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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag self-improvement

There are 39 articles associated with the tag self-improvement!

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1. Bookmarks: 2 Personal Health: Your Most Important Business A Don’t let poor personal health rob you of your business. You can take steps today to take maintain or improve your well-being.
2. Bookmarks: 0 Self-Improvement – Growing Through Emotions There seems to be one thing that consistently arises for the home business owner to thwart his or her dreams of successfully growing their home business. That one thing is emotions. It seems that when the home business owner is faced with the reality of achieving great success, then emotions can come up to delay or eliminate your opportunities. You can experience different emotions that can make you scared of failure as well as success.Some home business owners say that t...
3. Bookmarks: 0 Self-Improvement - Something For Everyone (Part 1) Self-improvement is something that every person in the world yearns for. It has nothing to do with where you live, your age, occupation or your income. Yes, it is true that many people spend a small fortune each year on trying to improve themselves by hiring life coaches and personal trainers. However, there are many ways you can indulge in self-improvement without going to any extra expense.Let's take for example, the woman who finds herself gaining a little too much wei...
4. Bookmarks: 0 Self-acceptance And Self-improvement The first graderPerhaps the example of children in grade school will help us to understand this. These children in the first grade do not reject themselves because they are not in a higher grade, or because they do not know as much, or are not as capable as those children in the higher grades. They accept themselves as they are, and are happy with themselves with their present level of abilities and knowledge.Yet, no child would accept remaining in the same grade the ...
5. Bookmarks: 0 Building Confidence - Prepare For Success Nowadays, a person requires confidence to be able to handle all of life’s challenges. Without it, you can feel inadequate and unimportant.If you look around, you will observe that confidence is very important and needed in relationships, careers and parenting. Building confidence is a continuous and long process, starting from the moment you first walked.Confidence is not something that a person is born with. It comes from within a person’s desire for self-improvement...
6. Bookmarks: 0 Motivation - The Defining Moment Of Self-Improvement For any aspect of self-improvement, there has to be a reason for you to start and keep going. That is your motivation - the reason for doing what you do. In order to attempt any sort of improvement in your life, you need to be motivated in some way to get started. Strategies for self-improvement start with defining what it is you want to achieve and then charting a course through which you can effect the improvements or changes. These do not have to be drastic changes - they ...
7. Bookmarks: 0 Love can make you lose weight Most people make promises to lose weight but never seem to attain their goals. Perhaps it is because of lack of motivation. Well, one thing can help with increasing the enthusiasm for self-improvement through weight loss. That thing is love.
8. Bookmarks: 0 Bad Habits: Breaking Them vs. “Braking” Them Sometimes there’s a habit that has been so damaging, so annoying, or frankly, so unsavory that we simply need to cut it out of our lives. Like mold on cheese.Other times we’re not ready, or able, to slice it off completely. Or maybe it has been with us so long, it’s just hard to imagine life without it.And there are certain habits that are useful once in a blue moon, for particular situations, and we need to have them available on an as-needed basis, though not all the ...
9. Bookmarks: 12 Self-Improvement - Marketing Yourself As A Brand We are all familiar with name brand products in the stores. Companies have learned they can sell more of their product if they can make you associate the name closely with a particular service or advantage.Branding yourself is a relatively new concept in the world of employment, but basically it uses the same strategy, only this time the product is you. Branding yourself is a way of making it clear to potential employers or clients what, in particular, you might be able t...
10. Bookmarks: 0 Notes From A Hypnotist, Part 2: Creating A New Year That’s Way Better Than Last Year This is part 2 of a two-part series, and to save time and effort, we’ll take a moment to review the highlights of part 1. If you’re like me, and you feel compelled to read both parts, check the archives for “Notes From A Hypnotist: How To Repair A Broken New Year’s Resolution” by Wendy Lapidus-Saltz.Here are the highlights of part 1: There are essentially five reasons that most New Year’s resolutions come undone quickly. All have to do with how and why you made...
11. Bookmarks: 2 Had A Good I.D.E.A. Lately? The most elusive quality of excellence, of peak performers worldwide and throughout history is that thing called “Mastery.” What is this thing, and is it possible for ordinary people, however committed, to touch this exalted state? The answer is “yes,” but I’ve got good news, bad news, and more good news. The first good news is that the path is deceptively simple. The bad news is that it is hard, and can be painful. The last, good news is that those on the path have...
