks: 2 Old Fashioned Equity Investing - Building A Better Mousetrap Since the level it achieved just prior to the bursting dot-com bubble in 2000, the S & P 500 Average (on October 15th 2010) had lost 17% of its market value. In the same time frame, portfolios managed start-to-finish using the Market Cycle Investment Management methodology have gained roughly 113%, in spite of the impact of the recent financial crisis.
29. Bookmarks: 0 In Value Stock Investing, Quality is Job One You will need to apply consistent and disciplined judgment to your final selection process, but you can be confidant that you are choosing from a select group of higher quality, well-established companies, with a proven track record of profitability and owner awareness. Additionally, as these companies gyrate above and below your purchase price (as they absolutely will), you can be more confident that it is merely the nature of the stock market and not an imminent financial disaster... and that
30. Bookmarks: 7 Understanding Fixed Income Investing: Expectations - Part 1 I've come to the conclusion that the Stock Market is an easier medium for investors to understand (i.e., to form behavioral expectations about) than the Fixed Income Market. As unlikely as this sounds, experience proves it, irrefutably. Few investors grow to love volatility as I do, but most expect it in the Market Value of their equity positions.
31. Bookmarks: 5 Press Release: MCIM Portfolios Rally To Three Year High Levels, Powered By IGVSI Stocks and Income CEFs - S & P Down 19% The Market Cycle Investment Management methodology combines risk minimization, asset allocation, equity trading, investment grade value stock investing, and base income generation in a time frame that recognizes and embraces the reality of cycles. What's in your portfolio?
32. Bookmarks: 0 Weighted Average Cost Of Capital (WACC), Commodity Historic Prices, Index Prices, And Country Risk The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is a calculation of a company’s proportionately weighted capital according to specific categories. All sources of capital – common stock, preferred stock, bonds, and any other debt are included. It’s computed by multiplying the cost of each capital source by its proportional weight (% of total capital) and then working through this equation.WACC = (E/V) * Re + (D/V) * Rd * (1-Tc)Where:Re = cost of equityRd = cost of debt...
33. Bookmarks: 0 Home Equity Loan : Loansmagician If you are thinking of borrowing money and you are a homeowner, be sure to consider a home equity line of credit before pursuing alternative methods of financing.
34. Bookmarks: 0 Advantages Of Forex Trading Forex Trading has many advantages as compared to stock or equity trading. Due to the current uncertainty of the stock market, many stock or equity traders are now thinking to trade the Forex market. Their main question and concerned was why trade the Forex market? What are the advantages of the Forex market as compared to the stock market? In this article, I will go through some of the advantages of Forex Trading.24 Hour Global Market - The Forex market is truly a 24 Hour...
35. Bookmarks: 0 Mortgage Advice: Home Equity Loans Can Finance an Investment Properties and Second Homes Many investors feel confident with real estate as a place to secure their future, believing that overall it will outperform cash, fixed interest deposits and other investments, particularly for the medium to long term. Second homes account for a full 40% of all homes sold in America. If you've been paying on your mortgage for more than five years and the interest rate is below market rate, a home equity loan would probably work better for you than a mortgage refinance.
36. Bookmarks: 0 Investment Property - Leveraging Rental Property Equity Owning investment property is a tremendous wealth building strategy. Thousands upon thousands of individuals have amassed great wealth by investing in rental properties.
37. Bookmarks: 0 Forex Currency Trading - The Basics Forex is the name given to the foreign exchange market, where international currencies are bought and sold. Due to the development of free exchange rates, the market began in the 1970s and has become the world's largest financial market with a daily turnover of US$1.9 trillion. To put that into perspective, that's over thirty times the daily turnover of the rest of the US equity markets combined.Unlike normal stock markets which are traded on exchanges that are located in...
38. Bookmarks: 0 Buffett's Big Bet Over the past few days, there have been several stories written about Warren Buffett’s $14 billion bet on global stock markets. I believe these stories are all in reference to this excerpt form Berkshire Hathaway’s annual report:“Berkshire is also subject to equity price risk with respect to certain long duration equity index put contracts. Berkshire’s maximum exposure with respect to such contracts is approximately $14 billion at December 31, 2005. These contracts genera...
39. Bookmarks: 0 An Introduction To Day Trading Many people often get confused by the financial terms such as currency, forex exchange, trading etc. It’s a big complex financial world and one of the new trading concepts is day trading.Day trading in its simplest term means buying and selling securities, stock and other financial investment within a single trading day. It covers a wide variety of financial products such as stocks, currencies, forex, equity index, futures and commodities.The financial products that a...
