I am always seeking more on the origins of man and I love the to keep up on things like Adam's Calendar, Stone Henge, Atlantis, Chichibu, Minoan, Etruskin and other cultures. There are some common threads that bring it all together, and I have assembled a few items that I like here.
The oldest structure found to date is in Japan from 500,000 years ago and is credited to Homo Erectus, predating currently accepted Homo Sapiens existence by about 1/4 million years.
Another very old structure called "Adam's Calendar" in Africa is credited as 75,000 years old and some say may have been populated as long as 200,000 years ago.
Many use archeoastronomy to date man made structures. This technique compares star alignments with the tilt of the earth to back date the structures. The Earth's axis oscillates between 22 degrees and 1 minute to an extreme of 24 degrees and 5 minutes and back, which takes roughly 41,000 years to complete one full cycle.
The alignments at the Kalasasaya temple in the ruins of Tiahuanacu in Bolivia depict a tilt of the Earth's axis amounting to 23 degrees, 8 minutes, 48 seconds, indicating a date of 15,000 B.C. The extinction events, one which occurred in this area around 9,000 BC and there are other factors which reinforce the 15,000 B.C. age of the structures.
PUMA PUNKU is estimated to be around 17,000 years old by some, but carbon-14 dates from the site place the construction at no earlier that 1,700 BC. The stones in Puma Punku are made up of granite and diorite. The only stone that is harder that those two, is the diamond. There are precision cuts and drilled holes in the stones that prove a technology existed then that doesn't exist now. This is serious proof that we have lost something of real value and this is probably an outcrop of the Atlantis civilization.
It is evident there was a world-wide deluge 19,000 years ago. Collina-Girard's assessment of the coral reef data shows the coastline off the southernmost tip of Spain and around Gibraltar 19,000 years ago to have been around 130 metres (422 feet) below what it is today.
I tend to believe that Atlantis originated in Indonesia until 11,600 years ago when some cataclysmic event ended this golden era. I like to think that civilizations were spawned all over the world while the water ocean level was 300-350 feet lower. I cannot find any real geological data on this history of Krakatoa's history past 1,500 years, but am still looking.
Two cultures subcultures that come to mind are the Minoan and the Etruscan cultures in the Mediterranean. They were advanced, yet peaceful, which is what you would expect after a deluge that wiped out civilizations around the world - few people left means little or no war. Of course, I am talking about 11,600 years ago through about 5,000 years ago. By the time these cultures show up in our history, the population had grown significantly and war again would became rampant. This is our history - they way we are naturally. To me, "the meek shall inherit the earth" means the meek will be killed and be buried in the earth when push comes to shove.
There is some good data on the changes in sea level over the last in This Article. "The earliest Holocene abrupt climate changes occurred at 12,800, 8200, 5200, and 4200 B.P."
Be happy we live in such a wonderful time now and don't worry about what could happen. Enjoy! Worrying doesn't change anything, it just ruins the moment. Classic worry warts include 3CPO and Dr. Smith!
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