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Travelling through the UK:Cardiff, Edinburgh and Glasgow
It can be easy to forget there's much more to the UK than just England. In fact, any true understanding of that island nation requires visits to the Celtic realms of Wales and Scotland.
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Dining Out In Glasgow
The city of Glasgow is a much loved and endearing place for local people and visitors alike. Glasgow city center is now very much considered to be a cosmopolitan city as it also offers all things to all people.Glasgow is within easy reach of all the cities in Scotland. It is forty five minutes from Edinburgh, an hour from Perth and one and half hours from Dundee. It is well served with transport links and two airports nearby.Glasgow also has the advantage of being clo...
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Nights Out In Dunfermline, Fife
As befits the ancient capital of Scotland, there are many excellent venues in and near Dunfermline, Fife, in which to sample an evening out; ranging from cosy pubs and restaurants to modern state of the art cinemas and leisure centres.For the younger person, The Ballroom, in Dunfermline, just two minutes from the City centre is where it happens for those wanting to sample the club scene. There is also a wide range of pubs and fast food outlets available nearby, to ca...
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Fife Tourist Information & Travel Guide
Wherever you are from, we wish you a warm welcome from Citylocal Fife, the business directory in Fife based near the Royal Burgh and City of Dunfermline and covering all the ancient Kingdom.WELCOME to the Kingdom of Fife!If you are visiting Fife by road from the North or South, then we apologise for taking your money for the privilege of crossing the bridge(s); and rest assured we wouldnt do that if Dunfermline were still the Capital of Scotland instead of the youn...
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Mortgage To Pay? Dont Die Trying
To help you recover from your poor credit status, consider refinancing your home mortgage loan to improve your financial situation for the long term. If you want to repay your mortgage loan early, a recent study by the Royal Bank Of Scotland (RBS) may have uncovered a possible solution.However, if you don't fancy living in Blackburn, Halifax or Kilmarnock, but want to repay your mortgage loan as quickly as possible, there are other options. Negative items will stay on the...
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House Prices Set For Greater Regional Variation
The growth of English house prices is slowing. In contrast, both Scottish and Northern Irish house prices are heading for boom periods, according to new figures.Nationwide predicts that house prices in Scotland and Northern Ireland are set to become increasingly dislocated from trends in England and Wales, as the countries have witnessed far faster house price growth over the year, increasing the need for larger mortgages.House prices in Northern Ireland rose five tim...
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Scotland travel guide
The charisma and aura of the European country Scotland is unknown to none. It is the land, which was a surface to numerous significant historical battles, is the mother of cherished sport golf and is globally appreciated for its Balmoral Castle
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Anchoring The Nlp Secret To Self Confidence
We have all heard about Pavlov the guy who found that he could condition dogs to drool by merely ringing a bell. The dogs were conditioned to associate the ringing of the bell with food. In NLP we call what Pavlov did anchoring.If you think about it anchoring plays a large part in our lives. We all have a song that makes us feel good...or bad. NLP gives you the chance to create your own anchors and to create them in other people as well.Imagine having the people a...
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Community Banking - Who Does It Really Help?
Community Development Banks are more common in the USA than they are in the UK. They were originally set up to assist people who reside in lower income areas with the aim of helping those who wouldnt ordinarily be able to gain access to conventional banking facilities to prevent social exclusion and also to, hopefully, act as a catalyst towards economic development.Although the concept has been much slower to catch on in the UK, the Royal Bank of Scotland has continued t...
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The revival of Scotlands Castles
How heartening after decades of decay and the destruction of many old fine homes, to see a revival of Scotlands Castles. After the war when many properties which had been either closed up or badly damaged by their war time guests, were facing a grim future.
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Scotlands castles and estates face funding challenge
After centuries of being an agriculturally based economy, the more rural parts of Scotland are having to come to terms with huge changes in the global economy.
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Skin Care Horror Stories
There are researchers that have elaborated on the diseases caused by the chemical components of cosmetics and skin care products. Baillie- Hamilton an environmental health specialist at Sterling University in Scotland details how the toxins can cause problems as serious as immune system diseases, neurological disorders, hormonal imbalances, digestive disorders, hypersensitivity, cancer, obesity, child health problems and musculoskeletal disorders etc.Pesticides are specif...