40. Bookmarks: 0 The Biggest Risk In Mineral Exploration: Dilution Equity issues invariably form an integral component of a corporation’s growth cycle. But they also result in dilution for existing shareholders, and too much dilution often turns a carefully crafted investment profile upside down. Take hundreds of junior mining companies as a classic example: exploration exercises, triggering repeated issuance of shares, have caused so much dilution that shareholders can only look forward to nominal returns (if any) even if a resource is even...
41. Bookmarks: 4 Retirement Income Planning: Mutual Funds Mutual funds are classified in three main categories that differ in regards to their risks, features and rewards. They are money market funds, bond funds, which also receive the name of “fixed income” and finally, stock funds, which are also called “equity funds”. Let’s take a deeper look at each one of them.
42. Bookmarks: 0 Introduction To Options Trading, Part 1 The study of options can expand your perceptions about the range of possibilities. Most people are familiar with two forms of investment: equity and debt. There is a third method, however, and that third method is far more interesting than the other two. Its attributes are unlike any that most people understand—and these differences can be viewed as a troubling set of problems, or as a promising set of opportunities.Let's begin with a brief review, laying the groundwork a...
43. Bookmarks: 0 Your Credit Rating Can Affect Your Eligibility For A Home Equity Loan As a homeowner, there will always come a time when your property needs some significant work. This could be a few years after the house was built or as soon as you buy the property from a previous owner. Your main concern is bound to be how you are going to finance the work.There are options available to finance your home repairs that mean you won’t have to make too many sacrifices in your lifestyle and personal expenses. You could look at taking out a mortgage if you ...
44. Bookmarks: 0 Using Your Mortgage To Generate Credit If you need money for home improvements or a business, then you could use your mortgage to generate the credit you need. Although using your mortgage to generate credit shouldn’t be your first choice, if other lines of credit are closed to you then releasing equity from your home is a good way to generate a line of credit.
45. Bookmarks: 0 Use A Mortgage Calculator To Guide Your Home Equity Loan Decision The difference between a home loan and a home equity loan lies mainly in that the home equity loan, also known as a second or even third mortgage, is issued at a higher interest rate. This interest rate is lower than you could expect to pay on a credit card, but it will be still higher than the original interest rate. Use a home equity mortgage calculator to see what releasing different percentages of your equity makes to the payments required. The mortgage calculator the...
46. Bookmarks: 0 Understanding Countrywide Home Equity Loan Brief historyCountrywide is a diversified financial services company with mortgage banking at its core, founded in 1969 by two New Yorkers, Angelo Mozilo and David Loeb when they started the Countrywide Credit Industries. Expansion began in 1979, and by the next year, Countrywide had 40 offices in downtown Los Angeles, and in 1981, Countrywide Securities Corporation, a broker-dealer subsidiary that would sell securities backed by loans made was formed.Countrywide hit ...
47. Bookmarks: 0 Refinance tips Borrowing more money to pay old debt is referred to in finance Refinance ”. The common acts that many people turn to includes“ Peer Share,”one of the revolving capital loan,paying for credit card’s debt or get cash from credit card to pay for shares.This is only a short-term liquidity solution. In this case interest’s difference and payment due date of capital and interest no longer important. This is not a right mind set for a long run financial health.It is found...
48. Bookmarks: 0 Quick Mortgage Tips for Home Loans, Equity Loans, Reverse Loans, Cash-Out Loans and Refinance Loans Here are some quick tips for getting a home loan or refinancing your mortgage. Know your borrowing options before you commit!
49. Bookmarks: 0 How To Use Your Equity Smartly Home equity is the money you have put down against the principal of your house as a savings account, be aware that if you fail to budget effectively and over draw your equity. Get more information on how to smartly use your equity from this article.
50. Bookmarks: 0 How To Get Investment Property Loans 1. You and investment property loansWhat do you think you would be like as a propety investor. Well now you can purchase investment property with more options and flexibility than you have ever thought possible, using investment property loans. Getting an Investment property loan is easier than you think.It is more than possible for you to intelligently finance properties with investment property loans. In Economics, investment means the purchase (and thus the product...
