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Strength of Postcards Style and Personality
Postcard is many things
It can serve as an inspiration to move people towards a goal. It can be funny and make people laugh around at their friends misadventures and transgressions. It can bring you to different places you have never seen before. Most of all, they can drag a multitude to ones business.
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Reasons to Quit Smoking 101 Funny & Not-so-Funny Incentives
Do you have a long enough lever in your life to quit smoking? With long list of reasons, you can do anything - even quit smoking.
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The Steps You Must Do To Succeed With Women
World-famous pick-up artist spills his guts about his simple 4 step method for approaching women. It's based on the classic model that salesmen use sell their prospects in minutes. This method is so simple anyone can make it work... effortlessly. You don't need to be a comedian but if you start to see things in positive perspective, you will start to be funny guy.
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The Good And Bad Impacts Of Online Gaming
The world of online games has received a fillip ever since the Internet revolution began and made its mark in the lives of regular people. We can still recall a time when we were limited by slow computers with crawling dialup speed. Back in those days, one could never even have thought of the way in which the online gaming industry would soon be developing. Today, online games are very advanced.In the world of today, gaming has advanced to an amazing degree. Things like s...
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My First Time Playing Golf
My first golfing experience was a disaster. Looking back it's a funny list of misunderstandings - but I learned some important lessons.
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Speaking Well In Public Is By No Means Accidental
You might possibly know how jokes can complement your speech. But jokes can also cause your speech to be disastrous. Jokes are both a boon and bane to a speech. If you are very much in comfort with it, use humor. Just check it first if it fits, serving as a breaker between sections or emphasizing a certain point. A funny and great line, or a comment that is irreverent can help liven up the presentation that you have and will help people to remember the things you have sai...
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Where Would You Look?
Recently I have been reminiscing about my grandfather and all of the lessons he taught me. The funny thing is, I dont even think he was aware that he was doing it. It wasnt until much later in life that I became aware of what was being taught.For instance, one warm day in Santa Cruz, California, I was helping him out in the fields near his property. With the neighbors permission, his plan was to expand the size of his field and add more crops. Back then a handshake and...
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What Is The Value Of One Great Idea?
What is the value of one great idea on personal development? Priceless in my opinion. When I really look back at the things which have helped me with success and happiness, it really comes down to a few key ideas and concepts that just clicked at one point in my life. The funny thing is that a life changing concept for me will often be practically ignored when shared with another. Everyone is unique as to what concepts are most needed in their life, and their readine...
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A 3 Point Plan To A Brand New You
Its a New Year and a fantastic time to give your personal brand a jolly-good overhaul. You are like a diamond with many facets. So why not show some of your facets to the world?Here is a 3-point plan for bringing out your best this New Year:1. RETHINK YOUR PERSONAL IDENTITYAre you tired of always being asked to take the minutes because youre the organized one? Or never being taken seriously because youre the funny one? Or always getting stuck with t...
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You Are Not Practical In Your Approach! - Spirituality Information
You can call it funny,stupid ,strange,intelligent,mysterious, or powerful . Human beings have trained their minds to acquire one or many of these six special characteristics. 90% of the human beings at some stage of their life have experienced the first four qualities of human mind. The last two traits of mysterious and powerful has always eluded the ordinary people.I discovered something very interesting yesterday in of my conversations with my clients and i want to shar...
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Yesterday , I Got An Opportunity To Ride On A Tiger - Spirituality Information
My grandmother used to tell me great stories. She passed away 21 years back. Yesterday I wanted to converse with her. I wanted to thank her for all those funny and inspirational stories. I wanted to listen to her again.....Flash back to Year 1978.. I was six years old then... I tried to remember the colour of my shirt, the place where i kept my cricket bat(a sport i used to love),the balcony where my grandmother used to wrap me in her loving hands and tell me all those wo...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 96 )
I see youre trying to be funny, Gideon, I said. Ill always have time for God. Its an honor to have Him visit. By the way, what do you meanGod visits the neighbors homes, too?He visits all homes, but not all see Him. He speaks to all,but not all hear Him. He has visited your home so many times that its almost as if He lives there. He also lives in your neighbors homes, in homes in every city and village. He lives everywh...
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Stress Management Advice And Tips
In this article I write about how we need to chill out, relax and to live a stress-free life. For many years I did not live life this way and found myself constantly worrying about what other people thought of me. This was not exactly a happy period in my life and after a lot of hard work and determination, I have managed to turn my life around. I now do not care at all what anyone else thinks of me.
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Power Pointers For Story Selling
Nothing disarms and invites an audience in more than humor. We are instantly drawn to people we think are funny. We enjoy listening to humorous individuals and hearing what they have to say. Humor grabs attention, creates rapport and makes a message more memorable. It can also relieve tension, enhance relationships and motivate people.If youve got an important message to share, humor can give you a huge advantage. The actor John Cleese once said, If I can get you to lau...
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How To Build A Funny Videos Website
A website filled with funny videos will always be successful for the simple fact that people are always searching for something funny to relax and have a good laugh.
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Funny gifts, relationships and pranks
Make a surprise to people you love, give them a funny gift, you will be appreciated if you could bring a smile on their faces. Or make a prank to people you don't like just to give them a real motive to dislike you even more.
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Funny gifts, gags and pranks
Make a surprise to people you love, give them a funny gift, you will be appreciated if you could bring a smile on their faces. Or make a prank to people you don't like just to give them a real motive to dislike you even more.
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Funny bones: Comedy podcasts on the net
Podcasts are enjoying a growing popularity all over the world. Its unique delivery system (podcast files in MP3 format being downloaded into computers automatically upon subscription) and the fact that you can bring it and listen to it anywhere through portable music players is contributing to its continually increasing subscriber base.
