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There are 82 articles associated with the tag federal!

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1. Bookmarks: 0 WALL STREET'S DARKEST SECRET: 6.3% TAX FREE INCOME Special Report: As of Close of Business May 8th, no less than 53 multi-year experienced, Tax Free Income, Closed End Funds (CEFs) were paying 6% or more in federally tax free income to their shareholders. Why hasn't your financial advisor told you about this?
2. Bookmarks: 0 Investment Grade Value Stocks At Ten Year Lows (circa October 2008) A cocktail of credit market laxatives is working its way into a constipated world economy. Relief is on the way. Today's prices may well be looked at as the lowest of the next ten years! Here's a list of things to think about or to do while Investment Grade Value Stock prices are at ten-year lows:
3. Bookmarks: 0 Learning To Dig The BIG Buy Low Market corrections can be good for the wallet; they part of the normal shock market menu, and can be brought about by either bad news or good news. If you don’t love corrections (and deal with them like visiting relatives) you really don’t understand the financial markets. Don’t be insulted, it seems as though very few investors see it this way.
4. Bookmarks: 0 FHA Vs Non-FHA Insured Mortgage Planning to apply for a mortgage loan? There are two options that you avail: a conventional home loan issued by banks, or one that is insured by the Federal Housing Administration. Both options will help you buy a home, but there are some clear differences between the two. The following is a brief overview of these variations:
5. Bookmarks: 0 More Jobs, Fewer and Lower Taxes - The KISS Principle There are no purely economic problems with making the shift to a consumption tax --- just political ones. The legislation has been on the hill, and summarily ignored for decades. We need to apply cool economic sense to the elimination of the Internal Revenue Code and the Social Security Ponzi scheme.
6. Bookmarks: 0 How To Create A Fairer Tax Environment There are 44,000 pages in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) alone, 5.5 million words, incomprehensible at best. Obviously, there is a lot more to be said about each of the ideas that follow. Here are the top survey ideas; the first two were discussed in previous results articles as consumer spending enhancers and job creators, respectively.
7. Bookmarks: 2 Investment Grade Value Stocks At Ten Year Lows A cocktail of credit market laxatives is working its way into a constipated world economy. Relief is on the way. Today's prices may well be looked at as the lowest of the next ten years! Here's a list of things to think about or to do while Investment Grade value Stock prices are at ten-year lows
8. Bookmarks: 17 Workplace Discrimination And Harassment Australian Federal and State legislation states unlawful discrimination occurs when a group of people, individuals are treated less favourably than any other person or group of people because of their ethnicity, race, colour, sex, marital status, age or disability, religion and sexual reference, whether your a member of a trade union and any other characteristic specified under anti-discrimination or human rights legislation.Workplace discrimination and harassment can occ...
9. Bookmarks: 0 Portland Schools Exceed Budget By $ 1.7 Million Superintendent of Portland Public Schools, Mary Jo O’Connor announced that the Portland Schools have exceeded their $81.7 budget by about 2%. This is despite $500,000 in cuts made in May of 2006. O’Connor explained that the increased spending was due to factors beyond the control of Portland Schools officials.Unavoidable Increases for Portland SchoolsO’Connor stated that the deficit was “regrettable but unavoidable”. Federal and state education mandates, increased uti...
10. Bookmarks: 0 What Is The Fair Tax And Why Should You Care? The U.S. Federal Income Tax Code is a tax on the income of American companies and citizens enacted by the government. The U.S. Constitution gives Congress the power to impose taxes, duties, imposts, and excises.The purpose of the Tax Code is to provide income for the operation of the government. The Tax Code is found in Title 26 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).Any U.S. citizen who has filled out a federal tax return knows how confusing the current U.S. T...
11. Bookmarks: 0 Alternative Venture Finance: Federal Grants and Loans While most companies seeking venture capital initially think about angel investors and venture capitalists, a large alternative source of financing is federal grants and loans. The two largest federal grant programs are run by the Small Business Administration (SBA), and by Small Business Investment Companies (SBICs).
12. Bookmarks: 0 Direct Flight To Beijing From US Capital Following the recent United States federal approval United Airlines has launched the Beijing to Washington DC direct flight service. The first flight to Beijing from Washington DC flew in late March 2007.Seven airlines now provide direct flights to the Chinese mainland from US cities. Four American airlines and three Chinese airlines service the US-China routes.When the new slot opened up Northwest airlines tried to break into the lucrative US-China market however the...
