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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag symptoms

There are 70 articles associated with the tag symptoms!

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1. Bookmarks: 0 Why Do I Feel Spacey, Unfocused, and Have Such Trouble Making Decisions? Stress, poor diet (especially with simple sugars & refined carbs), toxicity, alcohol, heavy metal toxicity, extended use of antibiotics, and birth control pills can cause Candida (yeast) overgrowth. Many people are unaware that over 80% of our population has some degree of Candida imbalance. Symptoms are different for everyone. Mycotoxins from the yeast cause problems in various parts of the body. Did you know that sugar addiction can be one of the main causes of Candida overgrowth?
2. Bookmarks: 0 Autism: A Difficult Developmental Disability The expression ‘developmental disability’ stands for the kind of impairment that interferes with a person’s ability to perform one or more vital functions of life. Since such disabilities are of extremely serious nature, they might adversely affect the affected person’s ability to earn an independent living. Autism is one of such disabilities.In an autistic child, the symptoms are quite visible right from the time when he or she is three years old.In most of the cases...
3. Bookmarks: 1 Entrepreneurs May Have Irritating Syndrome SASS Entrepreneurs are notorious for ADD-like symptoms. However, as Dave Crenshaw of Fresh Juice Strategy explains, what they really suffer from is Short Attention Span Syndrome, or SASS. This article offers humorous analysis and helpful advice for entrepreneurs of all kinds.
4. Bookmarks: 0 Rheumatoid Arthritis and Tramadol Side Effects The article tackles the use of the drug called Tramadol as treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. It also tackles the known side effects and other symptoms associated with the use of the said medication. The article also makes a case for the early treatment of rheumatoid arthritis since research had already established the efficacy of modern drugs for relieving the pain and discomfort associated with the said ailment.
5. Bookmarks: 0 How to Identify Social Anxiety in Teens Social anxiety or social phobia affects different kinds of people, including teens. Although largely unrecognized, people with social phobia exhibit signs that can clue you in on their condition. This article discusses several symptoms that can help you identify social phobia especially in your children.
6. Bookmarks: 0 How faith can remove anxieties and move mountains This article features the reality of anxiety attacks in a young Christian's life. This would also help them to understand that these predicaments help shape our faith and character as Christians.
7. Bookmarks: 0 High anxiety in real life Fear and anxiety are common symptoms of emotional and psychological distress. It affects ordinary people but some individuals are more predisposed to severe anxiety and fear. The article discusses the ways to manage fear and anxiety, including the use of medications.
8. Bookmarks: 0 Signs And Symptoms, Causes Of Stress First of all, let’s understand this. Stress is not the pile of papers sitting on your desk. Stress is not the child screaming in the living room, or the clean laundry the dog just dragged out the door. Stress is not the phone that is ringing off the hook, throwing you behind schedule.Stress is your response to those things. They are stressors, not stress.A Stressor May or May Not Be a Cause of Stress When we look for signs and symptoms, causes of stress, we must l...
9. Bookmarks: 0 Easing Symptoms of Anxiety Through Exercise Exercise and regular physical activity have been constant fixtures in the treatment of anxiety disorders. This article discusses how exercising regularly can help a person manage symptoms of anxiety as well as improve one's overall well-being – two elements that are crucial for a successful treatment.
10. Bookmarks: 0 Understanding The Physical Symptoms Of Anxiety And Stress The physical symptoms of anxiety and stress can be quite detrimental to one’s health. Unfortunately, many people may be so stressed that they do not realize the extent of it or the impact the stress and anxiety is having on their health. In some cases, the more stress or anxiety an individual experiences the less able they are to recognize it. Quite frequently in these situations the individual may have even become so accustomed to their level of stress, and the physical symp...
11. Bookmarks: 0 Snoring Problem: Physical & Emotional Symptoms One of the very strange challenges that the entire topic of snoring faces, is that, well, most people don’t think it’s all that big of a problem. As a result, many people are quite skeptical when told that snoring is a severe physical and emotional health problem.
12. Bookmarks: 0 Is Fibromyalgia a disease, a collection of symptoms or is it all in your head? Millions have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Do doctors really know what’s wrong or are they just selecting the diagnosis of last resort?