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The First Social Commerce Network
Social networking sites such as YouTube, FaceBook, and MySpace have not only been a boon to makers of funny videos they have become a tool for savvy online marketers to sell their wares. Everything from music to used cars is sold via online videos.
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Humor Turns E-Mail Viral
Cartoons, jokes and funny video clips are among the things that can be added to an e-mail to insure that it will go viral. People will want to pass along something that makes them laugh...
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Party Jokes: Startling But Unnecessary
Read 20 previously unknown secrets about general living that will give you a good laugh.
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Laughter: Use It to Pick Up Women
One of the best ways of picking up women is by making them laugh. Here, I supply some such funny stories to start up a conversation.
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Laughing at the Indian Cricket Team
Even with top class players, the Indian team loses and loses so here are some jokes directed at them.
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Fly Around the World Reviewing Casinos
E-Mail a funny story that happened to you in a casino and the Author of the most popular submission will be offered a job reviewing casinos around the globe.
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Create A Free Web Page Online Today!
So you're interested in getting your own free website, excellent! Funny enough, this is how I started out on the internet and look what has happened! Anyway, a free website is good because you can use it for many things. These include a personal web page trial business purposes information for your club or group discuss topics of interest (forum) trial a new product a family web page plus many more! The great thing about starting out with a free websit...
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You're Always Public Speaking So Be Prepared
The funny thing about presenting and public speaking is that the majority of people will tell you they don't enjoy it and/or aren't very good at it. And yet regardless of who they are and what they do, most of the speaking they do on a day-to-day basis IS public speaking.You see, mostly when we talk to ourselves we keep it as an internal dialogue that nobody else can hear. But whenever we open our mouths and actually make a noise in front of another person we're speaking ...
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Tips About Giving A Best Man's Speech
Have you been asked to be a best man for a friend or relative? Are you worried about what to include in your best man's speech? Are you looking for some tips and advice about how to deliver a successful best man's speech. If you have answered yes to any of these three questions, this article may well be of benefit and interest to you.
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Small Wonders: The Power Of Independent Publishers And Invertebrate Creatures
Over the course of the past decade, authors and readers alike have been heard to utter a collective groan of dismay as the once elite publishing industry continues to resemble the multiplex tripe factory of Hollywood, churning out one cookie cutter product after another.This situation would be funny (considering the supreme cultural snobbery most New York-based editors feel for their moviemaking brethren on the opposite coast) were it not for the fact that each new conglo...
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Dealing With The Doubt Demon
The only good teachers for you are those friends who love you, who think you are interesting, or very important, or wonderfully funny. ~Brenda UelandThe doubt demon loves artists. This sensitive bunch of individuals falls prey to it so easily, from cartoonist Charles Schulz to writer Virginia Woolf. This little demon reared its ugly head when Stephen King threw the beginnings of Carrie into the wastebasket. We all owe our gratitude to his wife, Tabitha, who picked it out ...
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Book Review Of Landmark Status By Alan Rolnick
A novel based around real estate in Miami, I was not convinced that I would enjoy it. I had thoughts of tawdry love affairs among realtors, and board room struggles between power brokers. But, instead I found a hugely entertaining, and side splittingly funny novel that makes me chuckle every time I see the cover. This is humor at its very apex. Humor is a hard genre to be successful in but this author definitely has 'The Write Stuff.'Alan Rolnick has created a vignette o...
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A Dating Story From My Youth
Matt Matcherson is a writer musician and humorist. Sometimes he even writes funny music. His site MatchTales brings dating stories, site reviews and free dating support forums to the web.One of my first "Big Dates" was a Cotillion dance in 8th grade...or was it seventh? Cotillion was an attempt by a local "grande dame" to nurture refined manners in a group of young teens along with ballroom dancing instruction. I think it was a truly nerve wracking experience for most of ...
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Why do some things happen the way they do. Here, I point out some of the unique conundrums existing on earth.
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Party Jokes: Startling But Unnecessary
Read 20 previously unknown secrets about general living that will give you a good laugh.
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Laughter: Use It to Pick Up Women
One of the best ways of picking up women is by making them laugh. Here, I supply some such funny stories to start up a conversation.
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Laughing at the Indian Cricket Team
Even with top class players, the Indian team loses and loses so here are some jokes directed at them.
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Fly Around the World Reviewing Casinos
E-Mail a funny story that happened to you in a casino and the Author of the most popular submission will be offered a job reviewing casinos around the globe.
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Why you see the SAME AUTHORS all the time!
Isn't it funny how you've started to read an article about why me, and a certain select few authors write articles almost daily?
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Does Your Husband Get An Easter Basket?
I was talking with some girlfriends and the topic of Easter came up. I asked, What do you put in your Husbands Easter Basket?The response I got was surprising to me. Its funny how our own traditions make us assume others are like we are. It seemed I was in the minority when it came to Easter baskets for the adults. Now, obviously there is no right or wrong in Easter Bunny Land, however, I will share with you some ideas in case youd like to surprise your Husband t...
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You Love Them Because They're Funny!
For years I heard woman after woman say after obviously falling in love, "He's so funny! I just love that about him."Often after someone has lost a family member, they'll say "I'll always remember her smile, the way she laughed, the little jokes she would tell to lighten the mood."Could it be we love people who have a great sense of humor? I've always thought so. And now we have scientific proof of what many of us long suspected. Humor is one of the things we enjoy mo...
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The Funny Side Of Saying - I Love You
Love, the feeling that makes a person new and feel heavenly. Love, a feeling that changes life within a moment. Have we not heard of love at first sight? One who was happy go lucky in the morning, gets deep and dreamy looks in the eyes by the time the evening arrives. What happened? He/she fell in love during the day and now does not know what to do?