13. Bookmarks: 0 The Secrets Of A Successful Stock Or Forex Investment Club If the investment club strikes you as an ideal answer to your needs and requirements, there here are some points to consider.Do not attempt to form a club until you have investigated its status under Federal, state, and local laws. The Association of Stock Exchange Firms is attempting to win passage for a model statute that will simplify and clarify the status of investment clubs and in some states is has already been enacted.In most states, however, a variety of laws...
14. Bookmarks: 0 Death By Government In California Wastes Money Aside from the obvious costs to society and its collective morality, there are major financial considerations associated with bringing the death penalty to those convicted of capital crimes. According to a recent Los Angeles Times study, based on eleven executions spread over 27 years in California, state and federal taxpayers pay $250 million per execution.Further cost breakdowns have taxpayers paying more than $114 million a year beyond the cost of simply imprisoning th...
15. Bookmarks: 0 Where are we in the latest real estate cycle? The influx of capital into the real estate market is different from previous trends in boom / bust periods. Now is the time for holders of real property to firm up their holdings and make long-term estate decisions.
16. Bookmarks: 0 Captial Gains Tax Explained Capital Gains tax is a federal tax penalty that is imposed on capital accumulation, investment and productivity. Some of the income that is subject to capital gains tax includes the sale of an investment, a home, a family business, a farm or ranch or even a work of art.
17. Bookmarks: 0 Depreciate property improvements correctly with cost segregation A cost segregation study allows property owners to both defer and reduce federal income taxes. When properly performed by an appraiser with expertise in cost segregation, this is a conservative tax planning tool which reduces federal income taxes by properly allocating the cost basis between land, 5-year, 7-year, 15-year, 27.5-year and 39-year property.
18. Bookmarks: 0 Visiting The US Capital Washington, D.C. is one of the most interesting cities one could visit. The capital city of the United States of America was named after George Washington, military leader of the American Revolution and the first US President. District of Columbia, which is the name of the federal district containing Washington, is governed by a single municipal government and for practical purposes it is administrated by a mayor. But although Washington, D.C. does not have a representative i...
19. Bookmarks: 0 Do You Know How Income Taxes Are Calculated? This is the first of a series of 2007 Tax reference sheets that I'll be sharing with you over the next month or so. This one focuses on some of the major federal income tax key numbers. I'll do future ones for estate planning, retirement planning and business planning in the not too distant future so stay tuned.Since federal income taxes are such a large part of most peoples life or expenditures, I thought that you might like a summary or reference sheet for some of the i...
20. Bookmarks: 0 Cost Segregation give apartment owners tax relief Apartment owners can face staggering expenses to maintain apartment communities. The upkeep of even a modest community could involve groundskeeping, unit renovation, and replacements, such as parking lot asphalt and fencing. Another steep expense is federal income tax - and in some areas an additional state tax on income - but through an innovative study known as cost segregation, the depreciation of property components can be used to help lower federal taxes.
21. Bookmarks: 0 Nunavut Canadas Diamond The province known as NUNAVUT has supported a continuous population for more then 4000 years. The province was founded by Martin Frobisher back in 1576 while leading an expedition to find the Northwest Passage. In 1976, talks for a land claim agreement and the new territory between the Inuit Tapirisat of Canada and the federal government began. Then in April 1, 1999 Nunavut Act were passed by the Canadian Parliament.
22. Bookmarks: 0 The Canadian Political System The Canadian political system as it is known today was first drafted by the Fathers of Confederation at the Quebec conference of 1864. This then became law when the constitution act was passed in 1867. This act gave the formal executive authority to Queen Victoria (Queen of Great Britain) which made Canada a sovereign democracy. The Canadian political system is therefore loosely based on the British system. Now, Canada is an independent Federal state with the Queen stil...
23. Bookmarks: 0 What is a 1031 Exchange? Many people who sell an investment property believe that federal capital gains from that sale must always be handed over to the IRS. This is not always the case. IRS Code Section 1031 offers investors the opportunity to reinvest federal capital gains from a sale if you swap that property for another…and it does not always have to be for ‘like property’ either! Instead, as an investor, you could have that money work for you rather than end up in the hands of the IRS. Further, ...
