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GLI Speaking Engagements Information
We have provided this information to help you get the most out of speaking engagements from Grace Lee.
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Who Will Fill The Inner Compass NLP Receivership Gap?
As an ex- student of Inner Compass NLP trainings, I was as surprised as everyone to discover that the company had gone into receivership. So surprised in fact, that I checked it was true on the Companies House website.It seemed such a sad surprise, only 12 months previously I had spent 17 days with Andy Harrington and Topher Morrison, completing my trainers training qualification which would allow me to teach NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner courses of my own,...
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Invitation to LA Japanese American National Museum on November 13, 2010 at 2 pm
LOS ANGELES.—Grace Etsuko Lee, an internationally recognized corporate consultant, speaker and trainer specializing in business relations between the United States and Japan, will discuss her own life as someone who bridged two cultures and will provide basic tips to avoid mistakes in cross cultural business dealings at a special public program set for Saturday, November 13, beginning at 2 p.m., at the Japanese American National Museum’s Tateuchi Democracy Forum at 369 East First Street, Los Ang
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How To Do A Teleseminar
If you are a consultant, business coach, teacher, professional, speaker, lawyer, direct marketer, or business trainer, you have knowledge and skills that can be of value to others and theyre willing to pay for that knowledge. Why not offer your services online? Heres how to do a teleseminar. There is plenty of money to be made teaching. And a great way to make an income is by teaching about something you love and enjoy. Teleseminars have a very high profit margin and th...
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Why Training Fails
Training programs have earned a bad reputation. Here's why and what to do about it.
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Some Helpful Tips On Abs
In the fitness world today, there is not a body part with more attention paid to it than the abdominal muscles. With our obsession with abs, many aspiring entrepreneurs set out to market their device, diet, video or program which will give you washboard abs, a six-pack, ripped abs, or any other adjective to describe a well defined mid section. The problem is that the public, desperate for a quick fix, buys into these products, which at the end of the day,...
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Self-Improvement - Something For Everyone (Part 1)
Self-improvement is something that every person in the world yearns for. It has nothing to do with where you live, your age, occupation or your income. Yes, it is true that many people spend a small fortune each year on trying to improve themselves by hiring life coaches and personal trainers. However, there are many ways you can indulge in self-improvement without going to any extra expense.Let's take for example, the woman who finds herself gaining a little too much wei...
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Backoff From The Baseball Coach
With the regulated top of any season of baseball, the parents have the high hope that their child is principal with the success of team. It with a degree is true. The success of the team depends on each player. The problems emerge between the prospects for the parents, the players and the trainer.
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Strengthen your mind and body by practicing a martial art
Martial arts are basically a set of physical and mental skills that are gradually taught, developed and polished by a trainer usually called sensei for Japanese arts and sifu in Cantonese.
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Aerobic Videos - Whips You Up Into Shape!
Although many people buy aerobic videos, and then leave them sitting there, gathering dust, and never do anything with them.
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25 Ways Get 10 Mins Of Fitness Exercise-PT#1
Experts recommend working out 45 minutes to an hour a day (30 minutes for beginners) for weight loss and fitness. But if you're like most women, you don't always have a block of 30 to 60 minutes a day to devote exclusively to doing your workouts.You can still exercise--you just need to sneak in the equivalent in resourceful ways. The idea is to keep moving, says fitness expert Ann Grandjean, EdD. Get a cordless phone or put a long cord on your regular phone, and walk w...
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Health in the 21st Century
People of the 21st century are obsessed with looking good and (for the most part) being healthy. Gym membership, south beach diet, Atkins diet, diet pills, spa treatments, personal trainers, cosmetic surgery
the list goes on and on.
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What Does Annika Know About Exercise That You Dont?
Think of your golf game. Visualize connecting with your drive and sinking your putt. Now think of exercise and how it relates to your golf game. Do you do a total body workout several times per week? Do you have a tailored fitness regimen that pays special attention to certain muscle groups? Do you even exercise at all?