51. Bookmarks: 0 Home Equity: Your Ace In The Hole Almost 15 years ago, you bought your first home. You’ve been diligent in working and paying on the mortgage, and finally have more equity than mortgage. Ah, the sweet smell of victory, and home ownership. But are you playing the financial investment game as well as you think? Are you missing out on tax savings, funding strategies, or just plain smart money options? How do you check your equity options versus your tax savings options, to comparative shop and make use of your s...
52. Bookmarks: 0 Home Equity Investments Home equity stands for the capital of the house, and it is the over all price of a house.
53. Bookmarks: 0 Home Equity Credit Lines Provide Quick Access To Cash In Times Of Need. If you need to borrow money, Home Equity Credit Lines can be one of the options available to you. This Line of Credit Home Equity is a loan granted to the borrower with his home as collateral. Home Equity per say is the difference between the worth of your property and the amount you owe on your mortgage.Of late many people are opting for Home Equity Lines of Credit because of its ease of acquisition and flexibility. If you use the equity of your home as collateral in a l...
54. Bookmarks: 0 Having Equity In Your Home If you are a homeowner then you should make building equity in your home one of your number one priorities. The reason for this is that equity in your home is like having cash in your bank account because you are able to borrow against it for a variety of different purposes. Also, when you build equity in your home it means you are that many dollars closer to owning your home outright. There are quite a few things you can do in order to build equity in your home that include ...
55. Bookmarks: 0 Eliminating Compounding Interest with a Second Mortgage Debt consolidation can be a confusing subject. There are many conflicting views on what a consumer buried in credit card debt should do to get back on their feet. These conflicting views have everything to do with the fact that the best solution is always unique to the individual and if you’re in trouble you should do your homework. The next move you might want to consider is a debt consolidation loan and if you own a house, a home equity loan or second mortgage might be worth considering
56. Bookmarks: 0 Choosing From A Mortgage Medley What do you do if you are looking to buy a house? You sift through a series of mortgage loans. What is the best kind of mortgage loan? That would be based on how much you are intending to borrow and on the rate of interest that you would be able to afford. Generally speaking, the greater the period of the loan, the lower will be the interest rate that you will be charged.With regards to the various types of mortgages, there are two major types. On the one hand we have the...
57. Bookmarks: 0 Adverse Credit Remortgage: Refinance at Better Terms Adverse credit remortgage is used to provide funds to people with adverse credit ratings or ccj’s against them. This remortgage capitalizes on the increased home equity or existing home equity of the borrower. Like any other mortgage it offers the lowest interest rates and easy repayment options. However, there are many other things to consider. If the credit history is better, the lender will find it easier to get such a loan.
58. Bookmarks: 0 What Is A Flexible Mortgage? A flexible mortgage is a secured loan, which can be paid back in differing amounts while providing access to the housing equity (within pre-agreed limits).There are five key features with a flexible mortgage: the ability to pay the mortgage off early through overpayments or lump sum payments, the ability to borrow money back by withdrawing lump sums, making underpayments, and having payment holidays. A flexible mortgage gives you more control than with a traditional type ...
59. Bookmarks: 0 Home Equity Loans – A Great Source To Explore Investing in a home of your own is a sound decision and can turn out to be your most valuable asset. It creates equity on your home, which gradually increases as payments are made against the mortgage. For example, if you have a loan of $200000 against your home, and in course of time the balance on the mortgage stands at $140000, the equity on the home is $60000.This will keep growing as continued payments are made against the mortgage. This equity can then be used as collat...
60. Bookmarks: 0 Foreclosure rescue and Foreclosure Options Foreclosure rescue, also known as equity skimming or equity stripping, is any of various predatory real estate practices aimed at vulnerable, often low-income, homeowners facing foreclosure in the United States.
61. Bookmarks: 0 A Guide To Home Mortgage Rates Home mortgages are loans that are taken to buy a property, for which the property itself is used as collateral. Owning a home is a very big, and usually a one-time investment for many. With increasing real estate prices and decreasing interest rates on loans, many people are using the home mortgage loans to buy property.
62. Bookmarks: 0 Houlihan Smith Serves as Exclusive Advisor to Grocery Shopping Network on First Round of Financing Grocery Shopping Network, Inc. (”GSN”) reported today that it has completed it’s series A round of venture capital funding with Houlihan Smith & Company, Inc. (”Houlihan”) acting as exclusive financial advisor. The $7.0 million equity...