24. Bookmarks: 0 Refinance Home Loan: One Big Reason To Get One Now With the decline in interest rates, it is the right time now to get a refinance home loan and lock in to the lowest interest rates in decades. Isn’t that one big enough reason to get a refinance home loan? You’ll have more cash flow that will make life easier.Get It While the Going Is LowThe big news is here for all home owners with existing mortgages: Interest rates have declined!Federal Reserve has entered a new rate-cutting period and interest rates have dramat...
25. Bookmarks: 0 How To Finance Your Government Contracts Are you selling products or services to the federal government? Every year, city, county, state and the federal government buy billions of dollars in goods and services from business of all types.
26. Bookmarks: 0 Financing Your Government Contracts with Factoring Financing Are you doing business with the city, county, state or federal government? Can't wait up to 45 days to get paid? Consider financing your government receivables.
27. Bookmarks: 0 ID Theft Capital Of The World Los Angeles is the counterfeit document capital of America ID theft business is booming in the Californian metropolisOfficials warn that the fake ID business is booming in Los Angeles. Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in America says the Federal Trade Commission. It is a practice that victimizes innocent people by using their Social Security Numbers. It has become an epidemic, leaving everyone at risk. And, to make matters worse, most people do not know if thei...
28. Bookmarks: 10 Saving Money Is The Slow Path To Financial Freedom Getting a job and not spending all the money each month is the slowest, hardest, and least efficient way to build up a big pile of money. Saving money is a worthwhile net worth building activity, but it doesn’t offer much more than that unless your goal is only to have a little cash at the ever-increasing age of retirement. This is because wages are the most heavily taxed source of income. Income taxes (federal, state, and social security) choke off about 35% of this earn...
29. Bookmarks: 3 Taxes, Income And Other Ones The story of American income taxes begins 1812.The 1st attempt to inflict an income tax on Americana occurred as a result of the War of 1812. At the end of two years of war, the federal government owed an unbelievable $100 million of debt (in inflationary terms, it probably had the same impact on the treasury as $100 billion debt would today). To pay for this, the government doubled the rates of its major source of revenue, customs duties on imports. This measure obstruct...
30. Bookmarks: 3 Should You Pay Taxes Or Not? The first attempt to impose an income tax on America occurred during the War of 1812. After more than two years of war, the federal government owed an unbelievable $100 million of debt. To pay for this, the government doubled the rates of its major source of revenue, customs duties on imports, which obstructed trade and ended up yielding less revenue than the previous lower rates.And to think that the Revolution was started because of Tea Taxes in Boston?
31. Bookmarks: 0 Where Does Money Come From? Get ready for a shock if you don’t already know.Every day countless millions of transactions are facilitated with money. Why do we need money? How does it get into “circulation?” Who puts it there? Who creates money? And on what basis? Is it the government? If not, why not? Who is it? And how do they know how much to “print?” What if they add too much or too little to the economy?Three chapters of my book How to Profit from the Coming Great Depression are devoted to t...
32. Bookmarks: 2 Michigan Schools Tweak Curriculum Michigan Schools have decided that changes need to be made in the statewide Special Education curriculum. Recent updates to federal laws require the Michigan Schools to comply with new rules and requirements. Students with disabilities are depending on the schools that they attend to attain the required standards. Without changes, the programs will be forced to shut down. At the news of change, many are concerned that current services will be compromised. However, Michigan Sc...
33. Bookmarks: 0 Good Stock Buys are the ones that make you more money than leaving it in the savings account! You don't have to be a financial wizard to know that your money isn't going to earn a very high return sitting nice and safely in your local bank or credit union. Of course, there's a lot to be said for not having to worry about if your money will be waiting for you as banks are notoriously risk adverse. There is also the issue of the federal governments guarantee that you money will be waiting. This is also known as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or FDIC.
34. Bookmarks: 0 Market Bets on Interest Rate Cuts The confirmation of the weakness in the international stock market stunned investors and lifted expectations that the Federal Reserve would be forced to cut interest rates.
35. Bookmarks: 0 Healthcare In Canada Healthcare in Canada is a vital subject for anyone moving to or residing in Canada. The Federal Government does provide some funding from the taxpayer for the health system, however, each Province is individually responsible for its own Healthcare system.There is a basic free system (Alberta, BC and Ontario charge the residents a healthcare tax or premium to pay for this!) that every legal resident and citizen of Canada is entitled to which includes access to a family doc...
