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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag self-help

There are 52 articles associated with the tag self-help!

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1. Bookmarks: 0 Breaking Free From Self-Limiting Habits 'We need to think differently to shift our paradigmsto a new, deeper, inside-out level'; Stephen R. CoveyIn the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey describes habits as consistent, often unconscious patterns which constantly, daily express our character and produce our effectiveness, or ineffectiveness.Who we are and what we become is a direct result of our habits. It is in the realm of habits that our character is born, nurtured and outward...
2. Bookmarks: 0 Self-Improvement - Something For Everyone (Part 1) Self-improvement is something that every person in the world yearns for. It has nothing to do with where you live, your age, occupation or your income. Yes, it is true that many people spend a small fortune each year on trying to improve themselves by hiring life coaches and personal trainers. However, there are many ways you can indulge in self-improvement without going to any extra expense.Let's take for example, the woman who finds herself gaining a little too much wei...
3. Bookmarks: 0 Bach Flower Remedies To The Rescue I have to thank my son’s bump on the head for some of my conviction about the benefit of Bach flower remedies. Jon was about a year old and had hit his head quite badly. The bump was swelling before my eyes, and I decided to try out the Bach rescue cream that I’d recently purchased. The bump was partly in his hair and partly on his forehead. I carefully put the cream on – it was difficult to get the cream close to the skin where his hair was. The next day the bruise on his fo...
4. Bookmarks: 0 Blaming Our Parents Is Easy It’s easy to blame our parents for how we are:How can I be successful and happy when my father always told me I wouldn’t amount to much?My mother was never a role model for a happy, healthy woman.No one ever showed me love when I was a child, so how can you expect me to have good relationships now?I was sexually abused by my father so everything’s wrong with my life now.No one ever expressed emotions in our family; they still don’t, so don’t expec...
5. Bookmarks: 0 Motivation - The Defining Moment Of Self-Improvement For any aspect of self-improvement, there has to be a reason for you to start and keep going. That is your motivation - the reason for doing what you do. In order to attempt any sort of improvement in your life, you need to be motivated in some way to get started. Strategies for self-improvement start with defining what it is you want to achieve and then charting a course through which you can effect the improvements or changes. These do not have to be drastic changes - they ...
6. Bookmarks: 0 Dealing With Emotional Pain (Hurt - Bitterness - Injustice - Abused – Pain)We feel emotional pain when we do not get what we want, need, or expect. We might feel hurt, rejection, bitterness, abuse, injustice or simply emotional pain.In such cases, we have not received the behavior or outcomes we expected or believed we deserved.We feel this kind of feel pain in cases when * people * do not behave to us in the ways that we had expected as well as in situations where * life * does not give us ...
7. Bookmarks: 0 Shyness And Self-Esteem While not all shy people have low self-esteem, shyness is usually seen as a symptom of fear or lack of self-confidence. When you're shy, it usually means that you're self-conscious and maybe even worried about what other people think about you. Occasional shyness is normal, but when it becomes a habit, it can be detrimental to your progress in life, work, and love.Because of the connection between shyness and self-esteem, building your self-esteem step by step can help yo...
8. Bookmarks: 0 Self-help Audio Books Offer 7 Jumpstart Titles To Perk Up Your Mind Self-help audio books have been silently tuning up the minds of people around the world for many years. These days, superfast technologies allow you to comfortably download audio books within minutes and start your self-help audio books “mind massage” on the double.That is if you’ve paid attention to the food-for-thought your mind’s been grabbing and chewing on from what’s out there.Do you think many people take notice about what gets into their minds? And do you thin...
9. Bookmarks: 0 Golf And Zen - Chapter 3 About Golfing Zen: This is the third in a continuing series of short essays dealing with the application of Eastern spiritual philosophy to your golf game. The surface intent is that, as you apply the ideas, your golf and your enjoyment of the game will grow. However there is also an underlying motive: as you are able to see gains on the course, you’ll then be moved to alter your approach to life as well.Today’s Topic: You Already KnowThe fundamental objective of ...
