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Learn Self Hypnosis
Learn how to change your life in an instant through the power of hypnosis. Hypnotize yourself or anyone else with the information in this guide.
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Negotiating Life's Detours: Follow Your Energy
Someone asked me recently if I had a guiding principle that helped me decide what new work to take on, and how I decide how much time to spend pursuing my various interests. It's a great question. Entrepreneurs have an idea a minute, and it's often difficult to know which ideas to invest time in. A mentor of mine gave me this principle some years ago, and I try to live by it.
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Reprogram Your Mind to Be a More Confident Learner
Do you feel as if learning new things in school or at work is hard for you? A lack of confidence will actually make new learning even harder! Here is a technique called visualization that can help to improve your learning.
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Faith, Visualization of, and Belief in Attainment of Desire
The Second step towards Riches Faith ? another word for Absolute Confidence. When a person has faith in his beliefs then one can say that half of the battle to acquire success is won. So when faith is combined with the vibration of thought then the subconscious mind picks up the vibration and translate it into spiritual equivalent and transmits it to infinite intelligence.
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How to Use the Power of Visualization to Control and Conquer Anger
Visualization trains your mind to focus on what you truly want, and helps in marshalling all your available resources, which may be used for the accomplishment of your objective.This article explores and explains the Power of Visualization and suggests a practical technique to overcome anger and reinforces the belief and confidence in us that any problem of any size or magnitude can be conquered.
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Wealth Education Using Affirmations
If you are a big fan of personal develoment wealth education courses, books and seminars, you probably would have probably known that great wealth education and personal development teachers such as Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor and Anthony Robbins have often talk about positive affirmations to attract wealth, health or whatever you desire. Is it true that you can attract anything that you desire?To some people, using affirmations and visualization techniques to attract wealth...
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Weight Loss, Fitness Motivation & Your Subconscious Pictures
The second component of Burris MIND/FITNESS is your subconscious pictures. I will explain how to replace your negative subconscious images into positive images through the practice of controlled visualization. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, visualizing is the fourth most frequently used form of alternative healing. You are now about to learn how to change your existing subconscious pictures that keep you anchored to your poor eating behavior.Several stu...
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The Power of the Chi: Life, Nourishment, and Better Sex Life
In Eastern beliefs, the chi is responsible for self-healing, self-recovery, and self realization. The chi, can be developed by breathing, chi meditation, and visualization. Understanding the power of the chi and how to develop it can lead to better health and improved lives.
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New Golf Tip - How Mind-Movies Will Improve Your Golf Quickly
If you want to improve your golf game nothing will get you on the right track more quickly than well formulated Mind-Movies. The good news is that you can at last get a really first class guideline on how to develop effective Mind-Movies.A great deal is written about visualization in sport. A lot of it seems to center around the idea that what the sports person should do is visualize the result they wish to attain.I do NOT agree with this.I agree that it is a good...
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Improving The Mental Picture Of Your Swing
Visualization techniques help improve your game. All good players do it, whether consciously or unconsciously. PGA pros, for example, visualize every shot they take. Its the key to their success. I also encourage it in my individual golf instruction sessions. Below are a couple of visualization techniques that Ive written about in my golf tips.To improve your scores quickly, try developing a good mental picture of your swing. Too many recreational golfers have a poor me...
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How To Win Rousing Applauses To Your Speech
Visualization will help you to discover more energy and joy as you tune in to your inner self. It will also help you gain the competitive edge in your personal and professional relationships. Visualization, or 'mental imaging,' is a powerful skill that can be practiced regularly to improve your communication.It is a process of relaxation in which you can consciously evoke desired sensations and images. It is as if you are watching yourself and your surroundings on an inne...
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Hypnosis 12 Steps to Acquire Mind-Power
The 12 steps to acquire mind-power is intended to build positive visuals, acquire mind power and help you achieve your dreams and desires that may be as varied as improving your personality, increasing your wealth, attracting love and making yourself attractiveFollow these steps I have specifically found to help anyone who is new to Power of Creative Visualization.
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Mind over matter, you are what you believe
Most people do not recognize the power available to them in their own mind.
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Christmas Spirit: Do You Possess The True Spirit Of Christmas?