36. Bookmarks: 0 What is FHA loan? The Federal Housing Administration (FHA), a wholly owned government corporation, was established under the National Housing Act of 1934 to improve housing standards and conditions. FHA is not a loan, It’s an Insurance! If a home buyer defaults, the lender is paid from the insurance fund.FHA's mortgage insurance allows individuals to qualify who may have been previously denied for a home loan by conventional underwriting guidelines. FHA helps low and moderate-income families purchase homes.
37. Bookmarks: 0 Understanding FHA Loans If you are looking to buy your first home, then you owe it to yourself to check out the loans offered by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). These loans can offer significant benefits designed to help you achieve the dream of owning your own home.
38. Bookmarks: 0 Types Of Student Loans Paying for college sometimes means using student loans. Student loans are specifically designed to help students meet the costs of a higher education. Most student loans offer good deals on tax credits, payback and interest rates. However, before getting a student loan it is important to consider the different types of student loans and where to go to get one.Student loans can come from private lenders, colleges or the federal government. Federal loans are often guarantee...
39. Bookmarks: 0 Types of Federal Student Loans Federal student loans are offered by the US government, which can be availed of directly through banks, student loan lenders, school, or from Federal Family Education Loan program. This article discusses various types of federal student loans in detail.
40. Bookmarks: 0 Top Financial Mistakes Made by College Students A list of the major financial mistakes college students should avoid making to maintain a good credit standing and stay out of debt.
41. Bookmarks: 0 Time Is Running Out: Save Thousands With Federal Student Loan Consolidation Before July 1 Are you a college student or a recent college graduate with student loans? Do you know that student loan interest rates are expected to increase almost 40 percent on July 1? Fortunately, you still have a chance to save money and consolidate your student loans into one fixed-rate loan.
42. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret To US Department of Education Loans If you have heard about any kind of Federal financial aid for students, you are already familiar with US Department of Education loans. The US Department of Education handles all government aid for defraying the cost of attending college in America, from grants to loans. Here's what you do...
43. Bookmarks: 0 The Four Types Of Federal Student Loan Consolidation If you are an American student or one studying in an American school, then you are eligible for federal student loan consolidation from the U.S government.Federal student loan consolidation plans are applicable for all students whether you are still in school or a recent graduate or already into your new career.If you are successful in your student loan consolidation application, it will help you to reduce the student loan payment amount each month and/or allows you m...
44. Bookmarks: 0 Taking Advantage Of A Federal Student Loan Consolidation Program Earning a college degree is one of the most important - and expensive - things you will do in your life. If you are able to attend college without having to take out any student loans, you are one of the lucky few. Most individuals have to borrow at least some of the money they need for tuition, books, and living expenses. And upon graduation, you are faced with the challenge of repaying all of those loans after the grace period ends, whether you are employed or not. That can...
45. Bookmarks: 0 Student Loan Consolidation Reduces Monthly Outgoings When It Matters Student loan consolidation provides students with many benefits even if they are making current monthly payments and not experiencing any difficulty doing so. Students can make their monthly bill payments a lot simpler with a student loan payment to a single lender, and the rate on Federal Consolidation Loans are fixed during the lifetime of the loan.Ease the Pressure on Your Monthly BudgetBy consolidating loans, students will be able to ease the pressure on their mon...
46. Bookmarks: 0 Student Loan Consolidation Rates Set to Increase on July 1 Congress voted on and passed Feb. 1 the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 that included massive cuts to federal student loan programs. The $11.9 billion in student loan cuts, including changes in laws regarding student loan consolidation, will negatively impact those students seeking a college education and others seeking to consolidate their higher interest loans. The industry expects a rush of students seeking to consolidate at the current low rates that are set to increase on July 1.
47. Bookmarks: 5 Student Loans Student loans in Canada are provided by a joint Federal and Provincial program with the amount of and eligibility for a loan different between the Provinces and so depends upon the Province you are a resident of (your Province or territory of residence is decided by where you have lived for the last 12 months consecutively whilst NOT a student). You may, however, attend any educational establishment in the country provided both the establishment and the program of your choice...
48. Bookmarks: 0 Student consolidation loan programs to the rescue Not everyone has the financial means to go to college. This is mainly the purpose of a student loan. It allows people to get a loan in order to pay their tuition taxes. A student loan can come in multiple forms; it can be a federal loan, plus loan or other types. The idea of a student loan is more than welcomed because the lack of money is the only thing that keeps you and your dreams apart. A student loan or more can fill the gap that keeps the student from getting a proper education.