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Using A Golf Swing Trainer May Surprise You
Many amateur golfers start out playing golf for fun. Most would like to keep it that way and that is precisely the reason why the mention of a golf swing trainer, however much that would help them improve their game will not only draw loud groans but for most they will already start feeling tired at the mere thought.
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Strengthen Your Core For Golf Using A Fitness Ball?
Some call it a Swiss Ball, some call it a fitness ball, others use the more modern term stability ball. Whatever you call it, the stability ball has been used in exercise and rehabilitation for years and has recently been adopted by personal trainers and fitness instructors for use in strength training and muscle development, especially when it comes to exercises designed to strengthen the core muscles.
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Perform Better Golf With These Fitness Tips
Everyone wants to be able to perform better golf, and with these three tips youll be on your road to becoming a better golfer.
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Making Your Program Golf Specific
Golf-Specific means different things to different people. One of the things I have learned from my education and experience in working with elite trainers and golfers is that in order to improve someone's performance you must know where their strengths and weaknesses currently exist. This is, of course, the real value of assessments. If you look at the requirements of the golf swing itself, a golfer needs adequate spinal rotation, hip rotation, shoulder rotation, core engagement, some deg...
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Increasing Your Golf Swing Clubhead Speed Isnt Everything
I want to increase my golf swing clubhead speed! I hear this one all the time from the members of my golf-trainer.com site and golfers sending me emails. I want to be a straight shooter (pardon the pun) right now. Increasing your golf swing clubhead speed is not everything!
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How To Swing Like A Pro With The Best Golf Swing Trainers And Golf Training Aids
Slice your handicap, not the ball, with the help of the best swing trainers and other golf training aids. These convenient tools can be used whenever you have a spare moment in the office or at home. The devices are also ideal for maintaining your practice routine during bad weather.The best golf swing trainers reinforce muscle memory through repetition. Look for a system that builds a familiarity with basic principles. Once you have mastered the basics, you can work on p...
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How To Find Golf Instruction Online Free
Golf lessons are expensive. For most of us, it's just not possible to go out on the green with a one-on-one trainer, as much as we'd like to.But, here's an idea. Imagine if you could have a one-on-one lesson with a professional golfer or highly renowned trainer for free, in the privacy of your own home? Impossible, right?Not exactly! You're always hearing about how the Internet is revolutionizing the way we do everything, and now's your chance to reap its benefits. Yo...
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How To Choose A Golf Fitness Trainer
I cant begin to tell you how many times Ive been asked this question during my travels around the country and world on the golf circuit; Sean, I am looking for a golf fitness trainer in my area, what do you suggest? Finding a golf fitness trainer for you, simply takes a little knowledge and time on your part. Bottom line there are thousands of fitness experts, personal trainer, instructors, and conditioning coaches available to you. Some are more qualified than ot...
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How A Golf Trainer Can Help Take Your Game To The Next Level
Having a golf trainer in your corner to give you guidance, motivation and ongoing, cutting-edge golf fitness information will put you leaps and bounds above your playing partners and competitors.
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Golf Swing Trainer - What Is It?
Golf swing trainer is a term you might think of for a training aid that works on your golf swing. Ive come up with a new definition for a golf swing trainer. It happens to be what I do for a living.
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Golf Fitness Exercises To Help Your Short Game
The connection between golf fitness exercises and the short game often times goes unnoticed. It is usually thought golf fitness exercises help us generate more clubhead speed, add more distance to our drives, hit longer iron shots, and play more consistently from the fairway. In this mix of benefits the short game is often lost when discussing golf fitness. Believe it or not golf fitness exercises can benefit your short game in a big way.The idea of golf fitness exercises...
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Get To Know The Discipline Of Picking The Right Golf Clubs
Golf trainers who have been to high level training sessions, such as any PGA program, know the discipline of picking the right golf clubs.These trainers also know how to understand the effects of the bodys movement in respect to the golf club being used. Trainers act as consultants, giving important tips to their students. It is easy to fall prey to marketing hype, however. If your trainer favours only one brand, this is a sign that he may be just riding the hype. It is ...