While for so many people this holiday season is about rampant commercialism, keeping up with the Joneses and rushing to keep up with a hectic schedule, we should all jump off the speed train and take time to not only appreciate the true meaning of Christmas but also to embrace the true spirit of Christmas.Emotionally this is a difficult time of year for so many. Depression and anger drive up the rates of suicide and domestic violence. Stress builds upon stress to destroy ...
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What Is Your Purpose?
Are you living a purposeful life? One of the main factors involved in people who are feeling depressed and unhappy is the simple fact that they feel their lives lack meaning and direction. Fortunately, it is simple to give your life meaning and direction. All you need to do is find a purpose for your life.Even if you aren't depressed and unhappy, defining your purpose can help you. Knowing who you are and what you want out of life can help you achieve more and be more. It...
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Personal Development - It's All In Your Head!
Is your life just not working? No matter how many self improvement courses you take do you still feel stuck? Well, as far as personal development goes, it's all in your head! Let me explain.
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How Meditation Can Change Your Life
Current research estimates that the average person has over 60,000 thoughts per day, 90 percent of which are replications of our thoughts from yesterday. Moreover, people spend almost half their time worrying, and 90 percent of those worries never come true.On the other hand, most of us can remember those glorious moments when we experienced unbound love, sparks of wisdom and understanding; the moments when we felt total harmony with the world around us and harmony within...
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Three Things You Can Do Now To Reduce Stress
Are any of these scenes familiar?...The kids woke up late again this morning. By the time you get them to school and fight rush hour traffic, you'll be 20 minutes late for the meeting you're supposed to lead......When you were first hired, you felt lucky to get your customer service job. But now you wonder if it's worth it. The phones ring constantly and you hear nothing but complaints. Last week, you called in sick just to get a break......It's almost time for yo...
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Stress Management Through Altering Beliefs And Increasing Knowledge
Most humans experience unexpected setbacks which can cause huge stress and can halt their forward progress in life. Our attitudes, beliefs and knowledge can make a big difference to how we deal with these setbacks. What means just major stress to one person can even mean death to another. Our beliefs and knowledge affect how much stress we experience in the face of problems, traumas, ageing and the threat of death.One way to lessen the stress of a problem is to focus on the solution.
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Thoughts and visualization a powerful combination against negativity
Our thoughts not only determine who we are but also what we can be. We are bombarded by negativity from many sources during our waking hours, so much so, that we accept negative thoughts as the norm and pay little attention to the fact that negativity controls our lives. The first step in changing negative thought to positive thought is to be aware of what we are thinking.
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Self Improvement With Affirmations
Affirmations are very powerful tools that can be key in bringing about change in your life, whether it is in the form of personal change or bringing new situations into your life. Self-affirmations are healing, optimistic messages that you give to yourself to counter your negative messages. Affirmations resemble visualization with mental images but words are used instead
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Motivate Your Motivation
Need help with your motivation? Consider using the magic 30 minutes. Don't know what the magic 30 minutes is? It's the 30 minutes before going to sleep, and utilizing it properly can help give your motivation a kick in the pants.
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What You Didn't Know About Getting Really Rich.
Here's A Fast-Acting Visualization Exercise For Attracting AbundanceSet quality time when you can be uninterrupted for at least an hour, to concentrate your attention on defining your dreams. Sit down with your Dream List in a comfortable, quiet place to start visualizing your dream. What is your dream? Begin to picture some ideas about it. Allow vivid images to flow into your imagination. Create your ideal scene, writing anything that comes to mind, no matter how crazy o...
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Personal Development Goal Setting
Learn how to set goals the self improvement way. Some simple steps that are easy to follow but give you powerful results!
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Goal Setting & Attainment
I am sure that many of you are deep into the drama and excitement of the holiday season. There is so much to be done and so much to think about and consider that many can hardly think of anything else. However, when the excitement is over, our attention typically turns the closing of one year and the beginning of a new one.This is a time typically reserved for reflection. We think back on the previous year, sometimes with a strong sense of accomplishment and sometimes wit...