63. Bookmarks: 0 Tock Research – As Hedge Fund Industry & Private Equity Gets Hotter – Heat Is Building On Them Too!!! Both the hedge fund and private equity industry had free rides during George Bush’s Administration when the Congress was safely in Republican hands. All that changed in November 06 when the Democrats swept the Congress, and with the change in control came new Democratic responsibilities to address the fiscal deficits generated during the time, the Republicans controlled both the executive and legislative branches of government. It is strange to ponder, but the Republican ...
64. Bookmarks: 0 Home Loans Overview There are a number of different loans available in the market today and while there are indeed many home loans available, home equity loans really do deserve to be put in a league of their own.
65. Bookmarks: 0 Investment Market Numbers: S & P 500 +8%; IGVSI +13%; MCIMs +20% Yet since mid-1970, portfolios investing exclusively in IGVSs (MCIM portfolios) have probably outperformed all other equity investment models --- So why haven't you heard about this? Because Wall Street would have almost nothing to sell if everyone adopted this model.
66. Bookmarks: 3 Secured Loan For The Self-Employed: Ready Money For The Entrepreneurial Mind Self-employed people face the distinct disadvantage of irregular incomes and erratic work availability. This entraps them into financial difficulties. They can regain a grip on their finances by taking the secured loan for self-employed. Using their home or home equity as the collateral they can borrow large amounts. A bad credit borrower can also get such a loan quite easily provided he has the right collateral.
67. Bookmarks: 3 New Business – Trading Equity for Cash You awake in the middle of the night with a business idea that will change the world. The only problem, of course, is you need money to get the business moving. What do you do?
68. Bookmarks: 3 Where Can You Find Sources Of Funds For Your Business? If you need help to fund your business, there are some things you need to do first, that can make your business more attractive to investors. The followings are an easy way to improve your business image and make it become good-looking in investors’ eyes.The most important thing, you should always talk to a qualified business attorney. There are a lot of laws pertaining to how equity capital can be raised from the public, and the laws change often. You need someone who un...
69. Bookmarks: 6 Secured Business Loan – “Capitalizing “on the opportunity!! Secured Business Loans can provide financial assistance for both starting a business and assisting any stage in a business process. Secured Business Loans can make use of the equity available in your home or property to ensure that your business plans accomplish their prerequisite goal. It can also use your business assets as collateral. Being a secured loan the repayment options and interest rates are flexible. There are no preset options since every Secured Business Loan has to be tailored to
70. Bookmarks: 3 Angel Investor Groups Angel investor groups are acquiring better acknowledgment as primary patrons in early-stage industry, attaining eminent rankings in industry-related annual surveys of private equity investment firms for entrepreneurs.
71. Bookmarks: 5 Alternative To The IPO A few years ago, it seemed that nearly every company was going public with an IPO to gain capital investment, but now, with this route effectively blocked to smaller companies, entrepreneurs, angel investors and employees are increasingly looking at the opportunity of a reverse merger with a trading shell on the OTC Bulletin Board, the Pink Sheets or Form 10.Through the reverse merger, your private company merges into a publicly listed company called a “shell” and gains c...
72. Bookmarks: 0 Home Equity Loans & Creative Small Business Financing You don’t have to have investors or a traditional business development bank loan to start your own small business. If you own a home or have the credit to open revolving credit card accounts, your small business financing could be a reality. A more traditional approach is the home equity loan. Banks usually offer home equity loans for 125% of the property’s fair market value or FMV.
73. Bookmarks: 0 Home Equity Can Save You from Financial Crisis Home equity is built over time. As equity builds, you create a pool of money to access in trying times. Growing equity is a great way to pursue wealth building and it can provide a financial cushion when life gets hard.
74. Bookmarks: 0 More Return On Equity For Your Investment Property Dollar 1031 Exchange benefits for investors. Gain more return on your investment property dollar. Achieve an attractive combination of stability, reliable cash flow, preservation of principal and capital appreciation. The marriage of 1031 Exchange and TIC/CORE allows investors not only to defer their capital gains taxes but also to upgrade their investment real estate.
75. Bookmarks: 0 Spread Betting Slowly Evolving Towards Mainstream The advantage of spread betting, as opposed to buying shares, is that it offers one of the simplest ways to bet on markets moving downwards, as they have in recent months. Moreover, bets are free of stamp duty, while any gains are not subject to capital gains tax (CGT).Most regular readers will be fully aware that the best way to enhance their trading account is to trade with leverage. In days gone by, the only way to leverage an equity position in the UK market was to bu...
