
Buying Property in Spain - Glossary |
Submitted by Inge Razo
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Buying Property in Spain
Although any expatriate intending to buy property in Spain would be advised to use the professional services of an estate agent and a translator and must legalise the transaction before a Public Notary, the following glossary of terms commonly used either to describe properties in Spain or during the transaction process is a useful aid for non-Spanish speakers.
Abogado - Lawyer
Actos Juridicos Documentados (AJD) - Stamp duty
Adosado - Semi-detached house
Agencia Inmobiliaria - Estate Agent
Agencia Tributaria - Tax office
A.P.I. (Agente de la Propiedad Inmobiliaria) - Officially licensed estate agent
Aire acondicionado - Air conditioning
Aparcamiento - Parking
Apartamento - Apartment
Arras - Small payment given to the seller to guarantee that the property transaction will be completed within an agreed time limit.
Asesor Fiscal - Financial Advisor
Aval - Loan underwriter
Ayuntamiento - Town hall
Balcón - Balcony
Baño - Bath/WC
Caja de Ahorros - Savings bank
Calefacción central - Central heating
Campo - Countryside
Casita - Cottage
Chalet - Villa
Cocina - Kitchen
Comedor - Dining room
Compra - Buying
Compra-Venta - Promise to Purchase
Contract Comunidad de propietarios - Comunity of property owners
Constructor - Builder
Copia Simple - Copy of the Mortgage Deeds
Cuarto de Baño - Bathroom
Cuotas de comunidad - Community fees
Cuenta de Banco - Bank account Documento privado - Private document Documento público - Public document Dormitorio - Bedroom
Ducha - Shower
Duplex - Apartment over two floors
Edificio - Building
Escritura - Deeds of ownership
Finca - Farm house or small estate
Garaje - Garage
Habitación - Room
Hacienda - Tax office
Hipoteca - Mortgage I.B.I Rates
Inmobiliaria/agente - Estate agent IVA - VAT
Jardín - Garden
Ladrillo - Brick
Libre de cargas - Debt free
Licencia de obra - Building permission Licencia de Ocupación - License to occupy a property
Metros cuadrados - Square metres
N.I.E. - Identity Number for Foreigners
Notario - Notary Records legal documents and transactions
Nota Simple - Certificate from Land Registry
Obra nueva - Document certifying a new building
Oferta vinculante - Bank document specifying mortgage conditions
Pago en efectivo - Cash payment
Parcela - Lot or plot
Piscina - Swimming pool
Piso - Apartment
Plan Parcial - Town hall plan for building plots
Playa - Beach
Plusvalía - Municipal Capital gains tax on sale of property
Poder - Power of Attorney
Préstamo - Loan
Pueblo - Town or village
Registro de la Propiedad - Land Registry
Representante fiscal - Foreigner's official tax representative
Residencia - Residency permit
Residente - Resident
Sala, salon - Lounge
Se vende - For sale
Se alquila - For Rent
Solar - Lot for building
Solana - Utility Room
Sótano - Basement
Tarjeta de Banco - Bank card
Techo - Roof
Teja - Roof tile
Terraza - Terrace Terreno - Land plot
Tipo de interés - Interest rate
Título de propiedad - Property ownership deeds
Trastero - Storeroom
Venta - Selling
Vista de mar - Sea view

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