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Hair Loss Solution: Try Aromatherapy
Our ancestors did not have the benefit of todays scientifically researched drugs, but they often found natural remedies that worked just as well. Herbal remedies have been used for centuries to treat everything from premenstrual syndrome to high blood pressure. Men experiencing the first signs of baldness often looked to natural cures as well, and some of the herbal remedies have surprising results. A group of dermatologists in Scotland tested an herbal remedy with great...
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Top Golf Tours
Presenting championship-level golf courses throughout the world to our readers is not a task taken lightly at LuxéMont. We know that our readers are luxury purists and demand only the best in all pursuits and endeavorsThe majority of recommended places are golf facilities, meaning that there are several great, challenging championship golf courses on the premises such as the Carnoustie Hotel, Golf Resort & Spa on the eastern coast of Scotland. The luxury resort's Champion...
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The Rural Beginnings Of The Golf Sport
It is probably best to use the phrase golf as we know it when giving the gentlemen of Scotland credit for its invention, however, the origin of golf is open for discussion as to being Chinese, Dutch or Scottish. Scotland is widely recognized as the birthplace of golf. One of the keys to establishing an accurate history of the game is giving credit to the Scots for adding a most important ingredient the hole.This important item is one of the key changes in the object o...
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The Origin Of Bamboo Golf Clubs
Bamboo shafted golf clubs were first tried out as golf was invented in the hills and valleys of Scotland. Initially bamboo shafts were used, but these were replaced by hickory shafts and then in this by century steel shafts. The steel shaft still remains very popular today but its use is now being supplanted by the latest batch of lightweight materials. However, modern methods and practices have enabled the development of some limited types of bamboo golf clubs.Bamboo Sha...
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The Next Time...Buy A Golf Cart
You probably just take them for granted when you play golf, and never think about their origin. I'm talking about golf carts, those miniature vehicles dotting every golf course. However, golf cart production is a multi-million dollar industry and different models abound. They are treated as small cars, and golf-cart companies provide leasing and financing options just as the big car companies do.Golf originates from a medieval game played on the coast of Scotland during the 15th century.
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The History Of Golf In America Part One
It all started long ago in 1743 which was one year before the formation of the Company of Gentleman Golfers; there is an actual shipping record of 96 golf clubs and 432 golf balls delivered from Leith Scotland to a Mr. D. Deas in Charleston, South Carolina. This shipping order size obviously suggests that the shipment was destined for a group of golfers. Then again Mr. David Deas may have been an eccentric. It is also believed that another golf club or society was organized i...
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The Golf Tourney : The Company Team Social
You may have wondered if your golfing predecessor existed. Was there such a person who also thought up the concept of a golf tournament for an easy day off and a chance to beat the pants off your superior?How did golf tournaments come about / what is their history? In 1860 eight professionals competed in a golf tournament at Prestwick in Scotland playing three 12-hole rounds of golf for the prize of a red leather belt. The idea for the prize was derived from medieval knig...
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The Evloution Of Golf Clubs
People have been playing golf for centuries and will continue to play for many to come. If you are just starting out or if you have been playing the game for a long time, you are a part of history. Golf began in Scotland with sheep herders who pitched rocks into holes dug by rabbits and other animals with their staffs. The game become competitive after awhile and evolved into the game it is today. After starting in Scotland, golf quickly spread to England, Canada, and eventua...
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Similarities Of Golf And Archery
Golf started a little more than 500 years ago. It may have gone back as far as the roman days. The golf ball was a leather pouch stuffed with feathers. Is it possible the kids back then started the game of golf by taking the feathers of their fathers arrows and stuffing their pouch, and used a club instead of a bow to get the curvilinear motion of a game they really wanted to play? The Scottish Shepherds started playing golf back in Scotland, by hitting a leather ball st...
