Photoshop CS 2 - Set Default Workspace |
Submitted by Teo Graca
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Regarding the "Set Default Workspace" functionality.... Yes... I am still using Photoshop CS2 on one of my computers. After turning auto-updates OFF about a year ago, since everything worked correctly, somehow Adobe turned the automatic updates on again. Then I got one of their wonderful updates. The only noticeable thing it did was BREAK the “Set Default Workspace” feature.
So I ventured onto the Internet, and could not find anything on this issue. The app used to save my last window arrangement as the DEFAULT… great functionality… The system now loads the system presets every time I load Photoshop… and I can’t seem to fix this. There are plenty of details on how to "SAVE Workspaces," but they are all labelled wrong - labeled as "Set DEFAULT Workspace" - wrong words... nothing posted anywhere that I could find… Next Best Option... SAVE Workspace:

Saving a configuration and then loading that configuration every time is the only option… (Window>>Workspace>>Save Workspace) Got 3 clicks to execute every time I want to work (Window>>Workspace>>Teo’s Workspace) – that doesn’t seem like much, but it’s way more than ZERO clicks, and represents about 64,000 potential wrong ways to get my workspace back up (3 clicks to the power of 40… about 40 possible clicks, 1 right, 39 wrong, per click). LOAD Workspace:

For every major step forward Adobe takes, they take several minor (if you consider this minor) steps backwards.
This auto update thing should be illegal in my opinion… in cases where you (or I) don’t want it… My opinion regarding software upgrades… if it is installed on my computer, and it works, please don’t fix it! Adobe also broke my Premiere installation, permanently… Again, the situation was the same… auto updates turned off… somehow turned on again… auto update executed… guess they were forcing an upgrade in that case… very malicious….
What do you think?
PS – got something that takes 8 clicks in Photoshop? That represents over 6.5 Trillion wrong combinations… (8 to the power of 40)… do the math and be amazed that anyone can do anything using computers! lol Most of the stuff I do is repetitive in Photoshop… and 8 to 12 clicks… my scientific calculator doesn’t have numbers big enough to calculate the potential wrong combinations for 9 or more clicks…
PSS - For Photoshop CS 5 - Adobe makes a lot of references to "Interface preferences" and suggests you can set a default configuration, but I can't find it anywhere in their documentation.
PSSS - Another "minor" step backwards? In CS 2, the word was "Workspace" and it has changed to "Interface" in CS 5. Changes like these can only be good or bad in a subjective sense, like "the blue is too blue" or "the blue is not blue enough" unless you can find some real issue that demonstrates a real problem. Well... here it is... inconsistency in nomenclature creates inconsistency in documentation between versions. Inconsistency in nomenclature creates confusion for previous users upgrading. I have been using Photoshop since 1992, when it went from version 2 to 3 (3's major step forward was the addition of layers). I really wish the Photoshop team would get a REAL usability expert working with them.., They're not as bad as some companies, but on a usability scale of 1 to 10, I give them a 3.
Click for Details --> Photoshop CS 5 <--