You Never Know When You Will Need Long-Term Care |
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For example, CNN Television reporter, Jan Chorlton, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s at only age 55.
Jan’s Story: A Love Lost to Alzheimer’s
Jan Chorlton was a promising television reporter working with CNN, ABC, and even “CBS Sunday Morning.” She was lively, daring, one of those people who celebrated life. But at only 40 years old, the subtle changes of lapses in memory began. Barry Petersen reports.
5.3 Million Americans suffer from
Alzheimer’s in 2010.
It is expected to by age 85, nearly
1 in 2 people will develop Alzheimer’s.
In the United States, Alzheimer’s ranks as the 6th leading cause of death, with over 5.3 million people currently suffering. It costs our nation over $172 billion annually, with nearly 11 million Americans acting as unpaid caregivers to someone with the disease.
With the impending “aging tsunami” unfolding, it is anticipated that around 10 million Baby Boomers will end up developing Alzheimer’s. It is expected that of those who reach the age of 85, nearly one in two will get it. By 2050, current population trends indicate that there will as many as 16 million Americans suffering from Alzheimer’s.

Just consider these statistics:
- an American Baby Boomer will turn 65 every 8 seconds from 2011
- and every 70 seconds, someone in the U.S. develops Alzheimer’s
- the number of Americans dying each year from the disease has risen 66% in the last 10 years
- for every $100 the US Government spends on Alzheimer’s research – it spends at least $50,000 on care for people needing dementia care
Why Do I Need A Long-Term Care Plan?
Because of old age, mental or physical illness, or injury, some people find themselves in need of help with eating, bathing, dressing, toileting or continence, and/or transferring (e.g., getting out of a chair or out of bed). These six actions are called Activities of Daily Living–sometimes referred to as ADLs. In general, if you can't do two or more of these activities, or if you have a cognitive impairment, you are said to need "long-term care".
Long-term care isn't a very helpful name for this type of situation because, for one thing, it might not last for a long time. Some people who need ADL services might need them only for a few months or less. Many people think that long-term care plans is provided exclusively in a nursing home. It can be, but it can also be provided in an adult day care center, an assisted living facility, or at home.
Assistance with ADLs, called "custodial care" may be provided in the same place as (and therefore is sometimes confused with) "skilled care". Skilled care means medical, nursing, or rehabilitative services, including help taking medicine, undergoing testing (e.g. blood pressure), or other similar services. This distinction is important because Medicare and most private health insurance pay only for skilled care–not custodial care.
Why Should I Consider Long Term Care Insurance?
- Help to protect my savings and assets
- Provide access to more care options
- At Home
- In the community
- In a facility
- Protect the quality of life for my family and me
- Provide peace of mind
Life Insurance Plans
We offer a universal life insurance policy with optional long-term care benefit riders. The coverage is issued by a highly rated major national insurance company which provides guaranteed benefits you can tap into to reimburse qualified long-term care costs, helping to protect assets you've set aside for retirement. It offers a simple solution that makes sense for today and for tomorrow. Guarantees are backed by the claims-paying ability of this major carrier.
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