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Scotland Antique Golf Clubs
Scotland is the home of Antique golf clubs and many people use these clubs because of the quality of the club. Scotland golfers take their game of golf seriously and that is why the clubs are made to perfect your game. Because the collection is superior and dates back to the beginnings of the game, Scotland Antigua golf clubs as many different things to offer from golf clubs to accessories to memorabilia.If you need that special gift, Antique golf clubs has so many differ...
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Know Your Equipment: Beat Your Opponent With The Right Stuff
For so many years now, golf equipment has definitely developed in terms of elegance and the right tactics. From golf balls to the more complex golf items, it has gradually become a complete big industry out there.Since its inception, back in the 15th century in Scotland, golf has intricately fabricated itself in the social market as the sport of the leaders and the privileged entrepreneurs. No wonder why most of the bosses and the managers find time to conduct tournaments...
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Home On The Range
Golf may seem like a dull activity from a distance and certainly its television sportscasters are more lackadaisal than any other kind of sportscaster you're likely to hear -- but anyone who's ever played golf, knows the game is a delicate art. For some people it might just take a longer time to get used to it and enjoy the sport itself.The first form of golf was actually called Chloe and it was played in Scotland and then the British Isles. It survived a ban in the mid...
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History of Golf in Scotland
While many countries have a valid claim to an early game that resembles the game of golf, the origins of golf are without a doubt routed in Scotland's past.
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Golf Tips - Getting Started
History has it that the game of golf was born in 15th century Scotland. Then around 1744, the first rules of play were codified and established in Edinburgh by The Company of Gentlemen Golfers. Golf has become one of the most popular sports in the world; played in countries as far reaching as Mexico and Ireland, South Africa and China. And, of course, Scotland. And the world has not been the same since. It's come as no surprise that there are universities offering degrees in Golf.
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Golf: Gentleman Only, Ladies Forbidden
While golf is actually a Scottish word derived from the Dutch word kulf, the acronym of gentleman only, ladies forbidden holds true to the history of the sport. Golf is a game that was once played by nobles and military men, then executives and politicians. Now golf is very popular with many people, including women. Golf as we know it originated in Scotland during the fourteen hundreds. The game was likely based on a Dutch stick and ball game that is somewhat like hockey....
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Golf School Time to get ahead of the competition
If youre fed up with loosing every game and feeling that it is time to give up golf for good, then perhaps it is time to head for a golf school. But before you hand over your credit card, you must first of all think of four things when selecting your school.
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Golf Resorts Offer Much More Than Golf
Golf called gowf in Scots, originated in Scotland during the 15th century. Over the years, it has gradually developed to its present form from the earlier practice of hitting a pebble with a primitive club in the sand dunes.
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Golf In Scotland
Golf in Scotland is a historical phenomenon. According to records the game was first played in 1457 after which it was banned by King James II.Golf is a national pastime for Scots since 1502. The Stewart monarchs were themselves keen to develop golf in Scotland. The reputed Scottish golf courses lie in parkland, moorland, pasture or heathland.If you are a golf lover, Scotland can be an ideal place to spend your vacation. You can engage yourself in thrilling activities...
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Golf - the rich mans hobby?
Golf was invented in 15th-century Scotland, where some of the worlds oldest golf courses are located
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Golfing Rules - Explained
Golf was invented in Scotland, and dates back to at least the 17th century, possibly even earlier
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Getting Out Of The Rough
During the 1972 British Open at Muirfield, Scotland, Tony Jacklin and Lee Trevino attacked the 9th hole from the tee. Jacklin went for the carry over the left-hand fairway bunker, while Trevino played more conservatively down the right side. Both finished in the rough, but within iron distance of the green. Two amazing shots followed, both landing about 20 yards (18 m) short of but running onto the green. Both players then holed their putts for eagles.Hitting into the rou...
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Did you know that Golf was invented in Scotland?
Golf was invented in Scotland, and dates back to at least the 17th century, possibly even earlier
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Did The Game Of Golf Originate From Outer Space ?
Art Bell I live by the golf course and almost eveynight there are UFOs at the links . I have it figured out why the UFOs come back everynight. It is for the 9th hole on the golf course.The exact origins of the game of golf remain a subject of continual debate. Although Scotland is generally considered as the birthplace of the game, as it is played today. This claim is due in large part to a number of specific historical references dating as far back as the mid 1400s.T...