12. Bookmarks: 0 Self-Improvement - Something For Everyone (Part 2) Just about everyone in the world can think of something they want to improve about themselves. With some people they may want to achieve more than one improvement. The best way to approach this is to make a list of what is most important to you. It could be something as simple as reading a book to help you improve the work you do or making time for yourself to indulge in reading of your favorite pastime. Once you commit your deepest desires about improving yourself to paper, ...
13. Bookmarks: 6 7 Ways To Develop Momentum And Get Things Done One thing that I learned from bicycle racing (actually, I am not much of a bicycle racer but I do triathlons - biking needs work) is the power of momentum. In bicycle racing the way to do better and use less energy is to pedal very, very fast and powerfully to start with, give it 120% and once you are up to speed, you can simply maintain a good even cadence.I have often used this technique even with my car which tracks my Km per L (of course I don’t do major jack rabbit s...
14. Bookmarks: 0 Renovating? Learn How To Do It Yourself! Those who think that the internet is just a venue for high-speed socialization, e-businesses, and virtual recreation better think twice.
15. Bookmarks: 0 Links To Try Out And Be On Your Way To Self-Improvement... A Great Helping Resource! The popularity of self-improvement books, tapes and seminars is a reflection of the universal interest we all have in overcoming our limitations, or being the best we can be or achieving our full potential.Popular applications of self-improvement programs include motivation and confidence, personal relationships, sales and job performance, enhancement of sports performance, public speaking, weight control and smoking cessation.Here are some basic principles to hel...
16. Bookmarks: 0 True Happiness Most people look outside of themselves as the cause of their unhappiness or frustration. After all, wouldn’t life be practically perfect if the significant people in our lives would simply do things the way we want them to or do what we think is best for them? Actually, this is the kind of thinking that perpetuates the misery! I agree that most of today’s unhappiness centers on important people in our lives not cooperating with us. Can anyone relate to that? Have you ever...
17. Bookmarks: 3 WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO IMPROVE YOUR SELF? Easy steps from self reduction to self improvement.
18. Bookmarks: 3 What Really Makes You Tick? 10 questions you should ask to yourself: a preparation to self-improvement.
19. Bookmarks: 4 SELF IMPROVEMENT AND SUCCESS Stop thinking and feeling as if you’re a failure, because you’re not. How can others accept you if YOU can’t accept YOU?
20. Bookmarks: 1 Recognizing Drama Kings and Queens in Your Life Unfortunately we all have dramatic people in our lives! You know those ones that thrive on creating chaos every where they go? Here’s a way to put water on their fire without being pulled into their drama.
21. Bookmarks: 1 MOTIVATION, THE HEART OF SELF IMPROVEMENT With the countless negativities the world brings about, how do we keep motivated? Try on the tips I prepared from A to Z…
22. Bookmarks: 5 Impossible is Just a Word Life could be so much better, if only we learned to aim higher.
23. Bookmarks: 2 A Better You: Your 7 days program to self-improvement A Better You Your 7 days program to self-improvement
24. Bookmarks: 0 How Self-Improvement Program Work For You There are a lot of programs that can aid you in your endeavors in having a healthy mental life.If you have a lot of things on your mind and simply want to have the easy way to deal with them helps with programs. Such programs show you the ways on how to be in the healthy line if mental life. They can be an accelerated transformative practice which the professionals can easily impose on your schedule. It can last for a year or longer, depending upon the program administrat...
25. Bookmarks: 0 Last Word Let’s face it – sometimes work stinks and life can be hard!Unless, of course, you love what you do.Wouldn’t it be great to have passion toward your life and career and make a positive impact on the world in which you live?People just like you, who want more out of their lives, spend millions of dollars each year on self-improvement paraphernalia, only to end up exactly where they began. Know why?It’s simple, really. They’re missing the key ingredient of all gr...
26. Bookmarks: 0 Journaling For Personal Growth One of the best ways to gain clarity about your life is by journaling your thoughts and feelings. Especially if you're feeling conflicted or confused about certain situations, writing your thoughts out can be incredibly enlightening!You don't have to be a writer to journal effectively. In fact, your writing skills don't have to be good at all. Just the act of putting your thoughts into logical order and translating them to written form can help you to understand what yo...