13. Bookmarks: 0 Frost-Fingered Fear: Things You Out To Know About Panic Disorders Panic disorders, despite being a widespread problem, is something that very few people have concrete information on. The untrained have a tendency to mistake panic disorders to be a different problem, only rarely realizing the true nature of the problem. As such, people have to be informed of the symptoms and possible treatments for panic disorders.
14. Bookmarks: 0 When Your Child's Star Dims Child athletes are vulnerable to performance anxiety when forced to train and compete at high levels.
15. Bookmarks: 0 Martial Arts and Childhood ADHD: Overcoming Symptoms The symptoms of ADHD can be devastating for children. It is especially hard for school-age children who feel isolated and don’t know how to express what they are feeling. They can become quickly behind academically and socially, which leads to lack of self-confidence and depression. Symptoms of childhood ADHD can include inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. One way parents are helping their children is by having them train martial arts. It is a great way to alleviate these sympt...
16. Bookmarks: 0 Using Exercise to Battle Depression Many people have found that exercise helps relieve many of their symptoms of depression.
17. Bookmarks: 0 Early Menopause Symptoms When a woman experiences menopause before the age of 40 it is termed perimenopause or early menopause. Early menopause symptoms are the same as those of normal menopause. Early menopause symptoms manifest themselves in the form of brittle bones, mood changes, heart disease and other problems.Early menopause symptoms are seen more in women who smoke regularly and those who have never conceived. Such women are more prone to heart attacks and an increased cholesterol level. ...
18. Bookmarks: 0 Knowing Why Depression Happens Having a person you know and love have the depressions is a depressing situation as well. Watching the wallow in their loneliness and sadness can cause a great rift between the two of you. This comes from fear as well as the misunderstanding of the needs and symptoms of the depressed person
19. Bookmarks: 0 How your personality effects the way you deal with stress Did you know that your personality affects the way you cope with stressors in your life? Some people cope fine with levels of stress that others would find crippling. Our reactions to stress are partly inborn and partly learned throughout our lifetime. Everyone reacts to stress, it just depends on the level of stress you can handle before symptoms arise. Some people are really quite 'bomb proof' and seem to cope fine with a multitude of stressful situations, but even they will eventual...
20. Bookmarks: 0 Bipolar Disorder - What is it and what are the symptoms? This article summarises from a lay persons perspective what bipolar disorder actually is. The writer, Ric, is a sufferer of the disorder and was diagnosed 8 years ago. Ric is currently writing a book on his experiences which will soon be published on a new web site.
21. Bookmarks: 0 What Causes Social Anxiety? Social Anxiety Disorder is a fear of social situations that involve interaction with other people. People who have social anxiety often fear that they are being watched, judged, and evaluated by other people. It is often mistaken for shyness or low self-esteem. There are many different causes of social anxiety, however, the cause of social anxiety in some people simply cannot be explained.A common cause of social anxiety is a traumatic social experience. If a person is 'p...
22. Bookmarks: 0 Death On The Catwalk The article is about anorexia and bulimia, psychological disorders that have plagued the movie and fashion industry. Definition, common signs and symptoms, and treatment options for anorexia and bulimia are discussed in the article. The cases of Karen Carpenter and Princess Diana are also cited in the article to highlight the difficulties and dangers associated with these disorders.
23. Bookmarks: 14 How to Shoot Down Stress and Defeat Fatigue This article is about a common health complaint among many Americans, but also one of the hardest terms to define and a symptom of many different conditions. This article will also give out information on the many causes and symptoms of fatigue.
24. Bookmarks: 2 Pregnancy – Foods and other things to Avoid It is essential that you take care when preparing foods and avoid doing certain things when pregnant. This is due to your baby’s immune system not being sufficiently developed to fight any infection you may pass to it whilst within the womb.
25. Bookmarks: 0 How to Lower your blood pressure quickly In most cases, the secondary diseases that follow the high blood pressure manifest long time after the hypertension and it's symptoms appear. To provide a treatment for hypertension and to lower blood pressure quickly it is significant to discover it's existence in the beginning phase, before it can generate extremely bad harms to the other organs in the body.
26. Bookmarks: 0 Female Hysteria - Ancient Medicine for a Modern World Women with physical or emotional symptoms such as headaches, emotional instability, melancholy, aggression, depression, feeling lower abdominal heaviness, muscle pains and other discomfort should consider this treatment as these symptoms have traditionally been considered linked to the reproductive system of women.
