
Get Started! Do Something! |
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Submitted by Leticia Santos
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This is about getting started. Taking that first step. It is so easy to moan about our lives and complain that things arent how we want them to be. We all do it. We all have done it! So how can we break out of that moaning habit and turn it into a doing one? Making the decision to do something is the first step but taking action is the most important one. So you get it wrong. It can happen. What do you do? Do you lay there on the ground feeling sorry for yourself while life carries on around you, or do you pick yourself up, dust yourself down and do something else? Come on! Get going! Be a doer! From now on do something new that will move you forward to achieve the life you want! And whatever you do, do it with enthusiasm, with gusto and with commitment!
Do Something to move you towards your goals. Do the things you want to achieve seem too big or too far off in the future? Each goal can be broken down into little steps which will lead you to your dream. Is what you do each day helping you to achieve your goals? Ask yourself what small thing (or big thing, if you like) can I do today that will move me towards achieving my goal? Then do it!
Do Something today that youve been putting off for a while. Its that dreaded word procrastination! Some of the things you put off do need some preparation, but others could be started straight away, if you put your mind to it. Decide that this is the day to get going on that list of things that has been weighing you down for so long. Large tasks can be broken down into smaller ones, and those that can be completed in minutes will be completed in minutes if you only just start them!
Do Something for yourself. Enjoy your life now. Dont wait for some far-off time when conditions may be right to start making the most of the life you have. Your time is precious. Make every second of it count. What do you enjoy doing? Do you make time to do it? Who do you like being with? Do you spend time with them? Do you speak to them and tell them how much they matter to you?
Do Something active every day. It doesnt have to be formal exercise, just something that gets your body moving. Take the stairs instead of the lift, go out for a walk in your lunch break, and dance to the radio as you make your tea in the morning. Adding that extra bit of activity will make a great difference to you mentally and physically.
Do Something because you want to, not because you have to. Doing something that you dont want to do, but feel you ought to, will make you feel more stressed, disgruntled and resentful. Be clear, to yourself, and the people you interact with, about what you are, and are not, prepared to do. Dont get into a fight about it, but be assertive and clearly state your position. Most people will respect you for it.
Do Something new every day. Listen to a different radio station, join a new club, sign up for a new course or start a new book. Routine can make our lives simpler, but too much routine can numb our brain. Adding something new everyday keeps you stimulated. It doesnt have to be anything major. Trying a new type of coffee would count!
Do Something Creative every week. Doodling, gardening, painting, crafts, working with fabrics, even cooking something youve never attempted before. Write a poem, a short story or even a letter to someone youve been thinking about. This will keep your creative juices flowing and keep your brain limbered up, whilst giving you satisfaction at having produced something for yourself.
Do Something for nothing. This is really doing something for someone else and not expecting any reward or return, just doing it because you can and it makes a difference. Enough said.
Do enjoy this quote.
It is essential to our well-being, and to our lives, that we play and enjoy life. Every single day do something that makes your heart sing. -- Wieder Marcia
Just remember, if you're feeling flat, even if its only a little thing, do something!

LinkedIn Recommendation:
Demetrius Reardon - Search Engine Optimization Manager at Blue Galaxy Marketing - I just attended Teo's LinkedIn workshop and am getting more information on how to use it. Great stuff. He told us everything there was to know about LinkedIn in one sentence. Then went into details, then added some optional ways to use it, just so much information so quickly... I had a little trouble keeping up, but he kept coming back to that one sentence to show how it all fits. It really is easy! Love Teo's style! He's got a lot of energy and would love to meet him in person someday! - March 17, 2012, Demetrius was Teo's client |
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