27. Bookmarks: 3 Have One Week, Will Relax: Your 7 days program to Stress management There are several ways to manage stress, and eventually remove it out of your life one of these days.
28. Bookmarks: 0 You Can Change Your Destiny This month has been like a history lesson for me as I outlined the trail of the past “great ones” in the field of self-improvement. From Russell Herman Conwell’s book “Acres of Diamonds” a generation of self-help gurus sprang up including Og Mandino, Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, W. Clement Stone and Earl Nightingale. These were the founding fathers of self-help. It was Earl Nightingale who said, “It's in your moments of decision that your destiny is created.&#...
29. Bookmarks: 1 Enlightenment: Your 7 days program to Positive thinking Having a bit of positive thinking can help you realize things that are never thought possible.
30. Bookmarks: 1 What Is Personal Development? What Is Personal Development?Personal development used to be a course taught at business and vocational schools around the United States.It was long since held that self-improvement was an essential aspect of succeeding in a more and more competitive marketplace that left little room for those who would not be able to pull their own weight – usually because of self image problems.Personal growth was considered to be the antidote to the possibility of failure very ...
31. Bookmarks: 1 Self-Improvement Seminar For Good Leaders Of Today What are you? A leader or a follower?We can all become leaders and also followers. Both are important but the leader sets the good example for his/her followers. A good leader has a good follower.If you think you are not a good leader, maybe you should have a self-improvement seminar.Self-improvement seminar for leaders is training them to be good to the followers.There are a variety of self-improvement seminar for you. But leadership training seminar is the b...
32. Bookmarks: 5 Self-improvement at Success University Almost everyone is striving to improve some facet of our lives, whether it is our image, spirituality, financial status ...
33. Bookmarks: 6 7 Ways To Develop Momentum And Get Things Done One thing that I learned from bicycle racing (actually, I am not much of a bicycle racer but I do triathlons - biking needs work) is the power of momentum. In bicycle racing the way to do better and use less energy is to pedal very, very fast and powerfully to start with, give it 120% and once you are up to speed, you can simply maintain a good even cadence.I have often used this technique even with my car which tracks my Km per L (of course I don’t do major jack rabbit s...
34. Bookmarks: 0 Steps to take to Stay on Your Mission After you've planned your work, you have to work your plan, and these steps will help you stick to it and allow you to succeed.
35. Bookmarks: 4 What Innovation Can Do to Your Life Innovation is a talent that everyone has, yet they think they don't.
36. Bookmarks: 0 Happy as You Want to Be Living a happy, resilient and optimistic life is wonderful, and is also good for your health. Being happy actually protects you from the stresses of life. Stress is linked to top causes of death such as heart disease, cancer and stroke.
37. Bookmarks: 0 You Can Be Happy If You Decide To Be Well, the holidays are over and you’re probably feeling generally burned out by all the excess- too much socializing, too much family, too much food and drink, too much money spent…and the list goes on. The holidays, while mostly enjoyable, can also bring about a real ‘letdown’ feeling when they’re over. We often feel blue, out-of-sorts, and lacking direction and focus. So what do we do to feel more ‘together’ and ‘in control’ after such a time? ...
38. Bookmarks: 0 Do Animals Use The Law Of Attraction? There is truly a great array of wonderful and interesting animals on our planet. Many animals have abilities we as humans do not have. From the tiny humming bird to the largest mammals, there is a lot to learn for us. All of these remarkable species of animals are sharing the same planet with us. We are living in the same home with them so to speak.We know that the whole universe is moving and living by the natural laws of the universe. So here is the question, do animals...
39. Bookmarks: 1 Your 2006 Web Marketing Plan With the New Year right around the corner, we often resolve to improve our behavior, health, or personal relationships. Let me tell you, you're wasting your time. I'm OK, you're OK. It's our Web marketing that's a mess. We've got out-of-shape Web sites, directionless Web marketing, and we're lost at the search engines. It's time to stop worrying about self-improvement and start worrying about Web marketing-improvement! While every business has different goals and need...

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