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Classic Golf In Scotland
For people who take golf holidays, golf breaks in Scotland represent the quintessential golfing retreat. There are three main reasons for this. Firstly, Scotland has all the best courses including the world-class Turnberry, St Andrews and Gleneagles, all offering the most fantastic golf holidays available.Secondly, the scenery is unparalleled and provides the perfect backdrop to a round of golf. Scotlands rugged mountains, lush green valleys, thundering waterfalls and ...
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Antique Golf Clubs Come From Scotland
Antique Golf Clubs come from an area that has many golfers who take their game very seriously. Antique Golf Clubs is located in Scotland where there are some of the oldest and greatest golf courses in the world. Antique Golf Clubs collects and sells golf equipment and sentimental items from the beginnings of the game, the glorious days of golf and mementoes of the golfing greats. Antique Golf Clubs has some great gifts that any serious golfer will treasure. Golfers are usuall...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 53 )
There is a village in Scotland far from the bustling of busy cities. Or at least there was. Go, as the crow flies, north from Cromarty, beyond Dornoch Firth, toward the Northwest Highlands, and you will cross green, gently rising countryside to see the hills and lochs of this ancient land. You cannot help but be caught up in a spirit of exhilaration and freedom. Before you reach the ocean, about fifty miles away, turn sharply to your right and proceed directly east toward the...
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A Matter Of Inspiration - Spirituality Information
Legend has it that Robert the Bruce of Scotland was losing the battle and he barely escaped with his life. His soldiers were hard pressed to keep up the fight as many were wounded and dying. The Bruce, tired, dismayed and broken-hearted found a hidden cave where he took refuge.He threw down his sword and sat to rest a while. Gloomy thoughts filled his mind and he reflected on the insurmountability of the task he had tried to accomplish. Perhaps Scotland would never be fre...
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Napoleon Hill And Dan Pena Knew This Success Secret
Napoleon Hill made more millionaires over his lifetime than anyone who came before him...even more than Andrew Carnegie.His book, 'Think and Grow Rich' even today influences the minds of people all around the world.But how did Dr. Hill become so tremendous? So outrageously successful? At a very early age, he understood a very important success principle.'Billionaire' Dan Pena over in Scotland also understands this very same success principle.Most people say th...
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Travel Guide For Scotland
This article gives advice about places to visit, places to stay and places to eat in Scotland. Scotland is a superb country to visit and it is steeped in history. With famous cities such as Edinburgh and Glasgow, Scotland has plenty to offer for everyone.
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Stirling City guide, including Stirling Hotels
Known as the gateway to the Highlands, Stirling is Scotlandsyoungest city, yet also steeped in some of the countrys most colourfuland glorious history. Situated on the River Forth, 40 minutes fromGlasgow and 50 minutes from Edinburgh, the city enjoys breathtakingviews of the Highlands, Loch Katrine, the inspiration for WilliamBlakes The Lady of the Lake, Campsie Fells, and the Highlands largestloch, Loch Lomond.
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Skiing In Aviemore
Aviemore is based in the highlands of Scotland, with impressive mountain views, and surrounded by country-side it stands 26,000 feet above rural farmland. The area is renowned for skiing, having recently had 2 European Level Competitions on its snowy peaks in the last two months.
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New Domestic Tourism Figures
The first of a new type of domestic tourism figures have released. The figures have been collected by TNS for VisitBritain, VisitScotland, Visit Wales and the Northern Ireland Tourist Board under an improved methodology, which provides more accurate and detailed information.
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Aberdeen Hotels And Attractions
Aberdeen, the 'Silver City' in the county of Aberdeenshire, is located 117 miles north-east of Edinburgh on the North Sea coast between the mouths of the rivers Don and Dee, and is Scotland's third largest metropolis. Due to the enormous supply of crude oil from the North Sea, it is often called Oil Capital of Europe thereby achieving the status of Offshore Capital of Europe. Aberdeen is also is often called the "Granite City" because of its buildings, which are constructed...