27. Bookmarks: 0 Home Treatments for Spider Veins Many new commercial cosmetic procedures are available for the reduction of spider veins and varicose veins, however many of them are simply not justifiable affordable for the average person. Even if such procedures are used, natural, inexpensive at-home treatments can increase the success of expensive procedures and prevent a future repeat of symptoms.
28. Bookmarks: 0 The Devestating Effects Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a devastating disorder that is one of many listed under the general term, “Repetitive Strain Injury” (RSI).Of all repetitive strain injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome is the most recognized and prevalent among the general populace. And due to this recognition, many people are concerned about being afflicted with carpal tunnel and its debilitating symptoms, a concern that should be on the minds of anyone that is involved in work or recreationa...
29. Bookmarks: 2 Your Massage Chair - You'll Wonder How You Ever Lived Without It “Aching wrists, stiff neck and shoulders that feel like if somebody folded them”This is the phrase mostly used by any employee after 8 hours of hard work. It is obvious, that after whole day work you will surely experience the symptoms of work related fatigue.According to Palmer, founder of TouchPro Institute and co-developer of the first massage chair, most office-related mental and physical symptoms are mostly due to lack of blood and lymph circulation. Obstruction of...
30. Bookmarks: 12 The Origins Of Alternative Medicine The origins of alternative medicine, also known as holistic medicine, can be traced back thousands of years to the very roots of medicine. Many millennia ago, physicians or healers would assess the sick person’s emotional condition in addition to their physical symptoms before beginning treatment. The roots of alternative medicine deal with the symptoms of the “whole” person, not merely the physical signs of illness. This is radically different from traditional medicine today...
31. Bookmarks: 0 Taking Control of Anxiety Attacks Anxiety attacks come with a variety of symptoms that can prevent a person from enjoying and living his life to the fullest. Anxiety disorders that trigger attacks are treatable but can take a long time. This article provides insights on what a person can expect during an anxiety attack and tips to prevent it from happening.
32. Bookmarks: 0 SWEATING OUT STRESS & RUBBING AWAY ANXIETY Stress and anxiety are not only symptoms of emotional, physical and psychological problems.Stress and anxiety are now considered hindrances to good work performance and corporate success. Given this situation, many executives and workers opt to take prescription ant-anxiety pills or regularly go to spas and massage centers to find relief from stress. The potential losses associated with absenteeism, sick leaves, and poor performance have prompted many corporations to fund and run stress man...
33. Bookmarks: 0 Restless Leg Syndrome and Supplements Restless Legs Syndrome is a condition that affects about ten percent of the population. Many times the cause is unknown, but in recent years researchers have been exploring the use of supplements to ease the symptoms of RLS. Find out which supplements may work for you...
34. Bookmarks: 0 Prenatal Massage Pains and aches are part and parcel of every pregnancy. Physical discomfort, muscular tensions, headaches, backaches, pains occur due to increase in weight, shifting posture and hormone levels. Pre natal massages aim to improve circulation, alleviate aches and pains, eases muscular tensions and other pregnancy related symptoms, perking up expectant mother’s mood and mental attitude.Stress related areas which demand attention are back, neck and shoulder. Massaging the legs...
35. Bookmarks: 0 Osteoarthritis: Cause and Symptoms Osteoarthritis is one of the most common forms of Arthritis. Find out how you can take steps to prevent this disease and learn treament tips to manage joint pain.
36. Bookmarks: 0 Menopause and Hypothyroidism Menopause and hypothyroidism have common symptoms, such as depressed mood, decreased energy and decreased memory, among others. Discover what can help your hythroid.
37. Bookmarks: 0 Meditation in Motion: Tai Chi and Stress Management The article is about Tai Chi, an ancient Chinese internal martial arts that is fast gaining acceptance as a technique for anxiety and stress management. The article also provides information about the symptoms and number of people afflicted with anxiety and stress disorders.
38. Bookmarks: 0 Marvel the Wonders of Reflexology It has been tried and tested that this ancient method has a lot of benefits to treat symptoms of illnesses. Research has found that not only is it beneficial as a tool for relaxation and stress relief, but it is also an effective tool for a lot of conditions most especially to treat anxiety. This article will try to show why reflexology is an alternative therapy that works.
