
You and the Health Care Debate |
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Submitted by Fritz Scheffel
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There are basically two very different sides to the health care debate, but only one side is getting a great deal of publicity. This is unfair, but it is happening because politicians and new media people control media communications and favor a socialistic form of health care.
It is ALL ABOUT POWER over our lives, and they control the news!!! Socialized medicine is a very inferior type of health care that has been tried around the world and in some third rate countries still exists. Further, it has never successfully supplied health care to the people who live in the socialized states.
The primary question to me is why anyone who understands health care would favor such an inferior system? I just used a word that is at the crux of the problem "understands". Most people DO NOT understand what health care is and our greatest challenge is to educate people about health care so they are better equipped to make the right choices. By the way, the two basic options for health care systems would be either "socialized medicine" or a "free enterprise" market based system.
Also, let's not play games with it comes to naming a health care system Universal Health Care. The word "universal" is used because politicians and the news media understand the word "socialism" has a bad reputation and people understand socialism is not good. Let's call it what it is.
Let's first look at the potential problems with socialized health care. The first problem is socialized health care will be run by the government and the government's record for successfully managing ANY program is non-existent. Never in the history of this country has the government successfully run a program of any kind and the reason is simple. When the government is running, or managing a program of any kind failure, or lack of any signs of success, is never admitted.
Instead, politicians or government officials will claim "we just haven't spent enough money" on this program and will allocate more funds (actually our tax dollars) to make us think they are really doing something good for the program that they want us to believe it will now magically work, and this goes on and on, year after year.
Compare this approach for "program fixing" with a "free enterprise" run program. A free enterprise market managing a program may fail, but if it does those running the program will either terminate it or make changes so it will be successful. Think real hard now, have you ever heard of any government program being "terminated", I can't. Instead, it seems that all government programs continue in perpetuity continuing to waste more and more of our tax dollars. Politicians simply to not have the guts to admit a program they voted for has "failed".
So, the first problem with socialized medicine is that it is a government program. Another is it will lead to "rationing" of health care services. The politicians will establish a "government board" to monitor how a doctor treats your health needs. Surely you don't believe the government will allow a doctor to spend whatever dollars he/she deems necessary for your treatments, do you?
The last time I checked we do not live in "fantasy land". Whatever treatments your doctor deems you need will have to first be explained to this "wonderful" new government board for approval. Their decision to either approve or deny the recommended treatment(s) will probably be based on your age, value to the community, monetary costs, etc. In other words, the government board will determine if you are to get health care treatments or not.
In the news recently was an example of one of the hazards of socialized medicine, and it involved a patient in need of a hip replacement in a foreign country where socialized medicine exists. It seems the regulators determined that this patient was too fat and should have known the excess weight was going to be harmful to his/her body and they refused to let the government pay for this patient's hip replacement.
This, or course, leads to another potential problem associated with socialized medicine and this would be a "shortage" of doctors. Why would any person preparing for the future decide to become a doctor and spend tons of money for an education and more money setting up a practice only to become "employees" of the government and have the "government" tell them how to practice medicine?
When you look down the road of socialized medicine it is not hard to realize there may be no doctors in the future. The only good news I can offer for socialized medicine is that doctors would be protected from litigious lawyers because government employees would be off limits to these terrible and thoroughly useless people who contribute absolutely nothing to society.
On the other hand, free enterprise, or market based, health care works. I entered the health care field as a young man before the government got involved. Free enterprise health care works! I will admit it was not perfect, but life being what it is, no system will be perfect. But this I can guarantee, a free enterprise health care system will work much, much, much better than ANY government run program for health care. We are in this mess today because back then, too many people were only too eager to accept the promises of politicians.
The government run health care in the beginning was created for no other reason than to allow politicians to buy votes from the poor. The poor were pawns then and are still pawns today because the plain truth is that politicians have no expertise in health care and really do not even care about your health, or mine. They are looking for power over our lives and longevity in office.
My goal is to become involved enough in the health care debate to present a voice of truth. Those speaking the loudest advocating socialized medicine seem to be people who are unwilling to accept responsibility for their own health and health care needs and they need to be educated about the truth.
We are working to help everyone understand what health care really is, and as politicians continue to create more programs that have no chance of working, we will become involved in "educating" them. It would be very effective if we could amass millions of voices to let our politicians know we are watching them and their decisions regarding health care.
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