
Getting Started Making Money On The Internet: Finding Your Passion |
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One of the hardest decisions to make concerning starting a home business is what kind of business to start! Research proves that in order to have the determination and drive to grow a business, you need to have an emotional investment in it. 9 times out of 10 that requires having a passion for what you do. However, a lot of women wanting to work at home mistakenly believe they dont have a marketable talent or skill. Here is how any woman can find a niche for her business that will tap into her personal passions!
First off, you will need an idea notebook. This is a great tool for the learning process, and you will use it in all three steps of Women-on-the-Net.coms step by step approach! It can be as simple as a 79 cent spiral notebook. A highlighter is also helpful to help you pick out the ideas you want to implement. You may even wish to have 3 highlighter colors, that way, after every days notetaking session, you can highlight with one color, the No way thats not for Mes, another color for the Maybe, Ill look into it mores and the last color for YES, PERFECTs! This will make it easier to put together a business plan later. (Dont let the idea of a business plan scare you
it is for your benefit only, and does not have to be complicated.)
Now, in order to propel your passion, you need to have a mission statement. Write on the first page of your notebook all the reasons you want to start a business, large and small. Now put the 3 most important reasons in positive sentence form, such as
I will create a profitable business where I can create a better financial future for myself and my family, create pride within myself, and make a difference in this world and my community. (Feel free to steal that one if it works for you!)
Your reasons are very personal, and no one will see this but you, but it is important to have this statement written down, to give you strength in the days nothing seems to go right! And trust me, there will be a few. But in the long run, keep your eye on your mission, and you can succeed!
Next, you need to find your passion. In a column on the next page, start listing all the things you can think of that you have ever enjoyed. Putting on kids birthday parties? Put it down. Reading about fine art? It goes down too. Bake a killer cheesecake? Enjoy reading to the blind? At this point, dont limit yourself, you will edit later. And dont limit to things you feel you have a talent or skill for, just enjoyment. (There are many ways to gain knowledge and skill for a business if you truly have a passion for it.) Spend a little time on this, after all, your business future could be on this page!
Now once you have a nice long list, narrow it down to your four favorite choices.
At this point you may have one or two things that you know are your passion. Perhaps everyone knows you are a passionate skydiver, and that made your top four. You live for it, you love it, and you know a lot about it. Start with this subject.
Notice that I keep mentioning some pretty varied passions
this is just to show you, you are not limited on the net to certain kinds of businesses. If there is a market, and people want to know and learn about a subject, there is a way to make money from it!
Now we are going to take your passions and see if there is a market for them, and a fair chance at a profit. Using a keyword tool such as that at Inventory.Overture.com, type in the keywords for your subject. Keywords are the words someone might use in a search engine while searching for info on your subject. For instance, TheBudgetDecorator.coms most popular keywords are budget decorating and decorating on a budget. When I punch those into a keyword tool, it tells me there have been thousands of searches for those keywords. That tells me there is a market. However, if your subject is mating habits of North American Widgets
chances are, the searches are going to be very small, which means, no market. While its important to pick a subject for your business you have passion for, its equally, if not more important that you will have people out there who want to be your customer! If your first subject choice turns out to have a small market, no problem, you have four more to consider! Do keyword searches on all four, than see if you can choose one based on the market size, and your preferences. If you cant, go back to your list and pick four more choices!
Narrow the list down, and you will hit on a passionate subject with potential for profit
your new business!
To read the next article in this step by step series, go to http://www.Women-on-the-Net.com/steptwo_internet.html

LinkedIn Recommendation:
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