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Do You Want To Play Par Golf?
The key to playing par golf is to focus on more than just golf techniques, and pay attention to your entire body. Fitness is key to any sport, whether youre running up and down a basketball court, throwing a football or playing the links. Without a proper fitness routine, your body is not going to be able to deliver the results you need.
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Core Exercise For Golf Will Improve Your Driving Distance The Quickest
Core exercise for golf. Youve probably heard this phrase mentioned on the television a time or to. This is the area that Vijay works on the most with his golf trainer and it seems to be working for him. Hes driving it longer and straighter and winning tournaments.
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Benefits of A Golf Fitness Stretch Trainer
Hardly any professional worth his name today will dare approach their game without a golf fitness stretch trainer of sorts. The game of golf has changed tremendously in recent times. No longer is it viewed as the leisure sport of old. Golf is now recognized as an athletic sport where performance depends a lot on your fitness level. Thus the wide introductions of golf fitness stretch trainers and training.
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A Golf Fitness Coach Equals Great Golf
Golf fitness coach. Have you ever considered one
and if so, what exactly were you looking for? There are many general fitness trainers trying to get a piece of the golf fitness and training market that seems to be rapidly gaining exposure both on the television and in print thanks to Tiger, Vijay and Annika.
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Apart From A Proper Golf Swing Trainer, A Golfer Needs More Than One Golf Course!
There you are, the newest member of the golf retirement community, putting to engineer that innocent looking little white ball into the black hole at last. The soft sea breeze stroking your aching back after that one wild swipe at the dodgy little Callaway golf ball when you thought no one was watching. And something else is bothering you. You know what it is, but you don't want to acknowledge it, because you don't know what to do about it. You don't yearn for the latest golf...
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Learning To Fall And How To Get Up Again
The greatest self help-book of all times The Greatest Salesman in the World was written by Og Mandino. He is probably the most famous for an anecdotal story he tells from one of his favorite books called Acres of Diamonds written by Russell Herman Conwell which is known by just about every great salesmen or trainer alive today. Og Mandino invigorated the story just as every motivational guru has since. The Greatest Salesman in the World sold over 40 milli...
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Being Tough Means Choosing The Right
Motivational materials usually have to be read with some degree of circumspect. Even as a coach and motivational trainer, I have caught myself saying things in my exuberance that later needed to be modified. Take our quote today which comes to us from the Reverend Robert Schuler. I am always built up listening to what he has to say. In todays quote he says Tough times never last, but tough people do. My knee jerk reaction was Wow! Isnt that the truth? But...
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Near Life Experience
Every difficulty in life presents us with an opportunity to turn inward and to invoke our own submerged inner resources. The trials we endure can and should introduce us to our strengths. - Epictetus, Greek Stoic philosopher (55 AD 135 AD)World renowned peak performance trainer, Jack Canfield, was once asked in an interview which book most influenced his life. He replied that Dr. Raymond Moodys book, Life After Life, made a tremendous impact in his life as an author ...
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Empower Your Trainees
One of the most memorable quotes that I heard from a trainer came from a man I knew named Rizal:As trainees, you are supposed to interrupt me if you dont understand something. You are supposed to ask questions. But you are not to go ahead of where we are in the class. All of the sections will be covered in due time.As a trainee, I could not have agreed more with Rizal. He made an impact on me. He was one of the best trainers I have ever known. What made him a great trainer...
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What Affiliate Marketing Trainers to conform, and Why?
There are a lot of niche markets out there just waiting for the right affiliate to infiltrate to them and make that dollars dream come true. Knowing which one to get into is being confident enough of your potentials and the good results you will be getting.
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Writing Resources: 7 Books For Improving Your Manuscript
Whether a crawling novice or polished professional, writers from every walk of life have room for improvement in their work. An endless array of rules and techniques must be kept in mind when writing punctuation, grammar, transition, show dont tell, etc. As a result, its extremely important to have a firm grasp on the fundamentals. By stressing the fundamentals, coaches and trainers have transformed individuals of modest talent into world class competitors. Why should wri...