
Why Would You Want To Use A Coach? |
Submitted by Tony Covey
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Do you ever feel that:
* Your life is out of your control?
* You are not where you could be or want to be?
* You don't really receive the recognition you deserve?
* You don't feel safe and secure in your relationships?
* You are often overlooked and undermined?
* You have strong desire but lack belief in your ability or the future?
* You are working harder but can't seem to make any progress?
* You are frustrated because you can't seem to break through the barriers in your life
* You are settling for less because it is still better than what other people have?
Do you ever wish that:
* You could have more confidence to do the things you really want to?
* You had more self esteem to stand up for what you believe in?
* You could command respect from your colleagues?
* You could impress others when they meet you?
* You could communicate your ideas with ease?
* You could stand up and speak in public?
What if you could do the above and:
* Eliminate Stress, Fear and Anxiety?
* Reclaim your Health by losing weight, quitting smoking, or dealing with other addictions?
* Improve all of your Relationships?
* Develop your Confidence and Self Esteem?
* Have more control over your life?
* Understand why people see you the way they do?
* Learn how to avoid these problems in the future?
Would you be willing to take the action necessary to bring about these outcomes? Is it just a wish you have, or is it a real desire to change? Have you ever thought "I deserve the best I can get in life and will do whatever it takes to get the best" If you are ready to give yourself the best in life, then please read contact us.
By the way the basic componants of behaviour are:
Be(behaviour)= Feel+Wish+Do
Each of us has a differing capacity of each, some prefer The Feelings (emotions) , some perfer Doing ( action) and other the Wishing( thoughts) , each has a profound cost and pay off. It also determines how you show up in life! And the capacity with which you live it fully,completely without limits. Only to figure that most of the programming to your behaviour happened at an unconcious level before your were even aware it existed. The turth of the matter is, by becoming aware of it you can then do something about it, and one of the best ways is with your Catalyst Coach.

LinkedIn Recommendation:
Doug Smart - Author, speaker, exec coach. 20+ yrs expertise worldwide teaching how to identify personal strengths for success. -
Teo Graca is a modern Renaissance Man with a deep intellect and a gift for bringing people together to make things happen. - May 9, 2013, Doug was with another company when working with Teo at Net-Teams, Inc.
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