White Papers as Syndicated Content |
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Submitted by Teo Graca
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There is a huge shift taking place where businesses are pulling white papers off their sites and reworking them as social media content – they are branding the information from their white papers as specialized or niche information and establishing themselves as experts in their industries by generating interest in the information through syndicates (collections of interested people). The reworked content provides unique and valuable insights to interested people (the syndicate) and provides an opportunity for people to get to know, like and trust them in the process.
The content doesn’t necessarily have to be placed off your main website – the social media sites can point back to the content pages on your website. Social book-marking sites like Delicious, Digg and Reddit allow you and others to add it to their bookmarks and every “add” counts as a “vote” for the content. When the reworked white paper content gets book-marked by 50-100 people, it gets significant attention from the search engines and brings up your website’s rankings in the search engines – it is seen as much more relevant than a single downloadable white paper with no real traffic and no way to be indexed by the search engines.
There are very specific techniques available to allow your content to be set up properly indexed by the search engines, which I will cover later. If your content is not indexed properly, it will not be found and remain unknown and unread. As businesses begin to realize that they have huge assets (white papers) just sitting around doing nothing, they are beginning to make this transition to using their white papers as content assets for marketing.
From Teo's book:
Social Media Marketing and Syndication
The Evolution of Advertising
Copyright 2009 GLI Publishing
All rights reserved
Edition 1.0 eBook
ISBN: 978-1-61623-440-9
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LinkedIn Recommendation:
Scott Dunn - Helping Clients Create Brands and Communications that Build Know, Like and Trust with Their Target Market. - Teo is a true professional. He is very detailed driven and has the ability to provide solutions to problems when others have given up. He knows the value of research and if he does not know an answer, he will do the research to find it. - February 11, 2008, Scott was with another company when working with Teo at Net-Teams, Inc.