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How To Make Short Term Trading Your Long Term Investment Strategy
But most programs are designed to reward the genius and hard work of their creators, not the passive involvement of add to cart speculators looking for assistance making investment decisions. Face it people, much as I still love the over-regulated markets that we call Wall Street, the Master's of the Universe are clearly more interested in enhancing their own wealth then ours.
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Global Investors' Bill Of Rights May Prevent Economic Déjà Vu (February 2009)
The purpose of IBOR is to protect financial markets and to create self-sufficient investors who produce economic growth instead of government deficits. IBOR standards create transparent financial markets, regulate speculation, and protect retirement portfolios. Here's a Summary:
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Who Wants To Be President Of The United States - Investment Politics
The objective of the exercise, Barack, is to permanently place more disposable income in consumers' wallets while providing incentives for employers to hire more workers. There are three areas where the impact of reforms would be beneficial to all, irrespective of political sentiment. Social Security reform would benefit the most people, most quickly
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The Regulated States of America --- A True Story
Franklie would be able to reduce citizen George's mortgage payment by nearly 26% which she knew he would put back into the economy to the benefit of all the more potential homebuyers. She, in turn could think of two or three purchases she would be making over the weekend in anticipation of a bigger payday.
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An Introduction To Second Charge Loans
Mortgage advisors in the United Kingdom have plenty of reasons to consider secured loans (referred to as second charge loans) and, according to the UK Mortgage Conduct of Business (MCOB) rules they must do so. This statutory regulation has just passed its first anniversary and what effect it has had on both regulated on unregulated products and services may give us pause. One of the myths about secured loans is that this second charge market in the UK is not subject to re...
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The ABCs Of Forex Trading
The Typical Market in FOREX Currency TradingThe environment of foreign exchange is the market where currencies are purchased and sold against one another. Individuals may somehow refer to this market under different names, including foreign exchange market, FOREX market, fx market, or the currency market.As an investor, you will discover how energy packed a FOREX market is. Individuals from all walks of life are making the whole market offer major turnovers.The pr...
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Backoff From The Baseball Coach
With the regulated top of any season of baseball, the parents have the high hope that their child is principal with the success of team. It with a degree is true. The success of the team depends on each player. The problems emerge between the prospects for the parents, the players and the trainer.
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Hypnosis, Delving Into The Subconscious.
You have surely heard of hypnosis, and you have probably either seen a demonstration on television or have personally witnessed it. Frankly it probably scares you and it should. There is a lot of damage to be done when you give a person the authority to suggest things for you to either do or believe while you are very vulnerable and suggestive. Thankfully things are being regulated better now and the great news is that the power of this exercise is incredible.Hypnosis can...
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Importance of Losing Weight: More than Just Looking Fat
This article focuses on the concept of being overweight and obese. It talks about the main causes and probable risks to one's health that is brought about by obesity. Anti obesity drugs can be of help but these drugs should be closely regulated. This article provides simple solutions in order to help one lose weight gradually, in a safe manner.
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Getting to know your muscles and how to get rid of pain
Our muscles give form to our skeletal structure and allows our bodies to perform movements, aside from helping regulate body temperature and blood flow. It is important that we need to know when our muscles are giving danger signals which we shouldn't ignore.
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Benefits Of Padangusthasana
This is one of the basic yoga asanas which we learn initially while learning yoga. All the yoga poses help in improving your flexibility which becomes very useful in our daily life. The asana is also known as head to foot pose. Your desire to regulate your blood pressure can be done by this asana. The pressure on your head and the stretching of the muscles relaxes your brain, making you work out things more easily and calmly. The stretching and pulling tones your body and rel...
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Self Defence 3: Autogenic Training
The Power of Your Mind!Use it! But how?Autogenic Training [AT] can have a significant part to play.Consisting of a MindBody set of some six standard exercises, where one addresses various body functions seeking to regulate them into a more in tune automatic response state of normality.The exercises are physically easy. But mentally perhaps less so. They could be considered a western approach to eastern meditation. Eminently suited to the western mind, AT ...
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How Is Currency Trading Different?
Unlike the trading of stocks, futures or options, currency trading does not take place on a regulated exchange. It is not controlled by any central governing body, there are no clearing houses to guarantee the trades and there is no arbitration panel to adjudicate disputes. All members trade with each other based upon credit agreements. Essentially, business in the largest, most liquid market in the world depends on nothing more than a metaphorical handshake.At first glan...
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A Guide To Forex Trading
Trading money in the global markets can be great way to make more of it, it can also be a lesson in how to lose money quickly. More than $1 trillion is traded every day on the foreign currency exchange (Forex), and yet no centralized headquarters or formal regulatory body exists for this form of trade. Foreign currency exchange is regulated through a patchwork of international agreements between countries, most of which have some type of regulatory agency that controls what goes on within t...
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Investing In Gold Coins And Bullion
The first known coins were minted in the mid-seventh century B.C. Coins revolutionized the conduct of commerce.Alexander the Great introduced a regulated and universal coinage throughout his empire. Coins were typically engraved with the likenesses of rulers and deities, providing a historical snapshot. Coin collecting started in Renaissance Europe. Wealthy Europeans collected Greek and Roman coinage.The United States minted its first gold coin in 1795. From then un...
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Stock Market Meltdown – Watching Rome Burn (September 2008)
Both presidential candidates want to crucify SEC Chairman Cox for failing to control our creative financial institutions. But rumor has it that Congress specifically excluded the devilish derivatives from SEC purview. Let's fire the right bunch of "poips" for a change!
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Who Created The Financial Crisis And Why (March 2009)
The arrogance of the financial institutions, the mad scientists they employ to manipulate the rules and rule makers, and the Emperor's New Clothes (trust me they're safe) marketing tactics they employ really do need to be regulated--- by the government, sure; by corporate boards of directors, absolutely. In a Working Capital Model world, there would be no financial crisis.
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Online Casino Affiliates: Earn Your Slice Of The Action
Over the years many people have tried to crack the code of the casinos, in the hope that one day they can discover how to beat them at their own game. Unfortunately the odds always seem to favour the house, a fact which has spread through the Internet generation of online gaming. Some will win and some will lose, whilst all casinos are strictly regulated to make sure of no foul play, they still hold all of the cards even in a Java applet. But there is an old saying, 'if you c...
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How Legalized Online Gambling is Better for Society
Whether gambling is healthy for society or not, should not be the question you are asking yourself. History has proven that people are going to gamble whether it is legal or not.
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Writing For Fun And Profit
Every writer dreams of the day when they can profit from their writing. While income opportunities abound for writers, each method has drawbacks.Newspaper and magazine reporters can make a good living but their subject matter is often closely regulated and directed. Corporate writing can be even more lucrative but even more tightly controlled. Freelance writing offers more freedom but is also more uncertain. Publishing books is even more uncertain. So what is a writer to ...
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The Effects of the Banning Online Gambling
Online gambling was banned in the USA to fight against the possible negative impact it could have on out Society, but what about the positive impacts if it was legalized and regulated.
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How Legalized Online Gambling is Better for Society
Whether gambling is healthy for society or not, should not be the question you are asking yourself. History has proven that people are going to gamble whether it is legal or not.