About Extraordinary Lifestyles |
Submitted by Tim Rhodes
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Extraordinary Lifestyles was created because of the continuing desire for developing a life that brings richness and fulfilling experiences. It is about redefining what is possible.

It’s really not that difficult to live an extraordinary life. Most people look at those who are having success around them, and desire the same thing, but end up tossing their dreams in the too-hard basket. Everything in life starts with a dream. Those who move on to an extraordinary lifestyle understand how important doing that little bit extra is to make their dreams a reality.
You cannot move into the realm of success without first learning how to get there. Many articles highlight how successful people spend years perfecting their crafts - they develop a mindset destined for success. They don’t waste time filling their heads with gossip, reality TV shows, negative news, dis-empowering emotions or anything else that will get in the way of their goals. They also find successful people and learn how to follow in their footsteps. A powerful coach/mentor can inspire others to move forward, achieve goals, and grow into what they have always wanted.
Here are a few absolutes.
- Dreaming (critical first step) does not bring your dreams to reality.
- You have to take action.
- Achieving success means playing full out.
Action means - stretching your comfort zone. It may be uncomfortable, but we only grow by stretching what we think is impossible. Fear is the most common and uncomfortable denomanator that stops us from attaining the dream we deserve.
More valuable advice.
- You cannot get - without giving.
Understand that in order for you to go from ordinary to extraordinary, a dedicated mindset is required. Some assume that means sacrifice, but successful people know it is more of a "success" attitude.
The longer you are involved in the process of moving from ordinary to extraordinary, the easier it will be for you to see the opportunities that float past you daily. Some call it luck, but opportunities are available everywhere. If you can't envision it, you will miss them. Preparation is the key. Luck is a matter of envisioning success, placing yourself in the path of opportunity, and capturing it as it comes to pass. If you are prepared for it and ignore uncertainty, you can grab hold your luck with gusto. 
This most profound statement speaks of change - "Change is the only constant in life." These are wise words indeed. It is certainly true in our fast-paced world today with technology changing at lightning speed. Reinvention is the new byword and key to adapting to change and creating your own luck.
So much of what is achieved in life is the direct result of interacting with others. Be ready to give a little extra; it is actually an attitude within itself - an extra smile, helping others in a small extra way, a bit of extra manners. Take some time to get to know and understand the people you meet in a more personal way. It is difficult to have success in your life without helping and sharing along the way.
Living life with Passion is the power kicker that will bring your dreams towards you at rocket speed. Without passion, your dreams will at best come crawling to you. Going from ordinary to extraordinary means you are living full out with passion.
Perfect living life from a higher emotive state of love, enthusiam and beliefs.
Let's consider 3 key concepts for a moment.
Change. The word itself can be quite scary and bring up all kinds of fears (FEAR = false events appearing real). Perhaps we could learn from nature - change is natural. Change has been happening for billions of years and nature adapts and is beautiful. The easier you adapt to change - the more beautiful you become.
Vision. Get a clear and compelling vision. What beliefs, goals or values may be in conflict? Develop strong reasons to follow through. Align your psychology so you naturally take action in the direction you want most. Maintain total honesty about where you are now and where you will be in the future.
Coaching. This is the process of unlocking your potential and understanding to gain clarity. Coaching is your tool to remove self-imposed limitations - it provides the opportunity to capture your dreams. Coaching produces positive and lasting change - it maximizes performance and creates calm in a crisis. It leads to a fulfilled life! 
- Coaching is Focus
- Focus brings Vision
- Vision flows through Change
With your coach, you truly define the power of clarity and get the results you are committed to achieving. The next step is assessment with absolute candor - where you are now - where you want to be – and what’s in between. With a team effort, you identify the things that keep you from achieving the results you desire and deserve. Your coach helps create a game plan. That plan is your “Pathway to Power.” It is not based on hope or theory. It is modeled after those who have already achieved real results.
Coaching is an art as well as a skill. Top coaches are typically M.B.A's and sometimes Ph.D. graduates with 20 plus years experience. All have significant executive assessment and intervention experience. Coaching is built on open and honest communication. It is a deep and profound exploration into what your limits are and how you can embrace your greatness. Coaches ignite potential and develop extraordinary lifestyles for individuals ready for the next step in their lives.
When you are ready to bring focus to your vision, consider coaching from Extraordinary Lifestyles.
Explore your options by contacting Tim Rhodes today!
- (802) 779-0288 (phone)
- Tim.Rhodes44 (Skype)
- TimRhodes (Twitter)