49. Bookmarks: 0 Save Money By Consolidating Federal Student Loans To get a college degrees nowadays require substantial funding. There are several expenses that have to be paid by potential college students if they are determined to push their way in completing their bachelors from a university or college. Not many have the means to fund their entire college education. And as a solution for this kind of problem, student loans are made available to financially assist a student who has no other means to fund and/or assister their college educ...
50. Bookmarks: 0 Sallie Mae Loan Consolidation Explained This article hopes to give you the knowledge you need, to know that you have a firm grasp on the subject. When your student loans get the best of you and you’re wondering how you’re ever going to get out from under all that debt, take a look at loan consolidation. It may be the answer to a number of your problems. Turn to Sallie Mae loan consolidation for a way to pay off your federal student loans, improve your finances, and put a little extra money in your pocket every ...
51. Bookmarks: 0 Revealing The Truth Behind The Garnishment Laws Garnishment law has been in force to improvise the mode of collection of payment for the money due towards the federal government or any other creditor. Garnishment law also states wage garnishment according to which the money is deducted directly from the person’s salary after assessing the monthly expenses vis-à-vis monthly income. Garnishment law can be levied by any agency and is not limited to the IRS. Any private creditor, federal government department, or even an e...
52. Bookmarks: 0 Need A Student Loan? Look To Your Homeland For Support Student loans prove to be very beneficial for those students who would like to pursue their dream careers but don’t have the money at that time. The student will repay the loan in installments after he finishes his course and secures his first job. Student loans today are available from almost all recognized banks and financial institutions at extremely affordable interest rates. This is because the deserving students are encouraged to pursue their careers and achieve success...
53. Bookmarks: 0 Need a Copy of Your Tax Return Information? Taxpayers have two easy and convenient options for getting copies of their federal tax return information — tax return transcripts and tax account transcripts — by phone or by mail.
54. Bookmarks: 0 Mortgage Advice: 7 Tips for Establishing Credit According to Experian, a credit score is a number lenders use to help them decide: If I give this person a loan or credit card, how likely is it I will get paid back on time? The information from your credit reports is used to create your credit score. Before getting a line of credit, get your free credit report from each of the three major credit reporting agencies (CRAs): Experian, Equifax, TransUnion. Under federal law, you are entitled to one every year.
55. Bookmarks: 0 July 1, 2006 is D-day for Federal Student Loans Mark the date – if you have student loans or plan to take out student loans, major changes are in the works that will impact you on July 1, 2006. This is what you need to know to make an informed decision.
56. Bookmarks: 0 Individual Rights Before Wage Garnishing There are individuals unfortunate enough to find themselves in a position where they are contacted by a state or federal agency regarding an old debt, or even those with delinquent student loans, find themselves facing a wage garnishment through an employer. The process of having one's wages garnished to pay a debt can be embarrassing and financially devastating to individuals and their families, rest assured you are not alone. There are rules and guidelines available that ma...
57. Bookmarks: 1 Guaranteed Federal Student Loans Most students need guidance when it comes to learning about financial aid. When you want to secure a Stafford Federal student loan, you must first file your FAFSA at the website, since it will save you a lot of time. After filing the FAFSA you generally wait a few of weeks to receive your Student Aid Report. Then your school will send you a letter confirming your financial aid. This letter will detail how much aid the student is eligible for, and the form of a...
58. Bookmarks: 0 FHA Mortgages - Federal Housing Administration The Federal Housing Administration has been helping Americans get loans for over 70 years. Here’s an overview of the Administration, better known as the FHA.
59. Bookmarks: 0 Federal Student Loan or Personal Student Loan: What Will Suit You the Best There are several types of students designed for specific needs of students. This article discusses how one can choose a student loan that suits his or her academic requirements.
60. Bookmarks: 0 Federal Student Loan Forgiveness Performance is ultimately what really matters. Federal Student Loan forgiveness is an exceptional concept applicable to students only under certain circumstances. It means the loan amount received by students might be cancelled in half or in full amount by Federal Government. It is not impossible and depends completely on your work performance. If you want to be one of those special students who want to be a recipient of Federal Student Loan forgiveness, then act to your best...