10. Bookmarks: 0 Golf And Zen - Chapter 2 About Golfing Zen: This is the second in a continuing series of short essays dealing with the application of Eastern spiritual philosophy to your golf game. The surface intent is that, as you apply the ideas, your golf and your enjoyment of the game will grow. However there is also an underlying motive: as you are able to see gains on the course, you’ll then be moved to alter your approach to life as well. Today’s Topic: The Fundamental Truth In these articles, I’...
11. Bookmarks: 0 Golf And Zen About Golfing Zen: This is the first in a continuing series of short essays dealing with the application of Eastern spiritual philosophy to your golf game. (The title says “Zen,” but this discussion will apply equally to the other Eastern disciplines: Buddhism, Taoism, etc.)The superficial intent (or benefit) is that, as you apply these ideas, your golf and your enjoyment of the game will grow. However, the underlying motive is, as you are able to see gains on the course,...
12. Bookmarks: 0 Self-Improvement - Something For Everyone (Part 2) Just about everyone in the world can think of something they want to improve about themselves. With some people they may want to achieve more than one improvement. The best way to approach this is to make a list of what is most important to you. It could be something as simple as reading a book to help you improve the work you do or making time for yourself to indulge in reading of your favorite pastime. Once you commit your deepest desires about improving yourself to paper, ...
13. Bookmarks: 2 Useful Self Help Resources For establishing a guide to health and wellness, a person has many resources at their disposal that will provide help them in many areas. Most illnesses occur from exposure to outside sources but people are more susceptible to the illnesses because they lack the proper diet and nutrition to fight off the diseases naturally. The self-help efforts of medical professionals, healthcare administrators, and family can have a dramatic effect on the life of an individual.Some med...
14. Bookmarks: 0 Unleashing Your Personal Development Potential You eventually reach a point in your life when you're ready for change and a whole bunch of information that'll help you unleash your personal development potential. Until then, something can stare at you right under your nose but you don’t see it. For instance, when you look at a painting, you can't really appreciate it when it's just an inch away from your face. But if you look at it from a little further back, you’ll have a clearer vision of the whole artwork. Most...
15. Bookmarks: 0 Self Help Everyone can use a little advice from time to time. The trouble is, these days it's hard to find the time to seek help, so more people are finding ways to help themselves. The Self Help industry is big business and getting bigger every day, with television programs, books, software, vacation retreats and more resources available everywhere.The Internet is an excellent place to find self-help resources. You can find information quickly and easily on the web, for any issue...
16. Bookmarks: 0 Organize the thoughts in your head article about self help and the manifestation of life
17. Bookmarks: 0 Eliminating Your Addiction With Self-Help Tapes Asap! Self improvement tapes help you to achieve your goal of quitting by detailed instructions. Full audio support can make a difference when you don’t have the time for lengthy therapy sessions and just don’t have the privilege of affording them. I have included some of the data’s which the tapes features and what it could do to help you along the way.Hypnosis is an amazing tool for self-help. There is nothing as pleasant as allowing yourself to sink into a nice and easy tran...
18. Bookmarks: 0 Become The Star, Director, And Writer Of Your Future. One of the secrets of success is to not work so hard with your physical body; instead, use your mind to work out the details of how to be the person you want to be. Are you motivated to spend 10 minutes a day envisioning the future you want to create for yourself?By deliberately mentally rehearsing the experience of success in your mind, you can turn aspirations into realities. See yourself free from the old negative habits that have wasted your time, energy, and money. F...
19. Bookmarks: 0 Are you struggling in life ? article about self help and the manifestation of life
20. Bookmarks: 3 How To Be Supremely Smart If you’ve just graduated college, you’ve probably begun hiding away all those books and papers. Finally: freedom!! It’s time to get really rich and make a name for yourself. Career. That’s the real world, right?Wrong.Graduation is no excuse to stop the learning process. Failure to study is folly! The new information your constantly process determines your edge in life. School learning is static and often decades out of date.Here’s how to grow your IQ by 50%- after...