39. Bookmarks: 0 Improve Your Health by Following Fibromyalgia Alternative Therapies Fibromyalgia is a terrible condition and people affected by it are often overwhelmed by its symptoms and effects. A disturbing fact is that although several million people suffer from fibromyalgia in the United States alone, modern medicine isn’t able to produce an efficient specific cure. Despite the fact that in present some fibromyalgia medical treatments and therapies can ameliorate and ease some of its symptoms, the causes of fibromyalgia can neither be prevented, nor overcome.
40. Bookmarks: 0 Drooping Egos: Alternative Treatments for Impotent Men
41. Bookmarks: 0 Crohns Disease & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – Is There A Cure? For the individuals who suffer from the mysterious symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), or the debilitating symptoms of Crohns Disease the question “Is there a cure?” weighs heavily on their lives. The frustration that results from living with this non-specific illness serves to compound the never ending symptoms. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Crohn’s sufferers continue to battle the illness while researchers search for causes and cures.
42. Bookmarks: 0 Chronic Fatigue -- The Facts You Should Know There is significant concern about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, also known as CFS. In fact, there are criteria patients must meet in order to be diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Receiving the diagnosis may be difficult for some patients because the guidelines for diagnosing are very specific. The fatigue must have been present at least six consecutive months and the corresponding symptoms must have developed after the fatigue. A clear definition of Chronic Fatigue Syndro...
43. Bookmarks: 0 Chinese Herbs for Menstrual Pain Relief? It has been tried and tested that this ancient method has a lot of benefits to treat symptoms of illnesses. Research has found that not only is it beneficial as a tool for relaxation and stress relief, but it is also an effective tool for a lot of conditions most especially to treat anxiety. This article will try to show why reflexology is an alternative therapy that works.
44. Bookmarks: 0 Characteristics of Fibromyalgia Treatments Fibromyalgia is a serious neurological condition that causes pain in the musculoskeletal system. People who suffer from fibromyalgia also feel pain in the tendons, ligaments and the areas of the joints. Another characteristic of fibromyalgia is a pronounced state of fatigue that takes over the entire body. The symptoms of fibromyalgia resemble those of rheumatoid arthritis and due to this fact, fibromyalgia may be misdiagnosed. However, unlike people with physical illnesses, the people with...
45. Bookmarks: 0 Back Exercises – Strengthen Your Back The National Institute of Health has estimated that 4 out of 5 Americans suffer from back pain at some time or the other in their lives. Back pain afflicts a person suddenly and without giving any prior symptoms. When affected, one must use their body’s own healing ability to combat the pain, instead of preferring medicines, and strengthen their body through back exercises.
46. Bookmarks: 0 A Look at Pain Relief for Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a chronic disease that affects the musculoskeletal system. Symptoms vary widely among sufferers, but generally include muscle and joint aches, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches and tenderness in several of eighteen specific areas, or “trigger points” on the body. Fibromyalgia is often overlooked by sufferers as the inevitable result of a busy schedule and everyday stress. When patients do seek treatment, doctors often misdiagnose ...
47. Bookmarks: 0 Arthritis for old age Old people being vulnerable to a special kind of arthritis; osteoarthritis and its symptoms; other factors leading to osteoarthritis; arthritis pain relief with osteoarthritis.
48. Bookmarks: 0 Adjustable Beds to Relieve Your Back Pain Adjustable beds by their very existence as mechanical marvels of design and function are perfectly adapted to alleviate many different symptoms associated with varied conditions that lead to back pain. If you suffer from lower back pain, your condition may be the result of a multitude of causes, many of which the sufferer has no clue as to how they got them in the first place.
49. Bookmarks: 15 9 Steps To Cleaner And Healthier Skin According to Bestskinpeel, for cleaner, healthier and easier to manage skin just follow this list of nine items:1) Lower your stress level through prayer and meditation. Stress creates hormones that actually age us as they destroy cells and create toxic biproducts and free radicals. Studies have shown that prayer and meditation can reduce our stress levels. Prayer and meditation have been proven to even alleviate some of the symptoms of cancer and other life threatening d...