61. Bookmarks: 0 Federal School Loan Consolidation: Cutting Through The Red Tape If you’ve financed your education with a variety of student loans and are now facing a barrage of monthly payments, you may find that a student loan consolidation will work to your advantage. But if your loans are courtesy of the Federal government, you may not be surprised to learn that there is a plethora of regulations for you to follow in applying for student loan consolidation.FFEL And Direct Consolidation LoansThe US Federal government offers two school loan co...
62. Bookmarks: 0 Federal Family Education Loan Program Students are offered a long-term loan that allows them to continue their studies without paying for their expenses till they complete their school
63. Bookmarks: 0 Consolidated Student Loan Refinancing Student loan debt consolidation is a strategy that allows a student to combine all his loan debts into a single loan, with one monthly payment. Student loans are classified into federal student loans and private student loans. Federal student loans are issued by the US Department of Education as well as the Department of Health and Human Services, and private student loans are administered by the non-federal organizations and other private lenders.
64. Bookmarks: 0 Apply For College Loan Today - Save Money While You Can The increasing costs of higher education have made it necessary to apply for a student loan. You can pay for books, recreation, meal, hostel rent and of course tuition fee with these loans. However, the interest rates of college loans are comparatively lower than other loans. You will start repaying just after completion of your higher education.The government offers federal loans for eligible students. If you are unable to get a federal loan then you can apply for low co...
65. Bookmarks: 0 An Introduction To Consolidation Direct Federal Loan Student Education is getting costlier day by day and it is a common phenomenon to see graduates leaving a university with a load of debt along with their degrees.Most will need a consolidation direct federal loan student since managing a number of student loans is quite tough on a fresher's salary.Most of these loans repayment plans are designed keeping in mind your potential salary which you might get after four to five years of passing out.In case you are finding it dif...
66. Bookmarks: 0 4 Reasons to Consolidate your Student Loans On or Before July 1st 2006 Every year, student loan interest rates are reconfigured on July 1st. In recent years, this date has come and gone with no cause for alarm, but this year is different. The impact on students is a drastic interest rate hike on all federal student loans including the Stafford loan, the PLUS loan, the Consolidation loan, and the Perkins loan.
67. Bookmarks: 0 Student Consolidation Loan: How Consolidating Student Loans Can Keep You Out Of Debt The repayment of Federal student loans generally begins after the borrowing student has completed his or her education and an additional grace period after that. However, due to various reasons students opt for student Federal loan consolidation. However, there is certain eligibility criterion that you must fulfill and a process that you must follow before you can be entitled to Federal debt consolidation of student loans. Again, it is important to note here that such process...
68. Bookmarks: 0 Some Problems Arise With Debt Consolidation Companies You may have noticed the proliferation of ads by debt consolidation companies in recent years. This is becoming a bigger and bigger business, and now all you see is pop-up ads on the computer, or TV ads that try to convince you to use their services. Not all of these big advertisers are completely legitimate; a number of them are being sued by State Attorneys General, the Federal Trade Commission and the Internal Revenue Service. That is because they have falsely called t...
69. Bookmarks: 0 Managing Money - Student Loan Debt Consolidation Getting a personal loan to finance student debts allows you to combine all federal student loans into one loan with one single monthly repayment. These payments are considerably lower than those required for the normal ten-year payment option. Through the FFEL (Federal Family Education Loan) Program all banks, credit unions, and other types of lenders can offer this loan. The federal government also provides this loan through the Direct Loan Program (William D. Ford Federa...
70. Bookmarks: 0 Debts and bill consolidation Did you know that there are 44% of Americans who have debt that they can’t pay? A study from conducted by the Federal Reserve shows that outstanding debt in 2007 has remained steady at $2.5 trillion. If we divide this amount to the total population of the United States, that’ equivalent to $8,200 debt for every man or a woman, an adult or a child.
71. Bookmarks: 0 Cash Back With Student Loan Debt Consolidation Student loan debt continues to rise each passing year, and college costs, including graduate school costs, have outpaced inflation while federal student loan interest rates are close to record lows. According to studies conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics, it is believed that approximately half of recent college graduates have student loans that, on an average, are in the range of $10,000. Along with such loans, the average cost of college is becoming tw...