21. Bookmarks: 1 Creativity And The Jack Of All Trades You may be familiar with the saying, Jack of all trades and master of none.Well, I say, Hooey. That's right. In fact, let me say it again. Hooey.It is perfectly possible to be a multipassionate person and do several things well. Many, even. I'm a writer, a mother, a photographer, a friend, an entrepreneur. Sometimes not all at the same time, but I do them all, and do them all well.But I think one reason many people can't do many things well, or think other p...
22. Bookmarks: 5 Are You Persevering Or Enduring? Why try to make a distinction between perseverance and endurance? In both perseverance and endurance, we may struggle at times, feel fear of failure or rejection, or worry that we are not worthy of what we long for. So the distinction between perseverance and endurance can easily get blurred.But perseverance and endurance take us down different roads so they are worth distinguishing. Endurance will lead us to a dead end whereas perseverance, although it may take us down a...
23. Bookmarks: 1 Alleviating Suffering When we see real and unavoidable suffering all around us—on television and even within our own communities and families—we may experience helplessness or guilt. We know that these two responses do not serve others yet we don’t know what else to do sometimes.It may seem particularly indulgent and selfish to focus on ourselves when others are struggling with basic survival. How can we let ourselves get wrapped up in figuring out whether we should go back to school, start a ...
24. Bookmarks: 0 What Is Meditation? Meditation can be described in hundreds of ways. Here we will give some brief explanations about this so-extremely-important aspect of human harmony, health and spiritual evolution.Three Aspects of Meditation1. The first step is relaxation or surrendering of the body and mind so that the mind is not cluttered with various unrelated and disturbing thoughts.2. The second is concentration on a limited area of mental focus so as to begin to be able to control and dire...
25. Bookmarks: 0 Simplicity, Patience And Compassion: The Three Treasures According to Eastern tradition there are three treasures on the pathway to enlightenment: simplicity, patience and compassion. At first glance, such simple ideas. Yet after contemplation one easily recognizes: it’s these basic thoughts, when woven into our day, that can lead each of us to a contemplative, peaceful and more fulfilling life.In this short article then, I invite you to take a page from Eastern religion: explore the three treasures and become aware of your rel...
26. Bookmarks: 0 Self-Help Books Instead Of Pills According to the US National Committee for Quality Health Assurance, more than 11 million Americans (about 1 in 20) have major depression. Interestingly, only about half of these are still taking medication six months after being diagnosed. If these wonder drugs are so great, why do so many people stop taking them? Could it be that they are not getting the results they want or people are getting fed up with the unwanted side effects?As no single antidepressant has been sh...
27. Bookmarks: 0 Are you truly living the life you want to live? This article explains manifestation and the law of abundance. It describes how you have the power to manifest whatever you desire.
28. Bookmarks: 0 Using Your Body To Strengthen Your Mind For thousands of years, physical disciplines like yoga, Tai Chi and Sufi Dancing have been said to increase mental and spiritual powers. If this is true, how might one explain this, and even better, how can we use this fact, practically, to enhance our lives as artists, business people, parents, and partners?First, we have to strip away the mysticism from the activity. Not that these activities have no esoteric aspect, but rather that we have to approach them on the most ...
29. Bookmarks: 0 Managing The Stress In Your Life While we often worry about stress, not all stress is bad. We need a certain amount of stress to make our lives interesting. And since there is no way to eliminate every commitment or deadline in our lives, we should try to control our stress levels in the best ways we can.It would be nice if someone created a mathematical formula for stress that would measure how much stress an individual could take without become overwhelmed. Optimal stress levels vary from individual to...
30. Bookmarks: 0 Five Things You Don't (And Should!) Know About Stress Whether it’s called stress management, relaxation training, or its newest incarnation, “Resiliancy,” it seems that the question of healthy response to the stress of daily life is on everyone’s mind. But it’s important to remember a few things about stress that are rarely discussed—if known at all! 1) Stress won’t hurt you. Hans Selye, the “father of stress” was a polylinguist, whose first language was not English. Before he died, he said that, ha...