50. Bookmarks: 0 10 Things You Absolutely Must Consider Before Buying Your Massage Chair (Part I) The massage chair recliner has fast become a great substitute for traditional therapy that most folks will consider when suffering from back pain, neck pain, buttock pain, headaches, and even leg pain and stress.The vast majority of folks that are looking for a massage chair are experiencing all or some of these symptoms. Massage chairs have been proven to do wonders for each one of these conditions. As a matter of fact, many of my patients that have purchased a massage c...
51. Bookmarks: 0 What Are All The Benefits Of Quitting Smoking? Difficult as it may seem to quit smoking, once you have succeeded, it is all the more rewarding. The first quit smoking benefits are related to your health. Your body is the first to profit from freedom of nicotine. Second, yet equally important, come the quit smoking benefits for your mind, and last, but not least, the quit smoking benefits on your life as a whole.Do not fear the withdrawal cravings and symptoms. They are normal, given the fact that you are a nicotine ad...
52. Bookmarks: 0 Asthma Attack Treatment Thanks To Hypnosis Asthma is a chronic situation that affects the respiratory system. During the course of an asthma attack, airways, which carry oxygen to and out of the lungs, tend to tighten and hence decrease the flow of oxygen coming to the lungs. The airways also become swollen and lined up with mucus. Such symptoms can happen many times a day or week, or a lot less often. The gravity of the attacks also differs. Various triggers may cause asthma attacks and the breathlessness that ac...
53. Bookmarks: 5 What's Anxiety And How Do I Recognize The Symptoms? Most of us, if not all of us have felt nervous at one time or another in our lives. Public speaking is something that makes most of us nervous. All those eyes staring straight at us. That's a lot of attention thrust our way. We feel the butterflies take flight, and they usually don't land until we're done with our speech. Aren't we glad we're done! Nerves and other feelings like feeling scared are natural and very necessary. Ever wonder how you'd react or what would happen to...
54. Bookmarks: 0 Overcoming The Symptoms Of Stage Fright If you suffer from stage fright in any form then I'm sure that you would like to be able to overcome those problems. Since stage fright can take on many different forms and have a wide variety of symptoms so it is difficult to diagnose each case in one article. What we can do, however, is to speak about a few of the most common symptoms of stage fright and what you can do to overcome them. This will help to cover the basics and will also give you an idea of what you can do to...
55. Bookmarks: 0 How to Detect the Warning Signs of Stress Early This article discusses the signs and symptoms of stress to facilitate early detection of excessive stress
56. Bookmarks: 0 Eliminate The Stutterings Some people lose confidence upon facing other people due to a speech problem known as stuttering. This is a severe condition in speech that experiences problems in fluency. Its symptoms include the person's facial muscles becoming tensed as he or she tries to speak. This is very common to children who are just beginning to talk. Stuttering is a disfluency that causes them to repeat some of their words' syllables. Although this is normal, the severity can cause concern for som...
57. Bookmarks: 0 Stop Tinnitus Symptoms & Reclaim Silence! Tinnitus may affect more than half of the American population. A curable ailment within the inner ear canal, tinnitus is noticed by continual ringing, hissing & swishing noises in ears that will not subside. When you suffer from tinnitus, you will feel like you're insane and no one else can hear the noises.But you don't have to suffer – tinnitis symptoms are curable.5 Small Steps To Silence Tinnitus Symptoms:Tinnitus symptoms may be common amongst more than twenty f...
58. Bookmarks: 2 Group Therapy Tips Group therapy has proven to be effective in mental health. While some counselor will start out with one on one therapy, they may finally refer the patient to group sessions. Many services and support groups available offer help to those with mental health problems. Group therapy allows the patients to freely discuss their issues, problems, and even find social influences that share the same symptoms or similar symptoms. When two or more people are together and can relate ...
59. Bookmarks: 0 How To Breathe Through Your Next Panic Attack If you are unfortunate enough to suffer from panic attacks, you will know that there are a wide variety of symptoms. All of them are distressing and can have a negative impact on how you live your life, maybe even causing you to be constantly worried about when your next panic attack will arrive.By learning to control how you breathe, you can make a vast difference to your panic attacks and, given time and practice, you may even be able to stop them dead in their tracks....