72. Bookmarks: 0 Tax FAQ: Answers To Basic Questions About Taxes * What is a W-2 form?The W-2 is a form that an employee receives from his or her employer once a year. It is also sent to the IRS at the end of every year. The total annual wages paid and the taxes that the employer withheld from each paycheck are shown on the W-2 form. Federal law states that the W-2 form must be mailed by January 31st of each year.It consists of six copies:Copy A – Submitted to the Social Security Administration from the employer.Copy B – Se...
73. Bookmarks: 0 Good News – Bad News On Using A Credit Repair Firm If you do a search on the term credit repair in Google, the first website that comes up in the natural listings is the Federal Trade Commission. And the first thing they discuss is that people should really do their own credit repair work.The reason why? Because of all the scam artists out there that profess to be an expert on credit repair and take advantage of many unsuspecting consumers. And they use every trick in the book to misrepresent the services they provide. Th...
74. Bookmarks: 0 Seasonal Trading Strategy for Stock Funds and US Federal Employee TSP 401k Retirement Accounts Of course we know past performance does not guarantee future results but there is something here that makes this investor think that just maybe there is something more to the story this time.
75. Bookmarks: 0 Bank Foreclosure Profit Opportunities Whether you are a homebuyer or a foreclosure homes investor, foreclosure bank owned properties allow you to buy properties at a fraction of their market value. Lenders aren't chartered to own and manage property, so they face close scrutiny and pressure from state and federal regulators to dispose of foreclosed properties quickly - especially if they're on a regulator's list.
76. Bookmarks: 0 Is selling a structured settlement a good investment? Before one decides to sell his structured settlement for another investment opportunity; it is worthwhile to consider the pros and cons of such an action. The most important advantages of structured settlements include regular payments that are free from income tax and are secured by state and federal laws.
77. Bookmarks: 0 Gold Topping $500 Really is a Big Deal As gold topped $500, the news became front-page across the country, and radio and TV financial programs led off talking about the price of gold. Invariably, all noted that gold had reached nearly a two-decade high. Yet it is doubtful any of the reporters assigned to the story really grasped the importance of gold topping $500.
78. Bookmarks: 0 Stock Market Corrections Are Beautiful - And Necessary (April 2009) The reality of corrections is one of the few certainties of the financial markets, a reality that separates the men from the boys, if you will. If you fixate on your portfolio Market Value during a correction, you will just give yourself a headache, or worse.
79. Bookmarks: 0 Three Easy Lessons to Take Your Online Marketing to the Next Level I just spent the last week in two very different, but parallel universes. After helping researchers in a federal government agency work on getting their science understood and used in the marketplace, I tapped the wisdom of a conference full of online marketing gurus.
80. Bookmarks: 0 Is Google in Trouble & Facing Bankruptcy? Rumors are now running amok that the 2nd most powerful website on the entire Worldwide-Web may file BANKRUPTCY, with the deadline set for this December; being the date of both discharge and dissolution in a Federal Court of Law. Read the article for all the details.
81. Bookmarks: 0 Identity Fraud Precautions Consequences of Identity FraudIn most parts of the world, identity fraud is the fastest growing offence. Yet, in the USA, a longitudinal 2005 study by Javelin Strategy & Research showed that the crime had decreased since a 2003 study from the Federal Trade Commission was released in 2003. The most current US Javelin data also showed that 9.3 million persons, being 4.25% of all adults, are victims of identity fraud on a yearly basis. In the United Kingdom in 2005 the consu...
82. Bookmarks: 68 Building Your Dream- Locating Resources For Nonprofits Online A nonprofit corporation has the public’s best interest at heart. It may have an environmental, educational, religious, scientific, or literary focus (among others). In return for their services, the public can make donations to these companies and then deduct the amount from their federal taxes. In this way, it sure is a win-win situation.Although it sounds pretty straight forward, a nonprofit can be a complicated entity. Therefore, it is wise to know where you can find a...

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LinkedIn Recommendation: Scott Dunn - Helping Clients Create Brands and Communications that Build Know, Like and Trust with Their Target Market. - Teo is a true professional. He is very detailed driven and has the ability to provide solutions to problems when others have given up. He knows the value of research and if he does not know an answer, he will do the research to find it. - February 11, 2008, Scott was with another company when working with Teo at Net-Teams, Inc.


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What is Social Media Management And Why Is It So Critical? - Whether or not you have a customer relationship management (CRM) system in place, there is one key r...

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