Value Stock Buy List Program - What's all the Excitement About? |
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Investor's are discovering an Investment Grade Value Stock Selection and Trading Strategy that makes sense. Merritt Information Strategies has developed a multiple level spreadsheet program that allows you to implement the Market Cycle Investment Management methodology documented in "The Brainwashing of the American Investor", inexpensively and productively, on your own PC, whenever...
"We monitor the entire Selection Universe, track the prices, record the rating changes, and provide you with a Watchlist of Investment Grade Value Stocks that qualify for purchase. Then you decide what to buy, based on the content, goals, and objectives of your own portfolio. It's a simple way to apply the KISS principle, using the proven strategy presented in 'The Book that Wall Street does not Want YOU to Read'."
For your free 30 day Trial Subscription, contact Mark at:, or call 203-856-4441.
More about the Spreadsheet(s) --- there are two levels.
The IGVSI Selection Worksheet is a straightforward, twelve-column, spreadsheet containing the day’s "Watch List" of all Investment Grade Value Stocks that either meet the investment criteria outlined in "The Brainwashing of the American Investor"--- or are in the "Bull Pen".
All that’s left for you to do is to create your own Buy List, and to keep an eye on the changing prices using your broker, on-line financial website, or the "advanced version" of the program. You decide when and what to buy. You decide when to take your profits.
The Merritt Spreadsheets are designed for investors who want to implement the specific methodology documented in "The Brainwashing of the American Investor: the Book that Wall Street does not want YOU to Read!" If you have not read the book, you won't be able to use the program as effectively.
Buy it now at
It Just Doesn't Get Any Easier Than This!
Let Merritt Information Strategies do the baseline calculations that zero in on the Value Stocks that are worth considering for your portfolio. They do all the behind-the-scenes calculations and email you a daily Excel spreadsheet. Just pour yourself a cup of coffee, download, and plan your investment day.
There are over 2400 stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange, but less than 400 are considered Investment Grade Value Stocks. Sure, YOU can look up the S & P ratings, four months of closing prices, industries, percentages down from the 52-week high, dividend yields, and previous day's close, etc.
And then, after you take a break to sharpen your pencil, you can calculate the “buy at” prices and create a watch list. Or Merritt can do the research and calculations for you. Steve Selengut, creator of the Market Cycle Investment Management methodology (and of all the strategies it includes), has been using these spreadsheets in his management business ever since they were developed many years ago.
(Click here to view the "Standard" Version of the Spreadsheet.)
Can't do all of this yourself? Contact Steve for more information.
Get started with the "Standard" Spreadsheet Program today, for just $19.95 per month.
- Minimum subscription = 3 months
- Earn a free month for each paid referral!
- Get nine months of service for the price of eight; twelve for the price of ten!
Upgrade: Effective right now, you can upgrade to the new "Advanced Version" of the Value Stock Spreadsheet Program.