31. Bookmarks: 0 Create Happiness With A Positive Life Outlook The mind is the molder of our personal and communal world.Every event we perceive through our senses is analyzed, evaluated and registered in the mind as pleasant, unpleasant or neutral. Our belief systems seek to determine whether each perceived input is something, which will protect or endanger our security, self-worth and / or freedom.When life’s events are interpreted by our programmed mind as threatening, fearful or unpleasant, we experience a state of anxiet...
32. Bookmarks: 0 You Can Change Your Destiny This month has been like a history lesson for me as I outlined the trail of the past “great ones” in the field of self-improvement. From Russell Herman Conwell’s book “Acres of Diamonds” a generation of self-help gurus sprang up including Og Mandino, Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, W. Clement Stone and Earl Nightingale. These were the founding fathers of self-help. It was Earl Nightingale who said, “It's in your moments of decision that your destiny is created.&#...
33. Bookmarks: 0 Negative Thinking - Beware The Results Can Be Powerful Before the movie The Secret a long line of writers and thinkers has promoted the self-help powers of positive thought as long back as man pondered his own existence.Reams of research have shown positive thinking to be good for your health. A positive attitude and optimistic thinking are healthy. The power of positive thinking is shows that those who remain positive are healthier, live longer, and report greater satisfaction with life than those who might be labeled pess...
34. Bookmarks: 0 How to start to achieve your goals Article about how to start with mind setting
35. Bookmarks: 0 Broke? Fix It Yourself: BE Wealthy If you’re reading this right now you probably have been broke, are broke, or know someone who is struggling with being broke. The pain and suffering of being in this state is truly awful. Being broke causes thoughts of despair, feelings of failure, desperation, struggle, lack and need. Being broke prevents us from reaching our potential, from living our lives freely. Being broke prevents us from being wealthy.
36. Bookmarks: 0 Accentuate The Positive How badly do you want your life to change and improve? How much have you studied up on self-help, personal development and success? How many articles and publications have you read? While research, thought and planning are important tools on your path to success, they are not the only weapons in your arsenal and in fact might even be hindering your success if you give into the easy choice of becoming a perpetual student of success. If you read every self-help book available, ...
37. Bookmarks: 1 You Are The Supreme Authority Two days ago I stewed in my Doctor's lounge for my Annual Executive.I finished just about 6 of his magazines. He was late again.Fresh out of magazines (two read thrice already), I began reading all his plaques, diplomas, trophiesand certificates. He owned many- in fact, he ran out of wall real estate for all that parchment.Then it hit me.Folks these days heap a great deal of importance on certificates, accolades and testimonials. They seek validationand th...
38. Bookmarks: 0 Time Management: Where Does Our Time Go? Time management is a big concern for a lot of people. I keep hearing, “There are just not enough hours in the day…” or “Where does my time go?” Face it we all live busy lives. Work, family, and other commitments keep us all hopping. To utilize better time management, it’s important to recognize what the specific problems are. Is it not having enough time for you or your family? Do you feel that you are wasting time by excessive driving? Maybe you are not sure w...
39. Bookmarks: 0 Stress- How Time Managment Causes Stress? For last few decades, every author or speaker on management and self-help has said something about time management.
40. Bookmarks: 0 Double Or Triple Your Time! Why do some say that time is much more important than wealth? Nearly all biographies and self-help books, by top leaders and speakers from the past decades, all focus on time as being the most important resource available. When we manage our use of time, through self-mastery, success is a natural product of that effort. Success becomes the harvest we reap. Proven Technique Number 1 - Delegate and assign simple routine tasks to other people. If you have a home business...
41. Bookmarks: 0 Understanding Multiple Types Of Intelligences IQ (Intelligence Quotient) Testing was invented by Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon. The first Intelligence scale was created in 1905. At that time, the French government commissioned a test to assess which student was more likely to succeed and which students were more likely to fail in the French school system.Lewis Terman made some revisions to this assessment in 1930 and renamed it the Intelligence Test. During this time, intelligence quotient tests were used to measur...