76. Bookmarks: 0 Secured Loans / Second Mortgages During the past five years lenders have seen a boom in the demand for second mortgages as borrowers look to capitalise on the equity in their home. The low cost of borrowing coupled with the spiralling value of homes in the UK has led to a substantial strengthening of the equity position of many a homeowner. The equity position of some homeowners is in fact so strong that they now find themselves in the fortunate position of having more equity in their home than they have deb...
77. Bookmarks: 0 Mortgage Equity Withdrawal - The Refinancing Trend Mortgage Equity Withdrawal is the formal name for equity refinance, reverse mortgages or simply home loans based on equity (as the security for the loan).Mortgage Equity Withdrawal rose to 8.7 billion pounds in the second quarter of this year to its highest since the third quarter last year, official data showed (on Tuesday 4th Oct 2005).Mortgage Equity Withdrawal is a measure of the equity Britons have extracted from their homes but which they have not re-invested in...
78. Bookmarks: 0 Mortgage and Home Loans The expansion in the real estate market has allowed many Americans to become equity rich. They may not have much money on hand, but they may have equity in their homes worth several hundred thousand dollars or more.
79. Bookmarks: 0 Home Equity Loans – The Pitfalls Of Releasing The Equity In Your Home House prices have been rising fast all over the UK over the last couple of years. Many people are experiencing a significant increase in their overall wealth as a result. In the United States, this has been termed the ‘wealth effect’ with an increase in the value of people’s homes being recognised as creating the confidence among consumers to borrow and spend more money and thus fuel the economy. The very same trends can be witnessed in the UK where people are using the equit...
80. Bookmarks: 0 Leveraging Property to Buy Property Many lucky homeowners are using equity they gained during the recent bull market in real estate to purchase second homes.
81. Bookmarks: 0 Low Cost Term Life Insurance – We All Want It, This Is How You Get It Life insurance is probably the most misunderstood of all insurance purchases. It is by far the most selfless insurance purchase that you will ever make. Life insurance was designed to take care of the people that we love the most. The equity based plans have sometimes unintentionally misguided us away from the original concept of life insurance. Term life insurance is the purest form of that original concept. Term policies are also the most affordable forms of all life insura...
82. Bookmarks: 15 Creating Unique Business Alliances: Six Insights To Help Transform Your Company’s Value Strategic alliances increasingly trumpet the word “unique” as in ‘unique alliance’ or ‘unique partnership’. Certain types of partnerships will help you acquire a unique value proposition even if you didn't develop it? This article will help you develop your company's alliance road map and projections resulting in higher order volume, added value and increased brand equity.
83. Bookmarks: 0 10 Ways to Buy a Home With Little or No Money Down There are many ways to buy a home, even if you have bad credit and little or no money to put down. A few of the basics are sweat equity, seller carry-back, rent-to-own, and community programs.
84. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 13 ) Justice is not postponed. A perfect equity adjusts its balance in all parts of life. The dice of God are always loaded. The world looks like a multiplication table, or a mathematical equation, which, turn it how you will, balances itself. Take what figure you will, its exact value, nor more nor less, still returns to you. Every secret is told, every crime is punished, every virtue rewarded, every wrong redressed, in silence and certainty. What we call retribution is the unive...
85. Bookmarks: 0 Top 5 Reasons People Get Reverse Mortgages Once you’ve done your research on reverse mortgages and gained a more complete understanding of the product, the next step is to decide if a reverse mortgage is right for your situation. If you’re eligible (a homeowner 62 years of age or older with equity in your principal residence), this may be a quick decision or one that requires a bit more consideration. As with any decision, it’s always helpful to get the perspectives and experiences of others who have faced similar sit...
86. Bookmarks: 0 The other faces of Loans People often perceive loan as a negative thing. To be in debt is seen as not only having no money but also a desperate attempt to have money...
87. Bookmarks: 0 Should You Get A Home Equity Loan When Refinancing? Among the most economical lending solution available today are home equity loans and home equity lines of credit. Depending on your personal financial situation, some of the interest can be used as a tax deduction. They are generally flexible and generally offer you the best rates available. There are a lot of advantages to a home equity loan. However, be sure to refinance with extreme caution. There are two different types of home equity loans. The actual loan usua...
88. Bookmarks: 0 Is It Time For You To Re-Finance? Refinancing is on a lot of peoples minds at the moment, but is the time right for you? You can pay off debts and release equity, but are you having doubts? This article will give you some tips and pointers to help you decide if it's the right time for you to refinance.
