Personal Creed: 11 Steps to Disconnect from Addictive Sugar and Synthetic Sweeteners |
Submitted by Melissa Hayes English
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Personal creed for help with getting control over your sugar addiction
1. I am learning to be more in control of my choices with food and drink by nourishing my cells and body properly with plenty of filtered water, quality chemical free protein and whole grains, organic fruits and vegetables, vitamins and minerals.
2. I commit to doing the best I possibly can to keep the addictive ingredients out of my living environment.
3. I am learning about the effects of constant sugar and synthetic sweetener use from Dr. Nancy Appleton, Dr. Mercola, Dr. Richard Blaylock, and other experts in these areas. Potential dementia, heart problems, alcoholism, cancer, attention disorders, intestinal destruction, juvenile delinquency in children, mood swings from mild to severe, weight gain and obesity help me remember how serious these constant additives can be in my food supply.
4. Every day, I strive to replace my negative eating and drinking habits with more positive choices and lifestyle changes for myself and those who care about me.
5. I am aware of how the consumption of alcohol and caffeine can create failure during my disconnect process.
6. I know the value of drinking high quality filtered water and drink 6-8 glasses every day.
7. I am learning to be more motivated to consume the highest quality ingredients for increased personal and planetary health. Cheap, chemically filled food does not serve me or the health of Mother Earth.
8. Before I go to social or business events I make a conscious effort to eat the right foods in advance so I am not hungry upon arrival.
9. I eat for the benefit of my own wellbeing and pledge to overcome any sense of obligation when others offer me food or drinks that are not in alignment with my goals. “Thanks, it looks (or sounds) great, but I’ll pass” is an adequate refusal. I stand strong in my position and hold firm.
10. My eating, drinking and exercise habits set a good example for my loved ones.
11. When and if I fall out of step with these commitments, I agree to recommit as quickly as possible. I forgive myself and move forward with a renewed sense of positive determination because I choose to be healthier and free of the cravings.
To gain a better understanding of the effects of aspartame (commonly called Nutra Sweet) and how toxic it is for your health, go see:
Aspartame is also called Equal, Nutrasweet, Equal Measure, Spoonful, Canderal (E951)
Splenda (or sucralose) has it's own toxicity problems - It is NOT just like sugar as the ads say!
Click for Details --> How to beat sugar addiction <--