42. Bookmarks: 0 What Is The Secret? The Secret is a film that was produced by Prime Time Productions. It is actually a series of film that focus on the idea of “The Law Of Attraction”. There are multiple interviews and dramatic episodes that enhance the idea. The controversial film has caused a whirlwind of publicity with famous people like Oprah Winfrey and Larry King weighing in on what they think about it.The film was initially described as being a self-help film. It was created in a documentary style. T...
43. Bookmarks: 0 The Skinny On “The Secret” Produced by Prime Time Productions, The Secret is a feature length film showcasing the tenets of the New Thought movement via a number of interconnected vignettes focusing on “The Law of Attraction.” Acted tidbits of drama intermingle with sit-down interviews to drive home the points made in the film. Although originally billed as a self-help aid, The Secret soon began to draw heavy criticism and the producers found themselves under fire from a variety of different sources....
44. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret The Secret, which is described as a self-help film, presents the Law of Attraction in a documentary format. This law is the “secret” that has traveled down through the centuries to reach us all. This film features short interviews and dramatized experiences of a team composed of personal transformation specialists, feng shui masters, spiritual messengers and moneymaking experts. As one can see when one watches The Secret, the Law of Attraction is the principle whereby pe...
45. Bookmarks: 0 Mind Power: Tap the Magnificent Power of Your Subconscious Mind! I am sure those of you who have read self-help books, hypnosis books, probability of you encountering this mysterious word called “subconscious mind” are pretty high. So, you hope that the book that you are reading will provide you with a satisfactory explanation to what subconscious mind is. Unfortunately, the book does not touch on the topic on subconscious mind.
46. Bookmarks: 5 Change Your Thinking. Change Your Life. Have you ever given up on a dream because you've listened to that 'little voice' in your head that tells you that you 'can't do it' or 'what's the point?' That inner voice is the critic inside of everyone that causes many bright futures to come to a screaming halt. Just like the mommy who freaks out when little Johnny runs with a stick, your inner 'mom' worries and frets over new challenges that arise, very often creating enough doubt to make you believe you can't do it, what...
47. Bookmarks: 0 Self-help: Get Out Of Debt In this day and age, it only takes a few financial missteps and many consumers can find themselves in trouble. The one factor that exacerbates this is debt, or, to be more precise, overwhelming debt. For some consumers, getting out of debt simply means tightening the household budget and being more stringent on new purchases. For others, the challenge of getting out of debt can be more daunting. In either case, the best self-help plan for relieving debt is planning and di...
48. Bookmarks: 5 Website Owner Brings Joy To Internet Marketing Beginners Self-help site for internet marketing beginners and the experienced alike. Free membership and free tools and ebooks, blogs, forum and chatroom all available to increase members traffic. Everything is free! Help and advice for all.
49. Bookmarks: 0 Party Jokes: Startling But Unnecessary Read 20 previously unknown secrets about general living that will give you a good laugh.
50. Bookmarks: 0 Interview With Marguerite Arotin, A Romance Writer In Ohio Py: How did you get your pen name as Maruerite Arotin?Marguerite: My real name is Dana but when I decided to write romance, I always knew Dana would be too unisex for the romance market. So I thought about my nickname. My grandma used to call me Daisy and my hubby eventually picked it up too. Marguerite is french for Daisy and I'm part French so I loved that ;-). Arotin was my late mother-in-law's maiden name so I took the name in honor of her and plus it flowed nicely wi...
51. Bookmarks: 3 Party Jokes: Startling But Unnecessary Read 20 previously unknown secrets about general living that will give you a good laugh.
52. Bookmarks: 5 CIA Spy Software Now Available Spy Software is not spyware. Spy Software was developed to catch terrorists and to stop criminal conduct. Now spy software is available to businesses and homeowners alike. This article tells how spy software can be used in your business and your family and where to get it.

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LinkedIn Recommendation: Roxie Thomas - Project Management at Prism Technologies Inc - Teo Graca is an expert in SEO, Internet Marketing, and develops complete systems that do everything for the online marketer. I recommend Teo's online system to anyone who needs more leads, prospects, and customers. - January 14, 2011, Roxie worked directly with Teo at Net-Teams, Inc.


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