89. Bookmarks: 0 How To Get Home Loan With Bad Credit With flexible payments and terms, today’s mortgage lenders offer a wide variety of loan products. Who benefits? Frequently, it’s borrowers with less-than-perfect credit.Let’s say you want to refinance your mortgage or apply for a new home equity loan, but are concerned about your spotty credit history. The solution could be a so-called bad credit home loan. These mortgage loans are specifically designed to assist borrowers consolidate debt quickly while keeping their mont...
90. Bookmarks: 0 Home Equity Loans – A Walkthrough Guide of Home Loans As the interest rate on credit cards and other loans continues to increase, many people have turned to home equity loans as a method of borrowing money at a low interest rate.
91. Bookmarks: 0 Home Equity Loans Without Perfect Credit – What To Expect Getting approved for a personal loan with recent or past credit problems may pose a problem. Because of credit blemishes, most lenders are hesitant to offer money to those with a low credit rating. Thus, acquiring funds for large expenses or emergencies is impossible. On the other hand, if you own a house, you may qualify for a home equity loan with poor credit.What are Home Equity Loans?Home equity loans are funds secured by your home’s equity. Because the cash is co...
92. Bookmarks: 0 Home Equity Loans For College Very few parents or students would argue that college costs are soaring these days. It is now more expensive than ever before to get a good education for your children. It is true that there are many types of student loans available, and even some government student loans and grants, but these often fall short of the needed funds for college. The additional money has to come from someplace and a home equity loan is one of those possible avenues for college cash.Homeowners...
93. Bookmarks: 0 Home Equity Loan Home Equity Loan is the money that you get as a loan based on the value of your own home. In other words the money that you have invested in purchasing that lovely home can be leveraged to buy a Car, pay off Student Loan or any other loans. Other then being easily available at attractive rates, it’s a loan that is interest deductible. Some benefits of taking a Home Equity Loans are:Fixed payment and rate 5, 10 and 15 year fully amortizing loan terms available Mini...
94. Bookmarks: 0 Home Equity Loan--Brief Detail Brief Introduction on home equity loans and some useful home equity tips
95. Bookmarks: 0 Bad Credit Mortgage Refinance Tips One hundred percent mortgage refinancing enables you to use your equity in borrowing and at the same time could very well make your interest rates lower.
96. Bookmarks: 0 An Equity Loan Could Reduce Your Monthly Bills If you have built up equity in your home that equity is available to you consolidate bills, remodel, or take a vacation in the form of a home equity loan.
97. Bookmarks: 0 7 Tips for Establishing Qualifying Credit for Home Equity & Mortgage Loans According to Experian, a credit score is a number lenders use to help them decide: If I give this person a loan or credit card, how likely is it I will get paid back on time? The information from your credit reports is used to create your credit score. Your credit score will always be a key ingredient for low interest rates when qualifying for a mortgage or home equity loan.
98. Bookmarks: 0 100% Mortgage Refinancing – How To Get Approved 100% mortgage refinancing allows you to borrow against your equity, while hopefully lowering your interest rates. To get approved for a cash out refinance, you need to have excellent credit. Otherwise, you need to work with a sub-prime lender or apply for a line of credit.What 100% Refinanced Mortgage Can DoA 100% refinanced mortgage can allow you to take out all of your home’s equity. Anytime you cash out part of your equity, your refinance rates will increase. But r...
99. Bookmarks: 0 Why A Home Equity Loan Could Be Your Answer To Debt Consolidation For most people getting a home equity loan means taking risks and dealing with unscrupulous lenders. However once you’re past all that you will realize that a home equity loan can actually be quite a blessing. The home equity loan can help you pay off debts as well as have some extra cash at hand!Consolidation is now a possibilityWith rising default rates and delinquencies, most people today are finding it increasingly difficult to manage their finances. From existing...
100. Bookmarks: 0 Using Your Home's Equity To Consolidate Debt - Home Equity Loans For Debt Consolidation Before you take out a second mortgage or a home equity loan to consolidate your debt. Consider these points before you refinance or take out a home equity loan to pay off debt:1. Are the credit cards you are refinancing low interest? - If they are, you might want to consider waiting and paying off the credit card debt separately. Mortgage debt is stretched out over many more years than some credit card payments would be. You could end up paying more over time for your cre...

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