Dungeon Chess
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Select A Character To Start!

There are 100 characters you can be, each with one of 12 movement types.

Select the movement type from the drop down list to show available characters.
Then select a character below and the game will start! Mouse Over character for Name.
Dragon: Moves as Queen Fen Hydra: Moves as Queen Galactus: Moves as Queen Red Dragon: Moves as Queen Silver Dragon: Moves as Queen
Move Type: queen - Similar to Chess [Queen] Move - Move is up to THREE spaces max. in any direction - 24 points of attack.

The capture value is the same as the number of spaces (points of attack) the character covers. The higher numbers represent the more powerful movement types. The lesser numbers represent the more challenging movement types.

Note that there is a movement score - like an energy level - where terrain and moves add or take away from this score.

Click Rules for more information!
Select Terrain to calculate effect on movement score

Welcome to Dungeon Chess!
Let's Get Started!

  1. Select (left click) a Character on the left.
  2. You will then be cued to move.