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Spend Time To Save Time
You have to give some to get some. The old adage is usually applied to money but it is also true of time.When we are very young or very old, time seems endless. But for the majority of our lives, time is something we always need.We are always pressed for time or seem to owe time to others from our bosses to our families. Time is such a valuable commodity so we need to make sure that we use it carefully. Careful use of our time means one thing -- time management.Th...
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Allowing And The Law Of Attraction
As we learn more about using the Law of Attraction consciously in our lives, we become masters at visualizing, affirming, and attracting what we desire. We learn how to infuse our desires with emotion and power, we learn how to raise our vibrations through joyful thoughts and align ourselves more fully with the circumstances we want to bring about.However, most of us forget one crucial step in the process: allowing. Allowing is a multi-faceted phase in the creation proces...
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Perfecting The Art Of Attracting
The Law of Attraction is a fascinating concept which most people embrace with passion and hopefulness. Even if you have only skimmed the surface of this great Universal Law you will have seen some signs that clearly indicate it exists. But are you fully utilizing this powerful Universal Principle and living the life of your dreams yet?
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Why You Need Oxygen To Work The Law Of Attraction
The law of attraction is all about magnetizing your visualization so that whatever that you have asked the universe for, will be attracted to you. One of the most important practices to harness the powers of electro-magnetic energy in the body is to sleep with the head of the bed pointing North, parallel to the earths magnetic poles. When all the molecules in the body are synchronized in one direction, they become magnetic, and will draw whatever you wish for from the univ...
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Rediscover The Power Of Visualization In The Law Of Attraction
The law of attraction is a sensible occurrence of like attracting like. The law of attraction is like an ethereal magnet, it is an energy that circulates and returns to itself repeatedly. The energy within the law of attraction vibrates to the energy that is sent forth by our thoughts and actions. Our energy interacts with the energy of the law of attraction all of our lives. The thoughts within us, and the deeds we do determine our lot in life. We can consciously st...
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Law Of Attraction: How To Work The Power Of Visualization
The power of visualization in the law of attraction, or what is famously known now as The Secret, is not a new experiment. It is not something that is untried. For centuries, sages have been studying and utilizing the power of visualization to get what they wanted. It is a proven fact that whatever we visualize, we will most certainly get. We know it as the law of attraction and it works on magnetic energy.In order to attract what you are after, you have to visualize, vis...
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Invite A Flood Of Prosperity With Visualization
Visualization is one great way to activate the Law of Attraction in our lives, but we often go about it in such a serious way. We meditate, we create our vision boards, we painstakingly create a picture in our minds of what we want our outer circumstances to reflect. This is a good practice overall, but one important component we often forget (or don't know how to generate) is infusing our vision with powerful emotions. Feelings like joy, love, excitement, and gratitude can e...
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How You Can Tell If This Is Your Ideal Partner:
All about the Law of Attraction how it works and how it can be appliedIn order to be able to apply the Law of Attraction you first need to know all about the process of attraction. It can be applied on everyone. When we deal with strong emotions such as love you first need to have a constant visualization and to be able to make a special space designed for the loved one. It is highly important to have a well-defined idea as far as this special person is concerned and wh...
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Creative Visualization And The Law Of Attraction
You may have heard of creative visualization from interviews with athletes who have used this powerful technique to win more gold medals and titles than perhaps any other single training method. By actually sensing, feeling and being in a perfect race or competition within their own heads, professional and amateur athletes are able to use these mental images to help them prepare for the actual race. What you may not realize is that the technique is essentially the very same ...
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The Best Kept Secret In Achieving Success
I decided to write about this topic because everybody seems to have the wrong ideaabout accomplishing success. For instance, some people have got the idea thatvisualization and is the way to become successful. Unfortunately, People who justfocus on visualize a channel might end up in a state official thinking instead. However, there is a far better secret toward completion success.
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Why Is Love Important?
So often we spend most of our time taking care of our physical needs. We make sure our bodies are fed, cleaned, clothed, exercised and rested. We also make sure intellectual stimulation and entertainment is a priority. Yet we also overlook the most important need -- love.Of course, as a society, love is not overlooked. Popular media constantly places great emphasis on what we need to do and how we should look to attract "love". But being loved is not as powerful an emotio...