60. Bookmarks: 0 Anxiety Panic Attacks – Anxiety Self Help Most of us through out our lives have experience stress or just feeling anxious. Sometimes when we are so worried about something in our lives in ends up we have an anxiety attack over it. That feeling when you first have one is such a horrible experience we don’t know what is happening to us which makes us feel even more anxiety because we panic and don’t understand what’s happening.Some symptoms’ may include heart palpitations’, sweaty hands, a feeling that we wan...
61. Bookmarks: 0 Understand Work Stress Burnout And Take Control Today Symptoms of work stress.
62. Bookmarks: 0 Stress Ball To The Rescue There's nothing like squeezing or smooshing something when you're stressed. A stress ball is just the answer! If you've ever seen a stress ball, you know what they are. If you haven't, a stress ball is a round ball or object, usually smaller than a tennis ball that is used to diffuse tension. Many people who sit at a computer or desk all day use a stress ball to help prevent or relieve the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.When the stress ball is squeezed, you create a c...
63. Bookmarks: 0 How Can We Cope With Stress? This article details practical ways to relieve symptoms of stress.
64. Bookmarks: 0 Stress - Some Ways Not To Deal With It There are any number stress management techniques and for coping with stress in general and dealing with both the physical and emotional causes for stress. There are techniques for both short-term symptoms of stress and even long-term or chronic symptoms of stress are possible.There are also a certain amount of self employed techniques that are actually or can be counter productive in the quest for a cure. The following are some of the more typical errors.In an attemp...
65. Bookmarks: 0 How To Identify Stress And Anxiety? Every human being is an emotional being. The levels of emotions may be high or low. But when that level is disturbed, you have stress and anxiety. The dividing line between these two negative tendencies is very thin. Your anxiety may be due to stress or your stress may be due to anxiety. Every stress and anxiety has a root cause to it. And the symptoms are the by products of such causes.The first symptom of stress is that you are not a normal person, when you are seized w...
66. Bookmarks: 0 How Are You Maintaining Your Anxiety? Worries and anxieties are normal and familiar to all of us. They are necessary to our survival as they prepare us for coping with stress and danger. When we perceive danger, changes take place in our body, in how we think and also in how we behave. These changes are triggered by the release of the hormone adrenalin and are crucial as they prime us for action.Problems arise when the stress response becomes chronic, or excessive and symptoms of long-term anxiety include the...
67. Bookmarks: 0 Stress – The Silent Killer … Part 2 The 10 point plan for Stress Reduction Ok … So we’ve recognized the signs and it’s official, we’re stressed!Stress affects the whole person - body, mind, feelings, and behavior, and just as symptoms can take many forms, so there are many simple actions that you can take to relieve these symptoms.Learn to RelaxImagine… having relief on tap - something you could experience whenever you need it, something that would remove all the stress from your body and return...
68. Bookmarks: 0 Do You Need Relief From Stress? Amazingly, there are still a number of people who are unaware that they’re already stressed out and need relief from it as soon as possible. Or rather, there are some who refuse to acknowledge that they badly need relief from stress.If you’re unsure about this as well, let us give you some examples of symptoms that are commonly associated with stress:Workaholics who make overtime work seem like a regular part of the job are usually bothered with insomnia and muscle ac...
69. Bookmarks: 0 Coping with stress and anxiety among teens Anxiety in everyday occurrences; separation anxiety; example of separatio anxiety and how to look for its symptoms; how to cope up with separation anxiety;
70. Bookmarks: 6 Fear Of Commitment In Relationships Fear of commitment scientifically, is a type of phobia. It is commonly called as the commitment phobia which refers to a person who is afraid of being committed to any deep relationships, tasks, projects and responsibilities.Have you ever know someone who has the fear of commitment? I have several friends who have the symptoms of this kind of phobia. Most of them are men. They cannot decide on simple things. They find it hard to choose on what to eat during a dine-out in ...

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LinkedIn Recommendation: Jeff Brodsky - Director of Operational Excellence at Park N' Fly - I worked with Teo during the early stages of Net-Teams and he is a powerhouse with an extraordinary ability to bring together teams and ignite them behind his vision. He has a great understanding of the process of building companies through building a vision and a team and developing capital and has been a pioneer in social networking in the Atlanta Mtero market. - January 23, 2011, Jeff worked directly with Teo at Net-Teams, Inc.


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